The Law Court of Balaguer is located at the old Quarter of the city. Balaguer is characterised by the brown-red chromatic of the geology –stone and earth- and a structure of extremely narrow and steep streets. The irregular morphology of the old quarter is well adapted to the rugged topography.
▼旧城地势崎岖街道上下起伏,Balaguer is characterised by a structure of extremely narrow and steep streets
▼建筑与场地达成了一种平衡,a balance between the strict and thigh requirements of the brief and the irregular and complex reality of the site
There is a balance between the strict and thigh requirements of the brief and the irregular and complex reality of the site. Inside, a regular structure organises the internal spaces and program. Outside, the alignments, porches and urban traces shape the volume. In-between inside and outside, in-between program/type and site, there is a thick space of transition that deals with privacy, intimacy and modulates natural light.
▼法院入口处,the entrance of the court
▼用于调节自然光的过渡空间, a thick space of transition that deals with privacy, intimacy and modulates natural light
Materiality is explored to achieve a permeable architecture. From basic units, an assembly system is established that configures a new element. Industrialized elements are applied hand- craftily. The facade may seem very opaque from the distance outside, but when one gets closer inside, it becomes permeable. On the daylight, the facade is heavy and mute and at night comes it becomes lighter and permeable. Materiality is live and variable as it changes and responds to its context conditions.
▼远看并不通透的外立面,the facade becomes permeable when gets closer inside
▼夜幕时分立面变得轻透可人,the facade becomes lighter and permeable at night
▼规则的结构组织起了室内空间和功能,a regular structure organises the internal spaces and program
▼楼梯,case stairs
▼区位图,site plan
▼平面图,floor plan
▼楼层分析图,floor diagram