知末案例   /   娱乐空间   /   游乐园


2024/10/10 13:43:44
这个独特的游乐场被誉为世界上最大的同类游乐设施,它绝对不同于您以前见过的任何东西!精心设计的桥梁和通道网络将组成 Elfwin 勋爵宏伟城堡的10 座塔楼连接起来- Elfwin Drin。这座城堡是居住在 Lilidorei 的 9 个魔法氏族的领主,景色令人叹为观止,是老少皆宜的有趣冒险。Lilidorei 拥有比您见过的更长更高的滑梯,以及24 米高的中央塔楼,将挑战最勇敢的灵魂,同时通过不同级别和各种游乐设施为所有年龄段和各种能力的人提供游戏。
Touted as the world's largest play structure of its kind - this unique playground is literally like nothing you've ever seen before! An elaborate network of linked bridges and gangways connect the10 towersthat compose Lord Elfwin's grand castle - Elfwin Drin. Lord of the 9 magical clans residing in Lilidorei, The castle is a breathtaking sight and an intriguing adventure for all ages. With tube slides longer and taller than you've probably ever seen, and a24-meter-tallcentral tower, Lilidorei will challenge the bravest of souls, while simultaneously providing play for all ages and many abilities with its different levels and wide variety of play features.
The playground is designed to promote creativity and encourage kids to explore with its big Christmas trees, red festive hats, fun mushrooms, and more, which create an immersive, adventurous scene for kids to discover. In close collaboration with the Duchess of Northumberland, Jane Percy, we designed, built and installed the Elfwin Drin castle, where it's Christmas all year round!
Whether they're exploring the house of the goblins or taking in the enchanted fairy dwellings, kids will be thrilled and drawn in by this extravagant play universe.
该项目是环绕一级保护建筑阿尼克城堡的 1,300 公顷庄园的最新项目。屡获殊荣的阿尼克花园每年接待约 360,000 名游客,该项目希望吸引更多游客前往诺森伯兰地区,同时为退伍军人创造就业机会。Lilidorei 致力于让所有人都能参与其中,在学校学期提供“免费星期五”,让所有背景的孩子都能来体验神奇的体验!
The project is the latest addition to the 1,300-hectare estate surrounding Grade I-listed Alnwick Castle. The multi-award-winning Alnwick Garden receives around 360,000 visitors a year and the hope is to attract even more visitors to the Northumberland area, while also creating job opportunities for ex-military servicemen. Lilidorei has committed to being accessible for all by providing "Free Fridays" in school-term time so children of all backgrounds can come and experience the magic!
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