

1974年,前派克市场市政大楼(Municipal Market Building)在一场大火中消失殆尽。2011年,派克市场保护和发展局(PDA)有幸得到机会,得以回收再利用该大楼的旧址。经过了一场激烈的竞赛,PDA和西雅图市政府选择了建筑事务所Miller Hull的设计团队来设计一个新的社区空间,以补充原有派克市场的文化和精神,这也是近40年来派克市场所经历的第二次扩建。
▼与Victor Steinbrueck相连的MarketFront市场西立面外观,市场的地形塑造了其公共空间,west elevation at connection with Victor Steinbrueck Park, MarketFront topography shapes its public space ©️Lara Swimmer
Since its opening at the turn of the 20th century, Pike Place Market has become a pillar of Seattle’s urban fabric. More than just a public market, this neighborhood turned historic district is home to farmers, craftspeople, small businesses and residents, each an integral part of the area’s history and character.
In 2011, the Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority (PDA) was given an opportunity to reclaim the site of a former Municipal Market Building that was demolished after a fire damaged the building in 1974. After a competitive process, PDA and the City of Seattle selected a team to design a new community space that complements the culture and spirit of the original Market, the second addition to Pike Place Market in nearly 40 years.
▼项目概念生成图,concept generation process
Pike Place MarketFront市场于2017年完工,完全满足当下的饮食及服务需求,同时它还展望着未来,充当着从西雅图市中心过渡到海滨地区的通道和大门。今天,该项目已经成为了一个至关重要的城市连接点,在这里,人们可以在10分钟的步行距离内找到所有最基本的商品、享受到最精致的服务。在不久的将来,Pike Place MarketFront市场也将通往Overlook Walk步道——西雅图目前正在设计的多阶段海滨复兴计划的一部分。
Completed in 2017, Pike Place MarketFront caters to the present, but looks to the future, acting as the gateway from the heart of downtown to the waterfront. Today, the project serves as a critical connection point where the most essential goods and services are available within a 10-minute walk and well-served by transit. In the near future, Pike Place MarketFront will also lead down to Overlook Walk, a part of Seattle’s multi-phase waterfront revitalization plan that is currently in design.
▼项目北立面外观,项目由钢结构和木元素打造而成,north elevation, the MarketFront is made of steel structures and wood elements ©️Lara Swimmer
与现有的派克市场一样,Pike Place MarketFront市场也是一个为社区服务的活跃的公共空间。数据显示,每天都有20,000到40,000位来自世界各地的人们来参观派克市场。派克市场所在的街区空间布局高度紧凑且完整,展示了真正的都市主义的含义,即非正式化、多样化以及充满活力的紧密度——不同年代的建筑都具有人们生活所需的空间尺度,街道由行人、而不是机动车辆主导,当地的鱼类、水果和物产丰富,满足需求,所有的个体经营户都无一例外地遵循规章制度售卖商品。
Like the existing Pike Place Market, Pike Place MarketFront is an active public space built for the community. Between 20,000 and 40,000 people visit the Market each day from all over the world. The highly compact, complete urban neighborhood of the Market exhibits the informal, diverse and vital compactness of true urbanism—buildings of varying age are humanly scaled, its streets are dominated by pedestrians, not cars, regional and local fish, fruits and produce are abundant and small owner-operated businesses are the rule, not the exception.
▼项目局部,大楼梯将市场各层空间联系在一起,grand stairway connects the multiple MarketFront levels ©️Navid Baraty
Pike Place MarketFront市场在功能上的复杂性和突出性需要包括派克市场的日间商家和PDA委员会在内西雅图各方利益相关者的深度参与, 以便达到PDA委员会恢复经济基础的愿景,实现更强的财务可行性。两年多以来,建筑设计团队参加了数百次公开会议,以寻求针对设计和发展方向的相关建议。这种互动的设计过程和派克市场的强烈参与感创造出了一个高度整合的“新型城市场所”,激发了当地长住居民和新来游客的探索兴趣。
▼市场下层全景,从Overlook Walk步道看市场北立面,lower level of MarketFront, north view looking from the Overlook Walk promenade ©️Lara Swimmer
▼位于下层的Producers大厅,Producers大厅位于多层公共空间之间,Producers Hall at the lower level, Producers Hall layers between multiple levels of public space ©️Lara Swimmer
▼Producers大厅室内的临时酒吧,木元素和玻璃打造出一个通透的空间,interior view of the temporary tap room in the Producers Hall, wood and glass create a transparent space ©️Lara Swimmer
▼Producers大厅室内,工程重型木材打造的双柱和横梁承担着空间上方的平台荷载,同时方便设计大型悬挑空间,engineered heavy timber double-columns and beams support high loads of terrace above and facilitate large cantilevers ©️Peipei Sun
▼Producers大厅室内局部,可以透过玻璃立面看到海景,partial view of the Producers Hall, users can enjoy the sea scene through the glass facade ©️Peipei Sun
Pike Place MarketFront’s programmatic complexity and prominence within the Seattle community demanded deep involvement from a wide range of stakeholders, including the Market’s day-stall merchants and the PDA Council, whose vision is to rejuvenate the economic base toward stronger financial viability. Over two years, the design team participated in hundreds of public meetings, seeking comment on design direction and development. This interactive process and strong engagement of the Market’s community led to the creation of a high integrated “new urban place” that excites the long-standing residents, as well as the new visitors.
▼位于下层的北侧通道,通过地形特点创造出交通流线,North breezeway at the lower level creates a a line of circulation as a topographic experience ©️Lara Swimmer
▼北侧通道内部,由外露的木结构构成,interior view of North breezeway which is made of exposed wood elements ©️Lara Swimmer
在设计过程前期,Pike Place MarketFront市场的设计团队便制定了一系列目标,希望能够在西雅图的派克市场区创造一种独特的城市体验。随着西雅图滨水区的城市设计框架逐步到位,以此为基础,MarketFront市场项目面临着一系列机遇和挑战。建筑师希望设计出一系列丰富的流线和空间体验,从而能够让公共大众直接参与到当地的环境中,同时还能将市场与西雅图海滨区未来的海岸线长廊最终联系在一起。
Early in the process, the Pike Place MarketFront design team established a set of goals to create a unique urban experience in Seattle’s Pike Place Market District. With the urban design framework for the waterfront in place, the MarketFront project was challenged to develop a rich range of pathways and experiences that engage the public in the immediate local environment, while ultimately linking to the future shoreline promenade on the waterfront.
▼位于市场上层的Vendor观景亭,可在此俯瞰普吉特海湾(Puget Sound),Vendor Pavilion located at the upper level looking over the Puget Sound ©️Lara Swimmer
▼从Vendor观景亭向外看,观景亭采用钢梁柱结构和重型木元素打造而成,looking outside from the Vendor Pavilion which is made of steel post and beam structures and heavy timber elements ©️Lara Swimmer
设计团队的设计概念是打开这个珍贵的城市地标,以现代化的轻盈性和通透性为框架,设计出一个宏伟的公共聚集空间。设计团队以派克市场简单的实用性特征以及现有市场中随处可见的混凝土梁柱结构和重型木元素为依托,找到了设计的灵感,使本项目能够融入其周边环境中。作为派克市场的延伸,Pike Place MarketFront市场以现有环境为设计灵感,增加了50个摊位、40套低收入公寓和高级公寓、一系列商业、零售和办公空间、公共卫生间以及300个地下停车位。
The design team’s vision was to open the city’s treasured landmark with grand public gathering space framed by a contemporary lightness and transparency. The team found contextual inspiration in the character of Pike Place Market’s simple utilitarian character, as well as in the concrete post and beam structures and heavy timber elements commonly found throughout the existing Market. An extension of the neighborhood, Pike Place MarketFront is inspired by the existing district, adding 50 vendor stalls, 40 low-income and senior apartments, commercial, retail and office space, public restrooms and 300 underground parking spaces.
▼从上层的公共广场看周边,viewing from the MarketFront public plaza at the upper floor ©️Miller Hull
Pike Place MarketFront市场拥有着太平洋西北地区所特有的强大韧性,使用现浇混凝土和工程木材作为建筑基础,采用露天钢结构框架限定出市场空间。栏杆、顶篷和照明灯具等均由镀锌钢板制成。市场的立面采用大面积带有胶合层压竖框的铝制幕墙,以抵御强烈的风荷载,同时强调出一种工业感。
Pike Place MarketFront has a strong Pacific Northwest toughness, employing cast-in-place concrete in combination with engineered timber for the project’s base, capped by an open-air structural steel framed pavilion. Railings, canopies and lighting fixtures are in galvanized steel. Large expanses of glazing utilize aluminum curtain wall with glue-laminated mullions to resist heavy wind loads and underscore the industrial feel.
▼建筑细节,Vender观景亭钢结构的颜色来源于普吉特海湾绿色的海水,details, color of the Vendor Pavilion steel structure is inspired by the green waters of the Puget Sound ©️Vlanka Catalan
▼建筑细节,使用重型木材元素,details, the MarketFront uses heavy timer elements ©️Peipei Sun
▼项目夜景,night view ©️Mat Albores
▼项目夜景,MarketFront市场将派克市场与西部大道、Victor Steinbrueck公园和即将建成的Waterfront滨水区联系起来,night view, MarketFront connects Pike Place Market with Western Avenue, Victor Steinbrueck Native Park and, in the future, the Waterfront ©️Lara Swimmer
▼项目夜景,Desimone大桥通向一个公共广场,公共广场将现有的派克市场与MarketFront市场的上层联系起来,night view, Desimone Bridge opens onto a public plaza connecting the existing Market with the MarketFront upper level ©️Vlanka Catalan
▼项目夜景,楼梯、台阶座椅区和倾斜的人行道横穿不同的地形,Producers大厅的机械和排气管道装置位于三组不锈钢双排气管堆中,night view, stairways, seat steps and sloping walkways traverse varying topography, and Producers Hall mechanical and plumbing exhaust is collected in three sets of double stainless steel vent stacks ©️Lara Swimmer
▼Overlook Walk公园步道北侧夜景,night view of Overlook Walk promenade looking north ©️Vlanka Catalan
▼项目夜景,night view ©️Vlanka Catalan
▼项目夜景,透过玻璃立面可以看到市场的主要租户Old Stove Brewing在现场酿制啤酒,night view, MarketFront anchor tenant Old Stove Brewing produces beer onsite ©️Vlanka Catalan
▼基地区位图,site context
▼平面图,floor plans
▼东立面图,east elevation
▼剖面图A-A,section A-A
Miller Hull Design Team: Partner-in-Charge: Sian Roberts Design Leads: David Miller and Brian Court Project Managers: Wojtek Szczerba and Steve Doub Specifications: Steve Doub Project Architects: Becky Roberts, Peipei Sun, Sean Waldron, Eugene Lau, Casey Riske, Ryan Drake, Cory Mattheis, Rohit Eustace, Grace Leong, David Cinamon, Janet Bean, Ryan Rideout
Project Team: Architect: The Miller Hull Partnership, LLP General Contractor: Sellen Construction Civil/Structural Engineer: Magnusson Klemencic Associates Structural Engineer: Magnusson Klemencic Associates MEP Engineer: ARUP Landscape: Berger Partnership Lighting: dark | light design Acoustical Engineer: Greenbusch Group, Inc. Building Envelope Consultant: Wetherholt and Associates Door Hardware Consultant: Adams Consulting and Estimating Elevator Consultant: Elevator Consulting Services ADA Consultant: Karen Braitmayer Code Consultant: Tom Kinsman Archaeological Services: ESA Associates Wayfinding: RMB Vivid Traffic Consultant: Heffron Transportation Software used: Revit
Sub-contractors: GC: Sellen Construction Mass Excavation/Demo: Ceccanti Piling: Malcolm Drilling Company Shoring: Condon Johnson Utilities: Gary Merlino Construction Electrical: Cochran Mechanical and Plumbing: Auburn Mechanical Landscape: T Yorozu Roofing/Waterproofing: Synder