Long Division 艺术装置

2019/08/01 16:01:43
围墙屏障通常被视为象征控制和权力的构筑物,但它们也是提供安全和庇护结构。汲取自这种张力关系,LeuWebb Project专门为场地设计的艺术作品‘Long Division’以围墙作为出发点,思考如何占据、融入、统领安大略省密西沙加Bradley博物馆周边的这片场地。
While barriers are often implicated in larger concerns related to control and power structures, fences can also provide security and sanctuary. Drawing out these tensions, LeuWebb Project’s site-specific work ‘Long Division’ uses the fence as a starting off point to consider how the land around Mississauga, Ontario’s Bradley Museum has been occupied, settled and colonized.
▼‘Long Division’装置鸟瞰,aerial view of ‘Long Division’ art work
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这件大地艺术作品呈现为非连通性开口的松散同心圆环,吸引参与者在围墙不同层次之间走动,最终将人们吸引到中央封闭圆环处。无论向前还是想后看,LeuWebb的‘Long Division’作品都呈现出对场地源起与处理的思考,同时将围墙概念引申为当前和近期国家与国界的象征,以及影射无法跨越的界限和对待移民、难民自由迁移不断变化的关系与态度。
The land art installation features a series of loosely concentric rings with discrete openings, inviting participants to move within the layers of fencing, ultimately drawing people to the impenetrable centre ring. Looking both forward and backwards, LeuWebb’s ‘Long Division’ calls into question the site’s origins and settlement while looking to the fence to expand outward to the current and near-future ideas of nation and boundary, the impermeability of borders and the shifting relationships and attitudes toward migrant’s and refugee’s freedom of movement.
▼松散的同心圆环结构,a series of loosely concentric rings
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▼作品具有非连通性的开口,discrete openings
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▼中央封闭圆环,the impenetrable centre ring
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The artists further explain that this work “engages in a dialogue with the Bradley Museum site and adds a new critical layer that opens up questions about control, exclusion and inclusion, ultimately seeking to complicate the idea of fence through subverting its function and formal qualities, inviting the potential for play and participatory structural manipulations.”
▼到访者与装置互动,interaction between visitors and the work
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▼作品激发人们开启关于控制、排斥、包容问题的思考,the work opens up questions about control, exclusion and inclusion
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项目是Noa Bronstein于2019年5月在加拿大安大略省密西沙加策展的‘Public Volumes’展览的受邀作品,其中也包括艺术家Joi T. Arcand, Germaine Koh, Morris Lum等等。
The work was commissioned for the ‘Public Volumes’ exhibition, May 2019, curated by Noa Bronstein, and including artists Joi T. Arcand, Germaine Koh, Morris Lum and others, in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
▼项目是‘Public Volumes’展览的受邀作品,the work was commissioned for the ‘Public Volumes’ exhibition
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Long Division: Borders, Boundaries and Barricades LeuWebb Projects http://leuwebb.ca/
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