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Rug Republic 总部丨印度新德里丨Architecture Discipline

2021/06/07 17:32:42
主创设计师Akshat Bhatt表示:“利用被遗忘的事物并赋予它新生命是有趣的:这是回收利用的时代。不断生产新事物的空间、森林和水不再充足,因此利用旧事物并让它变得特别吧。”基于这种想法,位于新德里中心地带奥赫拉的Rug Republic总部的设计回应了工业环境,形成一份我们给城市带来什么的控诉。业主的要求是以有限的预算和最小的干预使现有的破旧建筑再次投入使用,因此设计师着重修复可用空间,清除布局的临时变动并拆除前住户所做的楼层改造。
“It’s fascinating to take something forgotten and to give it new life: This is the century of recuperation. There is no space, no forests, no water anymore for continuous production of new things. So, take something old and make it special.” says Akshat Bhatt, Principal Architect. Emerging from this thought, the design of the Rug Republic headquarters in Okhla, in the heart of New Delhi is a reaction to its industrial setting: an indictment of what we have brought our cities to. The brief presented by the client was to make the existing dilapidated building usable again, within a limited budget and with minimal interventions. Hence, a great emphasis has been placed on reclaiming the usable spaces, by undoing ad-hoc alterations in the building’s spatial layout and removing layers of the flooring that was done by its previous occupants.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © Architecture Discipline
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The design, a weeping transformer, is a reinterpretation of an expression of warehouses that emerges out of the architect’s understanding of the physical context and the challenges it posed. By equating Okhla to a war zone, a metal shell has been enveloped around the structure to protect the interiors from the hostile and acrid environment. An inward-looking building, therefore, finds its justification in the site’s industrial skyline that offers nothing of visual interest at eye levels. Furthermore, acrid air quality and ruckus created by the monkeys in the neighbourhood demanded a deviation from the conventional glass architecture and prevented large openings on the facade. On the exterior facade, a visual connection to the outside has been maintained using controlled apertures crafted in corten steel. The jaali allows minimal daylight to penetrate within and prevent monkeys from entering the premises. However, on the lower floor near the entrance, split-face granite stones have been used for their ease of maintenance and rigidity.
▼封闭的耐候钢外壳,the closed shell crafted in corten steel © Architecture Discipline
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▼入口旁采用花岗岩,the granite stones have been used near the entrance © Architecture Discipline
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▼表皮细部,details of the surface © Architecture Discipline
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▼入口旁的集装箱,the container by the entrance © Architecture Discipline
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▼集装箱内部,inside view of the container © Architecture Discipline
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Within the building, the movement is centred around a helical staircase, thereby a curved aperture creates a sharp contrast against the rectilinear ceiling and establishes a visual connection between all floors. The curved form is further reflected on the exterior facade and helps draw the eye towards it. There is a well-defined hierarchy in the spatial organisation. Frequently used spaces such as offices and temporary exhibitions are housed on the ground floor, while permanent exhibitions for the company’s diverse products and private office cubicles are accommodated on the upper levels. Two container areas have been designed as a spillover space during the work breaks and a small terrace provides views of the distant greens.
▼旋转楼梯,the helical staircase © Architecture Discipline
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▼楼梯内部,inside view of the staircase © Architecture Discipline
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▼办公室和临时展厅,the offices and temporary exhibitions © Architecture Discipline
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Since the building has been designed for one of the largest international exporters of rugs and soft furniture, the idea was to create a bare shell that generates a non-intrusive backdrop to celebrate their exquisite work. This has been enabled using bare black interiors, rebar cage and other inexpensive interventions for the exhibition that offer unfinished aesthetics to the space. Furthermore, the use of temporary interventions adds to a degree of flexibility to the internal layout. The floors are lined using fire bricks to allow ease of removal for re-working in the future.
▼永久展厅,the permanent exhibitions © Architecture Discipline
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▼灵活多变的地毯展示区,the flexible rug display areas © Architecture Discipline
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▼裸露的黑色背景与耐火砖地面,the bare black interiors and the floors made of fire bricks © Architecture Discipline
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The building is a reflection of the current time and creates a strong impression with the onlooker. It has been designed as a protective armour offering very little views of the outside, keeping the hostile and acrid environment away. By doing so, it puts forth a pressing question “have we brought ourselves to this? And, even if we have, can we still make it interesting?” Instead of hiding under a veil of glass and granite, the design aims to make a post-industrial statement that would intrigue the visitor. With carefully engineered design interventions, a new life has been leased to the structure and made it pertinent for years to come.
▼顶层展厅与室外相通,the exhibition on the top floor is open to the outside © Architecture Discipline
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▼细部,details © Architecture Discipline
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Project size: 20000 ft2 Site size: 13500 ft2 Completion date: 2020 Architects: Architecture Discipline
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