KAOS Nightclub
KAOS Nightclub
KAOS Nightclub
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Greene St. Kitchen
Fantasy Suites
Fantasy Suites
As part of the resort's multi-faceted $690-million renovation, Rockwell Group designed three new amenity spaces—KAOS Nightclub, Bobby Flay's Shark, and Greene St. Kitchen—that have distinct identities, while seamlessly connecting guests to a new dayclub.
Technology enhances interaction and storytelling to create an immersive, sensory and celebratory experience at KAOS nightclub.
Kinetic energy
The choreography and circulation that leads guests to the theater-like club takes inspiration from a modern playhouse, with art and architecture working hand in hand to create a surreal, ever-shifting experience.
Greene St. Kitchen highlights the interplay of gritty and lush moments found in urban street life. The interior has been conceived as a maze-like series of five spaces; entry, tunnel, lounge, dining areas, and art installations are intricately choreographed to create a sense of discovery in each room. Located between the pool deck and the casino, Greene St. draws guests inside from both experiences.
Chef Bobby Flay's Shark is a fish restaurant with a Latin beat. Our dining room was inspired by the open courtyards found in Central and South America.
A covered outdoor dining terrace feels like a backyard, with fabric awnings on the ceiling and vines growing on back wall. Black and white cement tiles in a random geometric pattern add a graphic, dynamic feel in contrast to the warmth of the restaurant interior.
Year 2019
Work finished in 2019
Status Completed works
Type Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Discos, Clubs