

自1910年以来,位于城市公园内的Gundel餐厅一直是布达佩斯境内最著名和最豪华的餐厅之一,它是一家带有传统厨房的餐厅。近日,该餐厅正在进行多项开发工程。该餐厅始建于1894年,如今,建筑事务所LAB5 architects得以机会对餐厅的洗手间进行改造更新。本项目旨在翻修一间古老且奢华的餐厅的卫生间,一方面创造一种能够反映现代生活方式的空间外观,另一方面保留该空间作为历史建筑的传统形象。
Gundel is one of the most famous and luxurious restaurant of Budapest since 1910, located in the City Park, serving a traditional kitchen. The facility is undergoing several developments recently. The original building was built in 1894, and now LAB5 architects had the chance to design the refurbishment of its toilets. To refurbish the restroom of an old luxury restaurant to meet two expectations, both the look of the contemporary lifestyle and the traditional image of the historical building.
▼餐厅局部及卫生间入口,partial view of the restaurant and the entrance of the washroom
The key challenge is that the tiny space had to befit into a bigger program, and still had to feel spacious, freer, lighter, and brighter. Since the given space is tight and the program needed even bigger number of toilets then the existing situation, we used bright surfaces, mirrors and glasses for compensation. Materials, colours and details are in accordance with the old styled interiors, but from a contemporary toolkit.
▼女卫生间局部,使用镜面创造一种空间被扩大了的视觉效果,partial view of the women washroom, mirrors create a larger space visually
As a metaphor – we see the hand wash basins as a fountain of cleanness and freshness, the mirrors are following the shape and setting as if they were rising bubbles. The space is the common lobby, the short walls on both ends are covered by full mirror to create the impression of an infinite corridor.
▼男洗手间洗手池及其墙面上的镜子,the hand wash basin and the mirrors on the wall in the men washroom
▼女洗手间的洗手池和其上方气泡般的镜面,the hand wash basins and the mirrors like rising bubbles in the women washroom
▼从女洗手间的洗手池处向上看,looking up from the hand wash basin in the women washroom
▼洗手池上方墙壁上的镜面细节,details of the mirrors on the wall above the hand wash basin
To make the space feel bigger and provide a more natural atmosphere, we let the whole surfaces of the windows to be open. Providing intimacy we covered the windows by a new layer of opal glass and placed cut flowers in-between.
▼卫生间窗户,采用乳色玻璃覆面,the window of the washroom covered by a new layer of opal glass
▼平面布置图,layout plan
Location: EU, 1146 Budapest, Gundel Károly út 4. Client: Gundel Kft. Planning: 2017 Realization: 2017 Scale: ~500 m2 Leading designers: LAB5 architects / Linda Erdélyi, András Dobos, Balázs Korényi, Virág Anna Gáspár Designers: Gabriella Fehér, Rebeka Sipos Co-engineers: Re-Energy Kft., GSTR IntElekt Mérnökiroda Kft. Photos: Zsolt Batár