

The premises are easily accessible and fairly wide, located in a category 1 medium- and high-rise exclusive residential district, and have a busy road, albeit one-way, right in front and tall apartment buildings on both sides. This made it necessary for us to devise a way to achieve the duality of harmonization with the surrounding environment and the owner’s request for a quiet and free home, that is, a house which blocks the line of sight from the outside but is also spacious, and has a strong presence among tall buildings while also blending in with the scenery—we were required to achieve coexistence of conflicting elements (closeness/openness and assertion/harmonization of the house).
▼建筑外观,由六个环形的混凝土结构堆叠而成的体量,exterior view: a basic shape structured by piling six concrete panel ‘rings’
As a solution, we came up with a basic shape structured by piling six concrete panel ‘rings’, each slightly shifted to create stairs-like tiers. There are no windows, and piers are shielded with first and second rings acting as a moat. The soaring concrete panels standing firmly build a strong presence, overcoming the forcefulness of the surrounding. Meanwhile, the panels have been toned down, set back and designed to set off the roadside tree standing right in front to prevent the house from being overly coercive in the area.
▼住宅的体量后退于街道,为住宅前方的树木留出了空间,the panels have been set back to prevent the house from being overly coercive in the area
开放而自由的室内空间与外立面的闭塞感形成了鲜明的对比。建筑师使用钢材作为支撑重型环装混凝土结构的框架,最大程度地减少了承重柱的数量,从而带来更多开放空间。地板和天花板以木材覆盖,为住宅带来温馨的生活气息。天花板上的矩形松木板(尺寸为300 ㎜×105 ㎜)呈45度角放置,起到了加固房屋的作用。这种混合式的结构还为建筑二层带来了一个长10,010 ㎜、宽5,460 ㎜的无立柱开放空间,将起居室、餐厅和厨房同时包含在内。
To achieve the free and open interior in contrast to the closed exterior, we used steel for the frame, a material which can support the heavy concrete rings and minimize the number of pillars to free up space, and covered the floor and ceiling with wood panels to bring mildness and a sense of life to the houseroom. The ceiling panels play another role of an auxiliary structure built by bringing cedar woods (commonly distributed rectangular timber, 300 ㎜×105 ㎜) together 45 degrees and attaching them to the deck plate of the ceiling of each floor, reinforcing the house. Such hybrid structure is especially effective on the second floor, where we were able to lay hold of a space that is 5,460 ㎜ in width and 10,010 ㎜ in length, with no pillars, for a combined houseroom (living room, dining room and kitchen).
▼二层的无立柱开放空间包含了起居室、餐厅和厨房,a no-pillar houseroom (living room, dining room and kitchen) on the second floor
▼矩形松木板呈45度角放置,起到了加固房屋的作用,cedar woods are brought together 45 degrees and attached to the deck plate of the ceiling, reinforcing the house
Fully opening the sash, the combined houseroom and terrace will together create one connected space without being divided by a pillar. Sunlight enters and drifts, and wind breezes through the house from the void space between the shifted concrete rings. In the void area just outside of the house, the same greens as the roadside tree grow straight toward the sunlight.
▼从餐厅望向露台,view to the terrace from the dining area
▼阳光与微风通过环形体量间的空隙进入室内,sunlight enters and drifts, and wind breezes through the house from the void space between the shifted concrete rings
▼从露台望向二层开放空间,view to the houseroom from the terrace
▼楼梯间细部,detailed view
We believe that we were able to suggest a new form of housing in the din of a large city, a house with a sense of space and freedom brought by light, wind and greens so unlikely of the closed appearance.
▼和室,Tatami room
Structure ‧Construction method Main structure : steel 3 floors house Eaves height 8,760mm Max height 9,245mm Site area 609.02m2 Building area 215.09m2 Building coverage ratio : 35.32% Allowance : 200% Total floor area : 379.46m2 Floor area ratio 32.31% Allowance : 60% Design team:Life Style Koubou Project manager / Kotaro Anzai Engineer : Kenji Nawa/ Nawakenji-m Construction : Life Style Koubou Location:Fukushima city, Fukushima Project:1.2016~3.2017 Construction 3.2017~3.2018