

© Juan Durán Sierralta
(Juan Durán Sierralta)
Text description provided by the architects. In 1953 Le Corbusier wrote a letter to the Chilean Architects, and was sent through Emilio Duhart, a very important Chilean Architect that was drawing for him the buildings that he was doing in that moment in India. In this letter he emphasize the need on taking care of people while developing a design process. He said that “in that moment academic ideas where left behind, and the smallest measurements, the shorter distances or the smallest built spaces, become precious as a glass of water in the desert”.
Since I was in the School of Architecture, I faced little projects, like cabins, vacation homes, etc. But they they were not just small in terms of area, they had also a small budget. So my first professional challenges where to manage doing good design with a few money. The big problem afterwards was that I kept on receiving this kind of assignments, because in some way or the other, I had specialized on doing ‘low cost design’.
© Juan Durán Sierralta
(Juan Durán Sierralta)
© Juan Durán Sierralta
(Juan Durán Sierralta)
所以我开始制定不同的策略来达到这个良好设计的目标。我对预制建筑进行了调查,思考了建造更多控制、更快、更便宜的建筑的技术可能性。作为我在智利圣多明各的SIP小组之家,我有过一些有趣的经历。但是预制技术需要一些与商业市场相关的工业过程,如果你想降低建筑成本的话,这是有限度的。于是我试着设计“低科技”。在像智利这样的国家,你通常会发现不稳定的环境是建筑的崛起。因此,很容易接触到当地岌岌可危的技术和劳动力。从解决建筑问题的能力来看,这种不稳定性与设计有很好的关系,时间短,材料当地,技术知识少。这就是我在智利Quintero的‘Hostal Ritoque’中使用的策略。
So I started developing different strategies for reaching this goal of good design. I went on survey for prefabricated architecture, thinking of the technical possibilities of building with more control, faster, and cheaper. And I had some interesting experiences as my SIP Panel House in Santo Domingo, Chile. But prefabrication techniques require some industrial processes, related to commercial markets, that have a limit if you want to go down on the building cost. So then I tried working on ‘low tech’ design. In a country like Chile, you usually find precarious contexts were buildings rise. So is easy then to get in touch with local precarious techniques and workforce. And this precariousness is very well related to design in terms of the capacity of solving architecture problems with less time, local materials and little technological knowledge. This was the strategy that I used in my ‘Hostal Ritoque” in Quintero, Chile.
Elevation / Section
This Polycarbonate Cabin is a small house for rent, just beside another bigger house for holydays in the coast of Guanaqueros village. The owner lives on renting this two houses for people that are left outside the main beach resorts of the country. It’s a small scale personal enterprise to offer a place to stay and enjoy the beach, so in the beginning there was a very tight budget to build, just U$365 / sqm. So in this case I tried again working with low tech design, working with just one carpenter, with the techniques he knew, assimilating all this conditions in the beginning of the design process.
© Juan Durán Sierralta
(Juan Durán Sierralta)
But there was another problem. The site had already a built house, and even a pre-existing room beside of 9 sqm. So there was a tight area also to build this second holiday house, and that meant lack of sunlight. That’s why I used two design operations aiming to solve this problem. The first was mismatching the walls of both rooms to create a light patio within the pre-existing room. And the second operation was to build with polycarbonate, the large wall that separate both house were it develops an 90 cm wide corridor. With this two operations we could give the house a very tight relation with the site, and a lot of sunlight for this Cabin.
© Juan Durán Sierralta
(Juan Durán Sierralta)
This polycarbonate cabin is named like that because it has a long polycarbonate wall on the setting sun side. This white wall can reflect light and be translucent. As was told before, this little cabin is located in a site that has already a house. Being so close to each other, this polycarbonate wall gives light both the inside of the cabin, and the walkway between the houses. The structural system is done with standard boards of raw pine wood. All the house was built just by one craftsmen within 2 months.
© Juan Durán Sierralta
(Juan Durán Sierralta)
© Juan Durán Sierralta
(Juan Durán Sierralta)
Architects Alejandro Soffia
Location Guanaqueros, Coquimbo, Coquimbo Region, Chile
Category Cabins & Lodges
Collaborator Francesco Borghi
Area 30.0 m2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Juan Durán Sierralta