生命的折枝 | 江山烈士纪念馆

2019/09/03 11:11:54
浙江江山是方红色热土,为铭记历史、缅怀先烈、警示未来,当地政府决定兴建江山烈士纪念馆。项目选址于城市西侧山地公园的最南端,用地东向以西山路与城市为邻,北接西山公园,南、西两侧邻近原有公共墓园。基地东西最大落差约 18 米,南北落差约 12 米。
▼南向鸟瞰,aerial view from south ©赵强
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Jiangshan City in Zhejiang Province of China is a “red” and heroic land where many revolutionaries sacrificed their lives to fight for the liberty of the nation and the people. In order to remember the history and revolutionary martyrs as well as take warning for the future, the local government decided to build the Jiangshan Martyrs Memorial Hall. Located on the south end of a mountain park, the project is adjacent to Xishan Road and urban area on the east, Xishan Park on the north, and the already-existed public cemetery on south and west sides. The north-south and east-west elevation discrepancy on the site are respectively 18 meters and 12 meters or so.
▼场地东西向标高关系,east-west section of the site
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We hold a historical and neutral view on wars. Even for good and just purposes, wars inevitably cause death and let many families suffer from losing their loved ones. Considering that the revolutionary historical resources in Jiangshan Martyrs Memorial Hall are relatively limited, we proposed to imitate and present the image of “soldiers’ who fought at the end of life in an abstract way and through architectural languages, hoping to evoke people’s reflection on wars and life and remind them to cherish and maintain the current peaceful environment. We eventually decided to take “The Broken Branch of Life” as the design theme.
▼西北向鸟瞰,aerial view from northwest©赵强
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▼生命的折枝,The Broken Branch of Life©赵强
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Jiangshan Martyrs Memorial Hall is close to the entrance of Xishan Park. Since the Park is a public leisure place for citizens, we tried to weaken the solemnity of the conventional memorial architecture and endow it with open and amiable qualities.
▼多向动线的场地设计,site plan with amultiwaycirculation
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- Openness is firstly reflected on its close connection with the city and natural surroundings. To be specific, the project is linked to Xishan Park’s entrance and urban area on the east side through landscaped steps, connected with a branch road and the city on south and west sides.- On the north side, there is an exit that adjoins a mountain path, while on the south of the architecture we set a spacious landscaped trail.- All the above-mentioned entrances and circulations form a network, and result in an open three-dimensional memorial venue where people can flexibly move, stop, rest and contemplate.
▼南向入口景观,south entrance©赵强
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开放性,还在于在用地东侧设置有大型台地式纪念广场。广场约 78 米纵长 38 米横宽,结合南北近 4 米的高差,设置阶状绿化、纪念林地、纪念长廊、和平塔等。纪念广场既能满足常规的纪念性活动,同时,草阶绿植构筑的广场配备有座椅、凉廊、公共洗手间等,有着亲和舒朗的人本氛围,使得此地有如西山公园的南向“纪念客厅”,充分彰显了开放性特征。
On the east side of the site, there is a large split-level memorial square constructed in line with the site’s terrain, which also manifests openness. The square is 78 meters long and 38 meters wide. Based on the nearly 4-meter elevation difference between its north and south sides, we set a steps-shaped greening area, a grove, a memorial gallery, and a flat tower, etc. The square fully meets the needs of memorial activities. Besides, it’s equipped with various considerable designs such as benches, shady corridor and washroom, which produce an amiable and comfortable ambience. The square is like the south-facing “reception hall” of Xishan Park, which is open to the citizens.
▼开场的台地式纪念广场,the large split-level memorial square©赵强
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园看建筑,view to the building from the cemetery area©赵强
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▼生命之路作为场地的东西向空间轴,Path of Life as the spatial axis stretches in the east-west direction©赵强
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的路径表面嵌置条形灯带,”Path of Life”: the path is paved with grooved stone stabs, with strips embedded on the surface©赵强
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▼白玉花环,White Jade Wreath©赵强
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和平塔,the peace tower©赵强
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纪念广场既以建筑与片墙围构,总体双向对称,有着隐约的庄重的氛围;南侧纪念长廊留白为篆刻纪念主题的相关信息,石墙与日影的推移,有如时间与逝者的低语;林地南侧,和平塔默然而立;台地广场上更特别植栽 78 棵广玉兰树,希冀以纯洁的白色之花作为对生命的追思与缅怀……
Enclosed by architecture and non-load-bearing walls, the memorial square features a symmetrical layout and an implicit solemn ambience. The memorial gallery is on the south, and the stone walls beside it leave space for engraving memorial information. The orderly arrangement of those walls and the interaction between light and shadows, make the gallery seem to be awash with the whispering of time and life. On the south of the grove, the “Peace Tower” erects in silence. In remembrance of lost lives, 78 evergreen magnolia grandiflora trees that blossom pure white flowers were specially planted on the split-level square.
▼次入口广场,secondary entrance square©赵强
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▼西入口室外通道,outdoor pathway of the west entrance©赵强
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▼入口过厅平台,lobby terrace©赵强
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▼纪念长廊,the memorial gallery©赵强
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▼西立面局部,west facade detailed view©赵强
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而在纪念方庭,在 10 米跨度、30 度斜向凌空出挑的极富张力的“折枝”挑板之下,条状块体有如碎片般散落搭接,象征着生命的瞬间陨落;块体表面,同样选刻有战士的时间信息,使纪念方庭成为整个纪念主轴空间与主题的鲜活高潮。而方庭西向墙外即是墓园,随形就势、层层跌落的石阶花圃,清肃整洁。墓池以黑灰砾石和锈红钢板为底,冬青树和映山红围护青石墓碑,象征着烈士的归宿与重生。
The “Broken Branch” above the square atrium is constructed with a folding slab, which stretches 10 meters long and protrudes with a 30-degree incline, full of tension. Under it, there are many scattered fragment-like stone blocks on the ground, which symbolize the “fall” of life. Information of martyrs is engraved on the surfaces of those blocks, making the atrium a climax space that highlights the memorial attribute and theme.
Outside the west wall of the atrium is the cemetery, the design of which respects the site’s terrain. The parterres are arranged in an orderly way, featuring stone steps. The base of each tomb is covered with dark grey gravel stones and red steel panels, and grey stone tablets are circled by evergreen trees and azalea, together constituting the resting place for martyrs and symbolizing rebirth.
▼纪念方庭,the square atrium©赵强
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▼条状块体散落搭接在极富张力的“折枝”挑板之下,a series of fragment-like stone blocks scatter under the dramatic form of the“Broken Branch”©赵强
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The overall design is characterized by many poetic expressions. Firstly, the “Path of Life” indicates the memorial property of the architecture by imitating the course of “running, breaking, falling and returning” via architectural languages. Such poetic and abstract design aims to let visitors follow the “footprints” and the circulation to experience the special process at the end of martyrs’ life and evoke their emotions. It not only presents a series of physical movements, but more importantly, enables the echoing of lives of the deceased and visitors.
Furthermore, the integration of multiple themes, including time and space, as well as life and death, is also poetic. The starting point of the “Path of Life”, the “Broken Branch” at the atrium and the cemetery correspond to the course of “living – death – resting”, which also implicitly coincide with the process of “returning to nature from city” and indicate the endless cycle of time, space, birth and death. The lush trees, as well as the white and red azalea, keep changing throughout the year in an endless cycle.
▼墓园回望,view to the ceremony area©赵强
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▼西向全景,overlook from west©赵强
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即使是平实的服从抑或是崇高的信仰这一刻这些人都将身体赤裸于震天的炮响即使是为着家园的破碎抑或是为着国度的存亡这一刻这些人都曾纵身跃入历史的汪洋正因为正因为这些人这些裸露与纵身怯懦或果敢使我们得以跨越跨越曾经的苦难因而今天今天我们是否可以以这样一种方式以生命的折枝以集体或个人的名义记忆这些无名史书上的战士毕竟这是他们的战场更是他们的故乡这首小诗是我们 6 年前设计初始的思考记录,而今,这个小小建筑终于得以实现。在此期间,行为的情景复现、空间的折转开合、主题的多重隐喻、时间的递进回环,是一直萦绕于心的话题。我们希冀,项目最终能呈现上述所有方面的融合,也能确切成为现当代纪念建筑创作思潮的融汇并发展。2018 年 4 月 4 日,正值清明前夜,纪念广场上的广玉兰一夜凋零,“白玉无瑕、昙花一现”,这令人无尽唏嘘的场景难道不正是所有烈士短暂生命的特殊写照吗?而若置身于历史长河,这些由着战争的名义、瞬间的生死,又何尝不值得所有观者稍稍驻足并郑重回想?
▼西向鸟瞰,aerial view from west©赵强
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Whether just for obedience, Or for noble faith, At that moment, those people, Expose themselves to a hail of bullets and shells.
Whether for the broken home, Or for national survival, At that moment, those people, Jumped into the ocean of history.
It was because of those people, whether timid or resolute, That we were enabled to Surmount the past miseries.
Hence today, can we, Via “The Broken Branch of Life”, And in the name of a group or individuals, Remember those nameless soldiers? After all, this is the land where they fought, And moreover, their hometown.
This is a short poem we wrote 6 years ago, which record our thinking at the beginning of design process. And today, our imagination and expectation on this architecture were realized.As approaching the project, we integrated the reproduction of scenes, the transition of space, multi-themed metaphors and the progressive loop of time into the architectural design, hoping it show the fusion and further development of design trends regarding contemporary and modern memorial architectures.
On April 4, 2018 — the eve of Qingming Festival, white magnolia grandiflora flowers on the memorial square withered and fell off overnight. Isn’t similar to the short life course of martyrs? During the long process of human history, so many lives ended all of a sudden in the name of wars. We hope all the people who visit this place will stop for a while and reflect on history.
▼总平面图,site plan
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