

Khor Kalba海龟和野生动物保护区位于海湾最敏感且生物多样性最丰富的自然保护区之一,它由一组圆形建筑构成,为海龟和濒危鸟类的康复和培育创造了场地,并与当地的专业组织建立了合作关系。
Situated on one of the most sensitive and biodiverse nature reserves in the Gulf, the Khor Kalba Turtle and Wildlife Sanctuary comprises a cluster of rounded building forms that creates a sanctuary for rehabilitating turtles and nurturing endangered birds, connecting with local initiatives and expertise.
▼项目概览,general view © Mark Goodwin
Commissioned by Sharjah’s Environmental Protected Areas Authority (EPAA), the complex will also provide education and visitor facilities to increase environmental awareness and engagement with conservation programmes. It will revive the environmental significance of the critical work being undertaken by the EPAA and will serve as an operational base for research and the monitoring of the protected Kalba reserve’s natural resources, as well as those of the wider east coast area of the United Arab Emirates and Oman.
▼场地鸟瞰,site aerial view © Mark Goodwin
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan © Hopkins Architects
Seven interconnected pods and tensile structures create a visitor centre, with a terrace and panoramic views towards the mangrove forests and distant mountains. Facilities include aquaria, exhibition areas, visitor amenities, staff offices, veterinary facilities, classrooms, gift shop and a café. A carefully set out nature trail encourages visitors to explore the reserve’s rich biodiversity of indigenous mangrove forests and mud flats and the species it supports including turtles, stingrays, gazelles and the rare Arabian Collard Kingfisher.
▼游客中心由7个相互连接的舱体和张拉结构组成 © Mark Goodwin Seven interconnected pods and tensile structures create a visitor centre
▼舱体设计示意,pod sketches © Hopkins Architects
The geometry of the pods is inspired by urchin exoskeletons and purposefully echoes those of the Buhais Geology Museum, with which the Sanctuary is paired. The pods have been designed as pre-fabricated concrete structures to minimise disruption to the existing terrain, with concrete foundations which are simple robust discs, elevated to protect them on this tidal location.
▼舱体被设计为预制混凝土结构 © Mark Goodwin The pods have been designed as pre-fabricated concrete structures
▼舱体设计示意,pod sketches © Hopkins Architects
The modular buildings invite the landscape into the spaces, using framed panoramic views out and rays of natural light from above. The pods are clad with segments of white scalloped pre-cast concrete referencing the shells found on the local shoreline and creating subtle variations of light and texture. An array of steel ribs accentuates the sculptural cantilevered forms and completes this robust cladding system, itself designed to withstand the site’s unforgiving coastal conditions.
▼舱体外部以白色的扇形预制混凝土单元包覆,呼应了来自当地海岸的贝壳 © Mark Goodwin The pods are clad with segments of white scalloped pre-cast concrete referencing the shells found on the local shoreline
Visitors approach a dramatic, semi-enclosed ribbed pod which serves as an orientation space and features glazed openings orientated towards key views. A palette of light coastal tones softens the interior which is illuminated by skylight ocuili.
▼公共区域,public area © Mark Goodwin
▼展览空间,exhibition area © Mark Goodwin
▼舱体剖面图,section – cafe © Hopkins Architects
Passive design principles were prioritised throughout construction, to protect the interior spaces from the desert heat and lower the overall operational energy required. The pods‘ precast concrete shells, ribs and in-situ foundation discs provide a well-sealed, exposed thermal mass across their floors, walls and roofs. A waterproof membrane and insulation running within the cladding cavity, is continuous across the pods surface.
▼咖啡厅区域,cafe seating area © Mark Goodwin
▼咖啡厅室外露台,cafe terrace © Mark Goodwin
该项目的客户代表Peter Jackson表示:“由于项目处在一个极为敏感的环境中,因而需要特殊的建筑解决方案来维护并加强该地的自然完整性。Simon和他的团队完美地实现了这一点,靠的不仅仅是精心设计的建筑群本身,还有它们与景观形成的一系列互动。”
Client representative, Peter Jackson, said: “This project is in a particularly sensitive setting and required a special architectural response to retain and reinforce the natural integrity of the site. Simon and his team have achieved this not only with a finely resolved group of buildings, but also in their other interactions with the landscape. ”
▼保护区周边环境,reserve environment © Mark Goodwin
Hopkins Architects负责人Simon Fraser表示:“在这样一处场地上做设计是一次极为难得的机会,我们为Buhais地质博物馆设计的开创性圆形建筑形式也同样非常适合这一丰富的生态环境,这主要取决于它们能够轻盈地与地面相触碰。我们用当地废弃贝壳制成的柔软的扇形预制覆层对该原型进行了改造,使其与海洋环境相呼应,呈现出更加柔美、与周围环境更加协调的外观。”
Simon Fraser, Principal of Hopkins Architects said: “Designing for a site like this is an incredible opportunity. The pioneering circular forms we designed for the Buhais Geological Museum, are also perfect for this rich ecological location as they touch the ground lightly. We have adapted them using soft scalloped precast cladding made from discarded shells found in the local area which responds to the marine environment and which softens the external appearance of the project to harmonise with its surroundings.”
▼项目总览,general view © Mark Goodwin
▼夜景,night view © Mark Goodwin
▼场地平面图,site plan © Hopkins Architects
▼一层平面图,floor plan © Hopkins Architects
▼立面图,elevations © Hopkins Architects
▼剖面图a-a,section a-a © Hopkins Architects
▼剖面图b-b,section b-b © Hopkins Architects
Project Team Client Team: H.E. Hana Saif Al Suwaidi, Chairperson of Environment and Protected Areas Authority, Sharjah. Peter Jackson FRIBA, Architect Advisor to HH The Ruler’s Office, Sharjah. Consultant Team: Hopkins Architects (Key): Simon Fraser, Principal and Lead-Designer Andrew Ardill, Director Tim Sheridan, Project Director Angus McDougall, Project Architect Hopkins Architects (other): Stefan Hache Joanne Yu Larry Buraga Sara Madbouli Structural Engineer: e.Construct, Dubai MEP Engineer: Godwin Austen Johnson, Dubai Architectural Lighting: Lux Populi Acoustics: Gillieron Scott Acoustics Design Landscape: Spencer, Dubai Exhibition Designers: Mojo Ink, Dubai Managed by: Sophy Cave Design, Dubai Aquaria & Life Support Systems: Panaque, Italy Contractors: Main Contractor: Hardco Building Contracting Pre-cast Concrete Specialist Subcontractor: Dubai Precast MEP Subcontractor: Al Muhanad Electro-Mechanical Contracting