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2018/05/02 17:13:19
▼展品之一,“种植房间”;one of the eight works, the grow room
In conjunction with Singapore Urban Design Festival 2018 (UDFSG), LOPELAB the public space advocates behind the hugely successful festival that has been invited to showcase in Milan Design Week 2018, is further championing their efforts in public space activation with Urban Design Route 2018. Supported by the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s Our Favorite Places program, the Urban Design Route is an experiential exploration of urban design through a series of temporary installations around the Tanjong Pagar district that activates public spaces and encourage people to stay and play. The Urban Design Route is also the first of its kind in Singapore, fully ideated and implemented by a private entity with minimum funding from the government. Featured along the route are 8 installations built in collaboration with 8 rising stars in the South-East Asia architecture industry. The first ever Urban Design Route hopes to engage the authorities, businesses and citizens in the disruption of the status quo, innovation of public spaces and recognition of the community spirit in Singapore and around the region.
“Sombra Verde”(西班牙语为绿色遮阳)是一个城市亭阁,为Duxton Plain公园提供遮荫并创造了一个标志性建筑。该结构由竹竿和3d打印的植物聚合物连接器组成,具有显眼的绿色冠层。
‘Sombra Verde’ – Spanish for green shade – is an urban pavilion that provides shade and creates an iconic structure for Duxton Plain Park. The structure is made of bamboo poles and 3D-printed plant-based polymer connectors, holding a clear green canopy.
▼竹制“绿色遮阳伞”一览,overview of Sombra Verde made from bamboos
The design involves the development of advanced digital tools, which enable the modeling and optimization of complex structures and geometries. The pavilion structure consists of an eight-meter by six-meter space frame, which meets the ground at three points, weighting less than 150kg. To ensure a seamless aesthetic, each bamboo pole is held up and connected by custom connectors modeled and fabricated via automated 3D printing.
▼为了确保无缝的美感,每根竹竿都通过自动3D打印的定制连接器来连接;to ensure a seamless aesthetic, each bamboo pole is held up and connected by custom connectors modeled and fabricated via automated 3D printing
作为对当前环境挑战的回应,Sombra Verde最大限度地推广可持续的材料,并鼓励新加坡的都市人进行公民的有趣互动。有趣的事实:Sombra Verde的制作使用超过11个3D打印机,总共花费超过5256小时打印。
As a response to current environmental challenges, Sombra Verde makes the most out of the least, promoting sustainable materials and incentivizes civic playful interactions for the urbanites of Singapore. INTERESTING FACT: The fabrication of Sombra Verde utilized over 11 units of 3D printers, collectively spending over 5256 hours in print.
▼装置成为城市活动的场所,the installation becomes a site for urban activities
“声音隧道”是新加坡国立大学设计孵化中心的高级设计工程师Savina Nicolini设计的多感官协同装置。位于Duxton Plain公园(尼尔路附近)的“声音隧道”是一个响应性的城市空间,它将一个不知名的地下通道转换成光和声音的互动体验,让成千上万的市民日常生活的道路充满活力。“声音隧道”让人们休息一下,享受光与声音的动态传播。
‘Sound Tunnel’, is a multi-sensory collaborative installation by Savina Nicolini, principal SNA Design and Yuta Nakayama, senior design engineer at the Design Incubation Centre in the NUS division of Industrial Design in Singapore. Located in the Duxton Plain Park (near Neil Rd) ‘Sound Tunnel  is a responsive urban space that transforms an anonymous underpass into an interactive experience of light and sound. Enlivening the paths that thousands of citizens take daily, the ‘Sound Tunnel ́ invites us to take a break and enjoy the dynamic propagation of light and sound.
▼装置将一个不知名的地下通道转换成光和声音的互动体验,the installation transforms an anonymous underpass into an interactive experience of light and sound
The full spectrum of colours and noise, sensor activated by our transit, will represent metaphorically the articulate range of feelings, thoughts, and sensations that are accompanying us while we are walking. Beyond the internal dialogue, the aspect of our physical interaction with space will be manifested and shared with other people passing by. ‘Sound Tunnel ́ is just a little reflection on the ambiguous existence of urban narratives fluctuating from personal to the collective experience.
▼装置里的传感器对来往人群做出反应,the sensors respond to people groups
The key idea of the project is to, besides of providing a resting opportunity, enliven the unclaimed urban space by introducing to it aspects of surprise, joy and playfulness. Inspired by visual qualities of soap bubbles we created an irregular agglomeration of spheres, which can be seated, leaned or climbed on.
▼“城市气泡”一览,overview of the city bubble
▼“城市气泡”的设计创意来源于肥皂泡,其独特的视觉特性容易吸引人们的注意;city bubbles are inspired by visual qualities of soap that attract people’s attention easily
▼“城市气泡”细节,detail of the city bubble
In land-scarce Asia, city planners constantly endeavor to provide a determinate amount of open spaces with no attention to create places where citizens can embed their experiences and aspirations.
▼装置用鲜艳的色彩突出几何线条从而吸引人们的注意,the installation uses strong colors to highlight geometries such that it will grab people’s attention
▼人们与装置进行互动,people interact with the installation
In comparison to neighboring cosmopolitan cities, Singapore boasts a generous 7.6m2 of public space per person and Francesco’s temporary urban design intervention attempts to ruminate the potential that this abstract number holds. Francesco transforms the same square meter of generic open space into something meaningful for the community and hopefully ignites an impetus to perceive and activate public spaces with a purpose.
▼设计者将抽象的面积数字实体化成空间,the designer makes the abstract area numbers become a space
Ba(N)g !象征着新加坡过度使用塑料袋的现象。装置完全由办公室、商店和机构捐赠的塑料袋制成,如若不然,这些塑料袋将被丢弃。通过编织、填塞等技术将捐赠品变成彩色的大坐垫,与现有的街道家具相辅相成。这个日常的设置让人们停下脚步,想一想无节制的使用塑料袋最终将给人们带来怎样的环境危害。这个能让人们参与进来的装置设计旨在于成为迈向无塑料星球之旅的一小步,鼓励人们自觉的转变,去拥抱具有生态意识的生活方式。
Ba(N)g! symbolizes the excessive use of plastic bags in Singapore, made entirely of plastic bags donated from offices, shops and institutions, which would otherwise have been discarded. Techniques of knitting, stuffing and weaving transform the donations into colourful pouffes, complementing the existing street furniture. This informal setting creates a pause to contemplate the kinetic garlands, showing how the uncontrolled use of plastic bags can eventually have harmful environmental consequences. This participatory initiative aims to be one of the small steps on the journey towards a plastic free planet, encouraging a voluntary shift to embrace an eco-conscious lifestyle.
▼色彩斑斓的装置仿佛邀请人们前来一探究竟,the colorful pouffes invite people to engage
▼塑料袋制成的装置提醒着人们过度使用塑料袋会带来环境危害,the installation made from plastic bags reminds people of environmental harms that brought by overuse
Playing with a change of scale, we design a series of urban furniture in the shape of archetypical buildings. Each piece represents a different type and offers a different way for the body to use it. By clustering together the pieces, we generate a scaled model of city. Buildings can be moved in different configurations too. The person inhabiting the building/furniture finds comfort from the weather and privacy from the public space, reclaiming one’s own space. We aim to trigger a playful behavior in the public interacting with the colored objects. The furniture, mainly seating and table kind, could be replicated, re-used, mass-produced.
▼装置采用了建筑的造型,但同时也是城市家具;the installation takes shape of archetype architectures, acting as city furnitures
▼人们可以根据自己的喜好使用它们,在这个公共区域获得属于自己的一个小空间;people can use the space as they like, claiming their own space in this public area
SPACE10与建筑师Sine Lindholm和Mads-Ulrik Husum合作,一起探索为食品生产而设计的建筑,以及他们如何能以一种美丽且可持续的方式激发人们在当地种植他们自己的食物。当时的设计是开源可共享的,人们可以在任何地方建造它。这个Growroom是由LOPELAB与新加坡国立大学城市规划硕士研究生合作建造的。
SPACE10 teamed up with architects Sine Lindholm and Mads-Ulrik Husum to explore food producing architecture and how they can inspire people to grow their own food much more locally, in a beautiful and sustainable way. The design was then open sourced to enable people to build it anywhere. This Growroom was built by LOPELAB collaborating with the NUS Master of Urban Planning postgraduates.
▼这是一个为了探索食品生产建筑而设计的装置,an installation designed to explore food producing architecture
The design aims to create a space for the public where they become aware of one of the positive aspects of the sun. This awareness happens in a playful, fun and lighthearted manner. One of the aspects is the light & reflections the sun creates by bouncing of objects and passing through materials in the process changing the way the (sun)light is perceived. The sun is an ever-changing source of light, depending on the hour of the day, the time of the year and the weather conditions. The light quality and direction changes accordingly. The proposed design allows the sun to play with its elements. A variety of colors and shapes are hanging from the branches of a man-made tree. Like a giant baby cradle mobile, they dance in the wind and throw their rainbow shadows on the plants, trees and paving.
▼装置一览,installation overview
▼装置细节,installation detail
▼晚间装置配合灯光依然绚丽夺目,the installation at night shines under lights
各个装置作者: 1.Sombra Verde 绿色遮阳伞: Felix Amtsberg, Felix Raspall, and Carlos Banon from Air Lab 2.Sound Tunnel 声音隧道:SNA Design & Yuta Nakayama Interaction Design 3.City Bubble城市气泡: PAGA Architects 4.What’s the Potential of 7.6m2? 试问7.6平方米的潜力: Francesco Rossini from CUHK 5.BA(N)G!包…砰! WY-TO 6.MICROCITY / HYPERFURNITURE微型城市/超家具:SEED 7.THE GROWROOM种植房间:LOPELAB 8.RAINBOW SHADOW彩虹的影子:PRECEPT|ON
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