

项目所在的云寨村,位于河南省长垣市,是当下中国、中原地区的一个普通而又典型的乡村, 近年来,随着几十年社会发展,村民物质生活水平改善的同时,也面临着一系列问题,如打工人群外出带来的空心化、邻里凝聚的散解等等,与之相应,传统乡村聚落的公共仪式性场所也严重没落或缺失,亟待重建。基于这种现状和需求,村里希望建设一处村民活动中心,用于举办公共集会活动。Yunzhai Village of Changyuan City in Henan Province, where the project is located, is an ordinary village with typical features of rural area in Central China. Changyuan has a long history. Yuan, as one of the major elements of early clusters in Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC-476 BC) of Ancient China, refers to enclosed and clustered boundaries of walls. During the past decades, the villagers’ well-being has been drastically improved thanks to social development, but a series of social problems emerged, too. For example, the outflow of labor resulted in hollowness in local demographic structure; the traditional bonds of families and neighbors are weakened, with problems of ageing and left-behind children remaining unsolved. Correspondingly, public ritual spaces here, either waning or disappearing, are in dire need of reconstruction. As a result, the village decided to build a community center for public gatherings.▼鸟瞰图,High angle bird view © 褚英男
▼鸟瞰图,Low angle bird view © 褚英男
项目选址位于几个村庄交汇处的村口,不仅服务于本村,也为周边几个村庄创造了一处具有传统聚落的向心力的活动场所。在相对不大的用地和建筑规模,以及有限的预算要求下,项目通过一系列设计策略,小中见大,提供了多样化的活动场景。村民们可以按自己需求,灵活使用地面庭院、屋顶平台及室内等一系列有识别性的空间,为减少运营维护,将社区中心分时、分区管理。周边村庄的老人、儿童、中青年人可以24小时随时来到这里,日常休闲和组织集会活动,重塑了久违的村庄聚落活力。Through negotiation with our clients, the village’s entrance, where several villages are connected, was selected as the site, so that the community center can benefit more than Changyuan Village itself, serving as a public activity space with the cohesiveness and unity of traditional clusters. With relatively small site area and building area, as well as a limited budget, the project aims to make much difference with little intervention. A series of design approaches have offered diverse options for villagers’ activities, including the ground-level courtyard, the roof terrace and interior areas. To save operation and maintenance cost, the community center’s management is both time-dependent and zone-dependent. People of all ages from surrounding villages can come here at any time of the day for recreation or gathering, rediscovering the village’s long-lost vitality.▼东侧主入口,East entrance © 陈鑫星
▼西立面,West elevation © 陈鑫星
▼外部场景,External scene © 褚英男
▼东立面,East elevation © 陈鑫星
项目采用层层递进的院落布局,多种不同尺度的功能空间和立体游园既可以作为村民文化活动礼堂,举办节日庆典、休闲电影、科普讲座,也可以为周边留守村里的老人和儿童提供日常休闲放松的场所。同时,作为改造提升的乡村示范,提供对外服务接待、文化交流沙龙等对外服务功能。Featuring a layout of courtyard series, the center can serve multiple purposes. For locals, it’s an auditorium for celebrations, film projections and scientific lectures, as well as a leisure space for seniors and children. For visitors, it’s both a service & reception center and a cultural salon, setting an example for rural renovation.A series of interior functional spaces have been planned. The multi-functional hall with a capacity of 200 seats can accommodate gatherings, lectures, salons, family feasts and recreation activities such as film projection and dancing. The café offers coffee, tea, snacks while provides spaces for card and chess games. The reading area, with its own book collection, welcomes people of all ages to read and exchange books, and the video room is planned for open discussion, study and video shows. The gallery is for featured local activities and information distribution, while the skylight platform is for both activities and short stay. Besides, other functional spaces such as conference rooms and infirmaries are also planned.With integrated design of both interior and exterior spaces, a “multi-dimensional Chinese garden” that is open 24-7 has been formed, consisting of four main spaces: A circular ritual courtyard is built for celebrations and recreation; a terraced roof platform can be used as both a sports ground and children’s climbing venue; The gallery courtyard bordering the reading area and the display gallery features privacy and quietness; the tree courtyard at the north, where existing trees have been preserved at their original location, serves as a grey space enclosed with brick walls and metal plates.▼北侧入口,North entrance © 褚英男
▼西立面,West elevation © 陈鑫星
1重塑传统聚落的向心力场所Reshape a space with cohesiveness and unity of traditional cluster在现代乡村邻里关系逐渐疏离的背景下,重塑具有原始传统聚落的向心力的场所空间,是本项目的基本出发点。环形的中央庭院外侧是正方的横竖交错的砖墙,内侧是正圆的镂空砌筑砖墙,并通过卵石铺地、红砖铺地、金属顶棚等强化正方和正圆的完形,形成可识别的空间暗示。东侧面向村道的主入口,具有雕塑感的导水槽斜插进庭院,扎向地面的椭圆形红砖集水池,来源于原始聚落的中心火堆的启发。正方和正圆之间的巷道转角,采用四棱钢锥顶,利用光线的明暗控制进一步加强空间的节点感和识别性。▼元素分析图,elements diagrams ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
Against the backdrop of increasingly alienated neighborhood in rural areas, a community center means not only a new public space, but also an opportunity to revitalize local public life. Thus, the reshaping of a space with the cohesiveness and unity of traditional cluster has been the fundamentals of the project’s design. The circular central courtyard is enclosed with two layers of brick walls. The outer layer has a square plan and is built with staggered bricks, while the inner layer with a circular plan is built in a hollowed-out pattern. The distribution of cobble paving, red-brick paving and metal roofs in the yard is planned in accordance with the location of the walls, forming recognizable spatial implications for visitors. The courtyard’s main entrance borders the village road on the east, where a sculptural flume cuts into the courtyard toward an oval-shaped red-brick water collection tank resembling the central fire pit of primal settlements. The corners between the square and the circle are covered with roofs made of quadrangular steel, so that the light and shadow effect of these corners can be adjusted to highlight their own identities.▼东侧入口,East entrance © 褚英男
▼环形庭院外侧砖墙,Outside of circular perforated brick wall © 褚英男
▼环形庭院,circular central courtyard © 褚英男
▼环形庭院,Circular central courtyard © 陈鑫星
▼环形庭院雨棚,Part of the circular central courtyard © 陈鑫星
▼环形庭院红砖墙,circular perforated brick wall © 褚英男
▼环形庭院红砖墙,Inside the circular perforated brick wall © 陈鑫星
▼雨棚,Rain-guiding plate © 褚英男
▼雨棚,Rain-guiding plate © 褚英男
2小中见大,在有限的规模和预算下提供多样化活动场景Achieve much with little: create diverse life scenes with limited area and budget塑造院落空间层次,地面庭院—室内空间—屋顶丘台共同形成了可以多路径穿越的一系列空间,营造特色各异的空间场景。环形中央庭院以正圆和正方的完形和水槽雕塑的导向性营造了具有向心力的室外聚集场所;室内大厅利用层层叠退的天花顶棚,以及退台间内嵌天窗引入的天光,形成了神秘的室内公共空间;丘台——层层叠退的室内顶棚,对应在屋顶上的台阶状隆起——以抽象的山丘为主题,结合高出屋面的庭院树冠,形成了起伏的屋面平台,围绕红砖丘台的上下提供了多种活动区域;廊院围绕展廊和图书区,形成了相对私密的内部庭院;保留了原有杨树的北入口树院等。在有限的规模和预算下,通过主题不同的氛围设计塑造有差异性的空间分区,为村民的日常活动提供多样化的活动场景,同时容纳多种不同活动的进行。▼建筑主入口,Entrance of the building © 褚英男
▼螺旋楼梯,Spiral staircase to the roof © 陈鑫星
▼楼梯,Brick staircase to the roof © 陈鑫星
From the ground-level courtyard, interior spaces to the rooftop, this series of spaces can be crossed via various routes, offering diverse spatial experience for visitors. The circular central courtyard, with its neat plan of square and circle, as well as the flume pointing into the courtyard, has become a concentric outdoor gathering spot; inside the hall, the terraced ceiling and sunlight introduced by embedded skylights has made the public space look mysterious; the terraced roof, resulting from the terraced ceiling underneath, takes on the look of abstract hills, forming an undulate outline together with surrounding tree canopies, welcoming people to enjoy themselves on various altitudes on this small yet fun place; the gallery courtyard bordering the display gallery and the reading area is relatively private; The tree courtyard on the north is named for the preservation of existing trees on site.With limited area and budget, diversification of spaces has been achieved with multi-themed ambience design, offering various options for villagers’ daily activities, which can take place at the same time. Crucial nodes in the building, including quadrangular steel roof, round ceiling, flume, door openings on the roof platform, light-weighted colonnade, are all highlighted with metal parts so that each space becomes distinctive with a sense of drama.▼屋顶平台,Roof platform © 陈鑫星
▼庭院,Tree courtyard © 褚英男
▼连廊庭院,Gallery courtyard © 褚英男
▼庭院上方,Over the gallery courtyard © 褚英男
▼丘台屋面,Stepped roof © 陈鑫星
▼丘台屋顶,Roof platform © 陈鑫星
3分时—分区管理,24小时可以使用的社区中心Time & zone-oriented management facilitates the 24-7 operation of the community center.项目打破了传统院落形制的封闭感,通过各种开口,将连续的封闭界面变成内外渗透的界面,维持空间围合感的同时,将整个院落变成可以人可以自由进出,内外景观相互渗透的开放共享场所。室内封闭管理区域与开放的室外院落和屋面平台形成多路径巡游流线,室内区域不开放的时段,室外依然可以作为一个立体游园体系,成为24小时可以使用的活动场地,降低了室内管理和维护成本,同时最大化的提供活动场所的便利性。▼时间空间管理分析图,Time & Zone-oriented Management ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
To weaken the sense of full enclosure of traditional courtyard system, various openings are planned on the walls to make the boundaries permeable rather than closed and solid. The boundaries, with their original function of enclosure preserved, provide easy access for people and bring landscape on both sides of the walls together, making the community center highly open and sharable. The enclosed interior spaces, the exterior courtyards and the roof platform are connected with multi travelling routes and managed separately, so that during periods when interior spaces are closed, visitors can still enjoy the multi-dimensional exterior garden at any time of the day, thus saving operation and maintenance costs while maximizing the utility of available spaces.▼庭院,Gallery Courtyard © 陈鑫星
▼社区服务中心室内,Interior of the Community Center © 褚英男
▼社区服务中心,Community Center © 陈鑫星
4可持续设计策略Sustainable Design Approaches项目采用了多种低技术的被动式可持续设计策略,融入建筑空间的整体设计中。室内结合功能需求,灵活设计天光和侧窗。通过常规的满足通风采光功能的洞口,与自然光和人工光一起,营造室内不同区域的空间氛围,比如大厅叠退的混凝土天花顶棚,引入的天光,获得了一种变换的神秘感,增强了作为主要室内聚集活动大厅的仪式性。墙、地、顶一体的红砖整体空间,在寒冷萧瑟的冬季,提供了温暖亲切的质感。针对所在地夏季炎热,冬季寒冷的气候特征,利用不连续的半开式围墙、镂空花砖砌筑、各种开口以及廊院周边大片可以完全打开的玻璃幕墙等,在夏季和春秋季节,充分利用自然通风改善院落和室内环境的舒适性。圆形庭院的环廊和廊院的柱廊,与场地保留的杨树一起,为地面庭院和室内外交接处提供了遮阳和缓冲。环形庭院采用可透水的砾石地面,方便雨水自然回渗。▼可持续分析图,sustainable analysis diagram ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
A series of low-tech passive sustainable approaches have been applied to the whole project. Skylights and side windows are flexibly planned according to functional demands of each interior area. Openings with adequate ventilation and daylighting capacity, together with the introduction of both natural light and artificial light, have achieved the customization of various zones’ ambience. For example, the terraced concrete ceiling with skylights introduces sunlight to create a sense of mystery with the changes of light and shadow, adding to the hall’s sense of ritual as a main gathering space. Spaces dominated by red bricks that are applied to walls, floors and ceilings create a warm and welcoming ambience even in cold winter. As Changyuan is located in a hot summer and cold winter climatic zone, discontinuous semi-open enclosure walls, hollowed-out brick masonry, various opening and large areas of openable glass curtain wall around the gallery courtyard can all facilitate natural ventilation in spring, summer and autumn to improve thermal comfort in courtyards and interior spaces. The circular porch of the circular courtyard, the colonnade of the gallery courtyard, together with the preserved poplar trees on the site, have served as buffering and sun-shading zones. In the circular courtyard, rainwater can flow back to earth through the permeable gravel ground.▼四边形屋顶,Quadrangular roof at the corner © 褚英男
▼四边形屋顶,Quadrangular roof at the corner © 陈鑫星
▼四边形屋顶,Quadrangular roof © 褚英男
5本地建筑材料与工艺的应用Appliance of local materials and techniques项目主要的建筑材料和工艺,红砖和金属加工,都来自当地,工匠、材料和技艺都非常传统和成熟。手工砌筑的红砖院落,延续了当地的民居传统,建设团队成员全部来自长垣本地。红砖作为建筑最主要的材料,用于庭院和室内的各处,墙、铺地、平台、阶梯、扶手等等,通过丰富多样的砌筑设计,塑造了建筑的整体院落空间基调。常规砌筑、花砖格栅砌筑(立面遮阳及通风口)、渐变花砖格栅、凸砖花墙砌筑等不同变化,为建筑空间带来了生动的肌理,同时也适应了不同的功能需求。Major materials and processing techniques, including red-brick masonry and metal processing, are all locally based. Changyuan abounds in craftsmen with expertise, and the materials and techniques are both traditional and mature. The manually laid red brick walls have carried forward the cultural features and traditions of the neighborhood, endowing the buildings with unique features. In major exterior and interior spaces, red bricks have been laid to form regular, grated (for sunshades and vents), gradient and protruding patterns, presenting diverse looks for facades while meeting the diverse demands of the spaces. The rapid development of modern metal industry of Changyuan has promoted production and consumption of metal, so highly skilled welders can be easily found for the project. Building parts made of grey-color local steel, which can be easily obtained and processed, have formed sharp contrast with the red bricks and thus created distinctive guiding spots in the building.▼庭院连廊,Gallery courtyard © 褚英男
▼阅读空间,Reading area © 褚英男
▼阅读空间,Reading area © 陈鑫星
▼展览空间,Gallery © 褚英男
▼红砖墙,Brick gallery wall © 褚英男
金属工艺,应用于各处关键空间节点,充分利用了本地工艺优势。起重机是当地的主要产业之一,金属加工技术成熟,很容易找到掌握高端焊接技术的熟练工人。钢构件作为简便易加工的当地常见材料,在入口、空间转折节点等部位穿插使用,其深灰色的材质和红砖通过对比,形成标志性和戏剧性的空间暗示。Only local materials and building techniques are applied to the project, and all construction team members are local residents, making the building authentically locally-based. The building is mainly built with red bricks, metal, concrete and glass, with its main part built of reinforced concrete structure and red-brick masonry. Traditional features of local folk houses have been reflected in the project through the manually built red-brick courtyard, and all construction team members are local residents. Red brick, as the major material of the building, has been applied to exterior and interior parts including walls, pavements, platforms, steps and handrails. Diverse masonry patterns have defined the styles of courtyards: these red bricks are laid to form regular, grated (for sunshades and vents), gradient or protruding patterns, presenting diverse façade textures while meeting various demands of the spaces.Giving full play to Changyuan’s advanced metal processing techniques, processed metal parts have been applied to a series of crucial spaces. With crane-related industry as the main business of local township enterprises, Changyuan has seen rapid development in metal processing and highly skilled welders can be easily found for the project. Building parts made of grey-colored local steel, which can be easily obtained and processed, have formed sharp contrast with the red bricks at entrances and corners of the building, making these spaces iconic, distinctive and appealing. The structure, interior floors, ceilings and part of the walls are built of concrete, a sort of material featuring low cost and easy maintenance. A terraced ceiling of plain concrete is planned, where sunlight pours in from the skylights, adding a sense of both mystery and cohesiveness to the ambience.Glass, transparent and crucial for interior-exterior integration, is applied with meticulous planning for each space’s ambience and function. For example, for the multi-functional hall facing roads and farmlands, full-height glass curtain wall introduces the green scenes into the hall at day, and lightens the roads with its glow at night. Furthermore, activities inside the hall can be viewed from outside, encouraging people to come and join in the activities. Small skylights on the terraced ceiling of the hall has not only facilitated daylighting and natural ventilation, but also added mysterious ambience to the hall. Over two red-brick “kang”(a sort of heated brick bed in North and Central China)-like platforms, sunlight pours down through the skylights, defining the boundary of this relatively independent and private space.▼影音室与带天窗的壁龛,video room and the niche with skylight © 褚英男
▼聚会场所与带天窗的壁龛,gathering place and the niche with skylight © 褚英男
▼服务大厅和聚会场所,Service hall and the gathering place © 褚英男
▼服务大厅和聚会场所,Service hall and the gathering place © 褚英男
▼阅读空间,Reading area © 陈鑫星
▼带天窗的壁龛,Niche with skylight © 褚英男
6结语Conclusion面对当下乡村聚落的公共仪式性场所的缺失问题,项目运用向心场所重塑、多样空间塑造、分时分区管理、可持续设计、当地材料应用等多种策略,创造了一处具有传统聚落内核和现代创新基础的公共空间。在项目还通过村民参与、共同建设、共同运营、共享使用等手段,让村民们参与到项目的建设与运营之中,为乡村发展、凝聚村民提供了宝贵的机会,也同时出了大家日常生活交流和对外服务街道的空间场所。创新的空间设计方法和成熟适宜的建设流程,也能作为改造提升的特色示范,辐射到更多的乡村,为更多的村民创造更美好的空间基础。Public participation is a key factor of the project, which means that the villagers build, use and manage the community center together. All construction team members are local residents, with the majority coming from neighboring villages, and the red-brick masonry techniques and metal processing techniques applied to the project are locally-based and reliable. As more and more migrant works come back to their hometown, the appliance of local materials and techniques can effectively boost employment of the village. As the community center nears completion, villagers are increasingly engaged in the project, changing from simple participators to active and enthusiastic designers and builders working on interior design, furniture making and detail decoration. When the community center is completed and delivered, they will become both users and managers.During the whole construction process, villagers build the center with their own hands, discovering the beauty of traditional red-brick masonry techniques. Metal processing, as the village’s major industry, can go far beyond machining to make people’s daily life better with the spaces it has created, endowing local people with more pride and sense of belonging. Public participation through the whole building process has been a great chance for both rural development and village unity.▼临街东立面,East elevation faced to the road © 褚英男
▼东侧入口,East entrance © 褚英男
▼东侧入口,East entrance © 陈鑫星
▼环形庭院,Circular central courtyard © 陈鑫星
▼北侧入口,North entrance © 陈鑫星
▼建筑主入口,Entrance of the building © 褚英男
▼项目定位,location ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
▼总平面图,site plan ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
▼平面图,plan ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
▼南立面图,south elevation ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
▼西立面图,east elevation ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
▼剖面图,section ©清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室
项目概况项目名称:云寨村社区活动中心项目地点:中国河南省长垣市设计时间:2019.07-2019.12建成时间:2020.12建筑面积:635㎡占地面积:1968㎡建设单位:长垣市蒲西街道办事处设计单位:清华大学建筑设计研究院素朴建筑工作室主创建筑师:宋晔皓、陈晓娟参与团队:解丹、褚英男、匡天宇、黄致昊、夏雨妍、岳文博、孙菁芬专业工程师:龚政、张玥、田仲朋照明设计:清华大学建筑学院张昕工作室施工图单位:上海颐景建筑设计有限公司施工方:河南省国能建设集团有限公司Project Title: Yunzhai Community CenterProject Location: Changyuan, Henan Province, ChinaDesign Phase: July 2019 – December 2019Completion Date: December 2020Building Area: 635㎡Floor Area: 1968㎡Client: Changyuan Puxi Sub-district GovernmentArchitect’s Firm: SUP Atelier of THADLead Architects: Yehao Song, Xiaojuan ChenArchitects Team: Dan Xie, Jingfen Sun, Yingnan Chu, Tianyu Kuang, Zhihao Huang, Yuyan Xia, Wenbo YueEngineer Team: Zheng Gong, Yue Zhang, Zhongpeng TianLighting Design: X Studio, School of Architecture, Tsinghua UniversityConstruction Drawing Team: Shanghai Yijing Architectural Design Co., Ltd.Contractor: Henan Guoneng Construction Co., Ltd.