知末案例   /   建筑   /   商业综合体   /   Edoardo Tresoldi


2018/12/11 17:42:34
《边界》(Limes)是艺术家Edoardo Tresoldi为庆祝L’Illa Diagonal购物中心建成25周年而特别设计的公共艺术作品。购物中心建筑是由普利兹克奖获奖建筑师Rafael Moneo与Manuel de Solà-Morales共同设计。这座令人印象深刻的建筑综合体俯瞰着加泰罗尼亚最主要的城市动脉——对角线大街,并曾多次赢得国际设计奖项,包括1994年的FAD建筑奖。《边界》将从12月4日至次年1月26日在L’Illa Diagonal大楼的顶部展出,之后还将以局部的形式在更加宽敞和明亮的室内空间展出。
Limes is the site-specific public artwork conceived by Edoardo Tresoldi for the 25th Anniversary of L’Illa Diagonal, the building designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Rafael Moneo and Manuel de Solà-Morales. Overlooking the scenic Avinguda Diagonal, one of the major arteries of the Catalan city, the impressive architectural complex has won several international awards, including the FAD Architecture Award in 1994. The artwork is exhibited on the roof of L’Illa from December 4th until January 26th, and will then be partially re-installed in the large and bright interior spaces.
《边界》的体量延伸到建筑的最高点,距离地面约56米。装置由6个5.5米高的透明金属丝网体块构成,并沿着屋顶的边缘排列,每个体块的侧面都呈现出一张“人脸”。该装置与L’Illa Diagonal大楼的建筑形态产生了相互作用,但其富有韵律的观感则来源于“人脸”的不同朝向。抽象元素和比喻元素共同为装置赋予了一种在“满”与“空”之间不停变化的可塑张力,这在观者围绕建筑移动时将展现得更加明显。
Limes extends entirely on the highest point of the building – 56 meters high – by taking advantage of its angular development. The installation is composed of six transparent 5.50 meters high volumes differently arranged along the edge of the roof, each of them evolving into a face. The artwork interacts with the architectural shapes of L’Illa, but its rhythmic cadence is altered by the different orientations of the sculptures overlooking the public space below. The play between abstract and figurative elements determines its plastic tensions in an ever-changing alternation of full and empty spaces, perceptible as you move around the building.
《边界》标志着具象雕塑的回归,同时也提供了城市尺度的新视角。这场介入反映了公共空间作为互动舞台的意义:空间的感知被瞬间的偶遇打断,从而产生出主观的体验和记忆。“缺席的物质”(Absent Matter)是Tresoldi的独特诗学,它以金属丝网的形式被展现出来,成为一种非物质的建筑:一个缥缈的空间,在各种催化作用和共情作用下展现出独特的韵律。
Limes marks a return to figurative sculpture in Tresoldi’s poetics, yet in the new perspective of the urban scale. The intervention is a reflection on the public space meant as a theater of human interactions: a place in which the spatial perceptions are punctuated by fleeting encounters that generate subjective experiences and memories. The Absent Matter, unique to Tresoldi’s poetics and expressed through the wire mesh, is represented here as the immaterial architecture born from similar dynamics: an ethereal space rhythmated by constantly different chemical and empathic interactions.
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