苏州高新技术开发区一直处于城市化发展的前沿,通过一场邀请竞标,BAU 被选中为该地区设计一所学校,该学校包含一所拥有 24 间教室的幼儿园和一所拥有 48 间教室的小学。
BAU was selected through invited competition to design a combined 24-class kindergarten and 48-class primary school on the rapidly urbanizing fringe of Suzhou New District.
▼项目概览,general view ©Dera
▼从操场望向教学楼,view from the sports field© 夏至
Cutting edge education models explore a more interactive, collaborative, inquisitive, student-centred, teaching-learning environment. Consequently, the goal of the contemporary school building is to blur the line between formal teaching in classrooms and the informal learning of the in-between spaces. With smart spatial design, informal teaching can inhabit the informal learning spaces, and vice versa. This new approach to education requires the entire school to become a teaching-learning environment.
▼场地鸟瞰,aerial view© Dera
▼小学体块鸟瞰,primary school aerial view© Dera
幼儿园体块鸟瞰,kindergarten aerial view© Dera
先前的 BAU 学校项目都呈现了建筑作为图形在一片开放空间上的结果。这个项目(在一个较小场地中的小学和幼儿园)的图形背景平面可以视为反转——开放空间作为图形在建筑的背景之中——更像罗马大竞技场或纳尔沃纳广场,而非莱维敦或橡树公园。
Previous BAU school projects have lead to outcomes of buildings as figures on a ground of open space. With this project (a primary school and a kindergarten on a smaller site), the figure ground plan can be perceived as the reverse – open space as figures in a ground of building – more Circus Maximus or Piazza Navona than Levittown or Oak Park.
▼开放的场地,a ground of open space© 夏至
The site has been conceived as a building podium with the various open spaces required, extracted from that podium: the sports ground; the playground for the kindergarten children; the courtyards for the primary school children; entrances for both schools; and a ring of green between the schools and the footpath.
▼建筑外观,exterior view© 夏至
▼入口楼梯,entrance staircase© 舒赫
What remains is in effect a meandering beam that runs around all the open spaces. This meandering beam contains a new innovative network – traditional school corridors have been transformed into lumpy and generous spaces where informal teaching and learning are encouraged. Within the largest of these corridors, a number of semi-enclosed learning spaces are provided for informal events such as exhibitions and larger group work.
花园,garden© 舒赫
▼开放的走廊,the open corridor© 夏至
Six regular beams chasing the sun, contain modified classrooms and straddle the meandering beam. Within these beams, each pair of traditional classrooms is provided with a glass-walled meeting room. This enables smaller student teams to communicate without distracting the rest of the class, and still be within easy reach of the teacher. The informal / formal parts of the building are clearly articulated spatially, formally and materially.
▼大厅,the hall© 夏至
▼阶梯阅读区,the stepped reading area© 夏至
▼教室,classroom© 夏至
走廊,corridor© 舒赫
Working with Chinese classical gardens scholar, Craig Easton, the project engages with local geometries and motifs via unexpected framing, scaling, slippage, layering, wrapping and more to further integrate art and play with the learning environment.
艺术和游戏融入学习环境,artandplay are integrated with the learning environment © 夏至
交通空间,circulation area© 夏至
▼教学空间,learning space© 夏至
室内体育场,interior sports hall© 夏至
garden; to swing, climb, slide and jump in the muscle garden; to dig, plant, pat and explore in the nature garden; to shovel, sweep and organise in the work garden; and to smell the flowers, taste the herbs, feel the water, listen to the pipes, and touch the textures in the garden of the senses.
主题花园(幼儿园),the sensory garden (kindergarten)© 夏至
▼主题花园(幼儿园),the sensory garden (primary school)© 夏至
This project demonstrates that ancient spatial models can work together with current educational theories, to provide contemporary teaching and learning environments for future generations.
操场视角,view from the sports field© 夏至
▼场地平面图,site plan© BAU
幼儿园景观平面图,kindergarten landscape siteplan© BAU
一层平面图,GF plan© BAU
▼二层平面图,2F plan
▼三层平面图,3F plan© BAU
四层平面图,4F plan© BAU
▼地下室平面图,Basement plan© BAU
▼教室平面图,classroom plan© BAU
立面图,elevations© BAU
▼剖面图,sections© BAU
项目情况:2020 年竣工
建筑面积:67735.95 平米
建设投资:人民币 4 亿
幼儿园:24 个教室、多功能厅、音乐教室、阅览室、美术教室、宝贝厨房
小学:一到六年级 48 个教室、多功能剧场、阶梯教室、展厅、图书馆、艺术教室、电脑教室、书法教室、音乐教室、舞蹈教室、手工教室、科学实验室、广播教室、食堂、体育活动中心等
BAU 项目组成员:
项目主创:James Brearley
建筑:Steve Whitford、罗怀利、Francisco Garcia Sung、Pablo Jimenez Fernandez、汤彬彬、李正、姜雨佳、李旭丰、卢芃宏、荣昱、吴冲、王宏彬、王双貂、沈杨洋、张捷旻、Craig Easton(艺术指导)