在西班牙马拉加Casares斜坡上一处特天独厚的位置上,双庭院别墅融入平缓下降至Finca Cortesín高尔夫球场的地形之中, 坐拥美丽的地中海景色。别墅位于一处宽阔的边界花园平台上,沿着水平向延伸内部空间,同时别墅设计也优化了太阳能利用方式、具有恰当的交叉通风和无与伦比的海景及非洲海岸景观视角。
With a privileged location on the slopes of Casares (Málaga, Spain), the Villa with two Patios adapts to the gentle topography that descends towards the golf course of Finca Cortesín, framing the views of the Mediterranean Sea. The construction of the villa expands horizontally the space of the house in a large perimeter garden terrace that pursues simultaneously the solar optimization of the house, correct cross ventilation and the best views of the sea and the African coast.
▼平缓斜坡上的别墅,villa on a gently descended slope ©José Hevia
▼别墅近观,close view to the villa ©José Hevia
▼前部与后部两处庭院依靠一个大面积中央大厅连接起来,two courtyards (front and rear) are connected by a large central hall ©José Hevia
▼前部庭院及通透的中央空间,front patio and opening central space ©José Hevia
▼一侧的通道、厨房、餐厅空间,one side is occupied by access, kitchen, dining room ©José Hevia
▼车库一侧下沉花园,sunken garden on the garage side ©José Hevia
In this way, the Villa refers to a typological scheme widely spread in the Mediterranean: two courtyards (front and rear) connected by a large central hall. The lower level of the house is composed of three bays: the middle and main occupied by the large open room and the two sides by access, kitchen, dining room and garage, the first of them and bedrooms, the second. The upper floor, which enjoys a certain degree of programmatic autonomy, accommodates two independent and complementary bedrooms, which are opened by means of a large terrace towards the landscape that extends above the lower level.
▼通向上层空间的室外台阶,outdoor stairs to the up space ©José Hevia
▼上层空间通过延伸至底部上空的大露台朝向景观开放,spaces on the upper floor are opened by means of a large terrace towards the landscape that extends above the lower level ©José Hevia
▼上层室外空间,outdoor space on the upper floor ©José Hevia
▼白色混凝土、深色金属、石材构成独特的立面,facade with white concrete, dark metal and stones ©José Hevia
▼后部庭院,rear courtyard ©José Hevia
▼石材铺装的旋转楼梯,spiral stairs with stone pavement ©José Hevia
The terraces and semi-covered spaces unify the whole by means of the systematic use of a small range of materials under the prominence of the powerful and clear geometry of white reinforced concrete, which gives identity to the whole and integrates a series of auxiliary buildings, such as the swimming pool or a gazebo, which allows the celebration of life outdoors. In contrast to the white color of the concrete, the perimeter of the farm is made of Casares stone masonry.
▼户外泳池与观景平台,swimming pool and a gazebo ©José Hevia
▼与混凝土白色形成对比,场地边缘使用Casares石材砌筑而成,in contrast to the white color of the concrete, the perimeter of the farm is made of Casares stone masonry ©José Hevia
由两个庭院、地中海风格的侧边花园及露台构成的项目,希望借助与众不同的花园维护结构一同形成独特的整体,融于小山多样的景观之中。项目设计表现出对Casares白色建筑的敬意,Casares是一处沿着山坡布局、由立方体体量建筑构成的村庄,其独特的美感在Bernard Rudofsky于1964年在MOMA 举办的展览和随后的《没有建筑师的建筑》(Architecture without Architects)一书中,都得到了淋漓尽致的呈现。
The set formed by the two patios, the lateral gardens and the terrace on the Mediterranean looks for to create together with the gardening enclosures with characters differentiated and contained with the diversity of the landscape of the hill. The project pays homage to the white architecture of Casares, a village of cubic volumes displayed along a hillside whose beauty was picked up by Bernard Rudofsky in the exhibition and subsequent book “Architecture without Architects” held at the MoMA in 1964.
▼室内光影,interior light and shadow ©José Hevia
▼下层平面图,lower floor plan
▼上层平面图,upper floor plan
Villa with two Patios. Casares, Malaga. 2014-2018 Client: Singlehome S.A. Location: Casares, Malaga, Spain. Program: Private villa Built Area: 963.92 m2 Status: Built Client: Singlehome S.A. Architecture: Iñaki Ábalos, Renata Sentkiewicz (Abalos+Sentkiewicz AS+) Collaborators: Adrián Úbeda, Alejandra Salvador, Teresa Casbas Structure: Alejandro Bernabeu (Bernabeu Ingenieros) MEP: Manproject Quality surveyor: Sergio Villena Interior Design: Ángel Verdú (BdeV Interiores) Landscape: Juan von Knobloch (Paisajismo Cortesín) Photography: José Hevia