

Although located in the city center of Chengdu China, the site of the project had been an abandoned floor for a few years. The floor is comprised of 80% indoor space and 20% outdoor area, while the height of the indoor space is as low as 2.5m in general, no higher than 2.3m at certain locations, there was an extremely strong contrast between dark and bright on site. The design breaks the sharp boundary between indoor and outdoor by introducing volumes onto the terrace, providing diverse perspectives and a variety of openings, transparency and translucency to blur and merge interior with exterior.
▼项目外观,exterior appearance
In this way the overall floor not only the confined photo studios is used for photography, and a multiplicity of scenarios can be adopted by the client. Different materials and geometries work together with light, shadow and reflection to maximize the possibilities of the photo scenarios. As a result the layout is a continuity of bodies which define space and circulation simultaneously, creating flow but also tension, providing users different feelings and ambiences of space. The relation between inside and outside is sometimes direct while in others a mysterious passage towards outside or natural light, generating powerful and magical moments for photography. The outdoor terrace is designed more settled and harmonious in contrast with the surrounding city scape.
▼室内与室外的关系直接,the relation between inside and outside is direct
▼窗洞模糊了室内外边界, a variety of openings merge interior with exterior.
▼窗洞细部,details of the openings
▼神秘的走道,mysterious passage
The required photo studios are designed as an extension of the indoor area towards the outdoor terrace so that they could gain height superior to 3.2m in the meanwhile reconfigure the terrace and connect the interiors with skylights and unexpected views towards the terrace and landscape.
▼室外露台,outdoor terrace
▼露台楼梯,terrace staircase
▼从摄影棚窗洞中可以看到室外的景色,view from the studio window to the outside
▼摄影棚几何形状窗户及天窗,geometric windows and skylights in the studio
Furthermore the program given by the client is very intricate and complex, which requires dividing the low ceiling height indoor space into small rooms and areas. In order to extend the visual depth of the suspended ceiling at the same time hiding all the equipment above, back lit metal mesh ceiling is used in interiors. Moreover the floor is designed to be reflective and in-between the ceiling and floor vertical elements are created which together with their reflections on the floor the notion of the height is increased.
▼室内使用了背光的金属网吊顶,back lit metal mesh ceiling is used in interiors
▼在天花与地面之间引入很多垂直竖线条,vertical elements are created in-between the ceiling and floor
▼低层高室内空间被划分成很多小的区域,dividing the low ceiling height indoor space into small areas
▼夜景,night view
▼平面图,floor plan
项目:奎恩摄影工作室改造 地点:中国成都市 建成时间:2019 建筑面积:2600 M2 建筑师:NTYPE 一质 设计团队:Joao Lemos,杨洋,Fabio Paulo,Henrique Narciso 驻场团队:毛舍予,周妮妮 摄影师:郑磊
Project: Queen Photo Studio Refurbishment Location: Chengdu China Completion Year: 2019 GFA: 2600 M2 Architect: NTYPE Design Team: Joao Lemos, Yang Yang, Fabio Paulo, Henrique Narciso Site Team: Mao Sheyu, Zhou Nini Photographer: Zheng Lei