

The Museum of London is gearing up to move to a new home in West Smithfield. Six teams of architects were shortlisted for the new site's design commission, but Stirling Prize-winner Stanton Williams and Asif Khan have come out top. Pictured: renders of the winning conepts. Working with Julian Harrap, J&L Gibbons and Plan A, the duo envisioned a large spiral staircase running through the heart of the building (pictured right). Imagery: Malcolm Reading Consultants/Stanton Williams
伦敦博物馆(Museum Of London)在巴比肯(Barbican)旁边的伦敦长城环形交叉路口(London Wall环形交叉路口)内的岛屿般的位置已经增长了很长时间,它正准备搬到位于西史密斯菲尔德(West Smithfield)的一个新家,希望在那里在围绕这座占地2.5万平方米、历史悠久的史密斯菲尔德肉类市场的未来展开了一场激烈的竞争之后,人们发起了一场竞赛,呼吁各方提交意见书,以设想博物馆的新空间。
获奖者已经宣布,斯坦顿威廉姆斯和阿西夫汗授予吉祥的佣金。他们的愿景-一种敏锐而现代的设计,承认了现有的西史密斯菲尔德(West Smithfield)空间现存的触觉力量-包括一个新的上市地标式穹顶;将地面与挖掘出来的地下空间连接起来的新型螺旋自动扶梯;以及一个新的沉陷花园和其他绿地。
斯坦顿·威廉姆斯公司(Stanton Williams)的董事保罗·威廉姆斯(Paul Williams)表示:“今年4月初,我们第一次遇到了历史上的市场空间,我们被已经存在的力量和物质所”震撼“了,当时我们知道,无论我们开发了什么方案,这种物理性都需要加以利用,而不是失去,最初的观察激发了我们最初的设计建议。这一项目将在伦敦以外的地区广泛开展。
共有六个小组提交了提案,其中包括一系列国际知名公司。其中还包括Bjarke Ingels Group、Caruso St John、Lacaton
入围名单由来自艺术、地产、媒体、建筑和商业等领域的知名人物组成,由英国广播公司(Bbc)电视和电台主持人埃文戴维斯(Evan Davis)担任主席,每一项方案都是根据其高质量的设计和创新性质,从现有的结构和城市环境中挑选出来的。
在获奖作品中,戴维斯说,“经过多次讨论后,一个明显的赢家出现了。”斯坦顿·威廉斯(Stanton Williams)和阿西夫·汗(Asif Khan)提出了一些非常创新的想法,并设法将对地点遗产的敏感性结合起来,并敏锐地意识到建造一座真正实用的博物馆的可行性。
The design also includes escalators connecting the ground level with an excavated underground chamber (pictured). Imagery: Malcolm Reading Consultants/Stanton Williams
Says Paul Williams, director of Stanton Williams: 'Encountering the historic market spaces for the first time in early April this year, we were "blown away" by the power and physicality already existing, and knew then, that whatever scheme we developed, this physicality needed to be harnessed'
The other early-stage design concepts remain on display in an exhibition at the Museum of London until 11 September. Pictured: Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, Pernilla Ohrstedt Studio, Allies and Morrison, and Alan Baxter Associates' proposal aimed to preserve the context and integrity of the site with as little intervention as possible. Photography: Malcolm Reading Consultants, Lacaton & Vassal Architectes and Pernilla Ohrstedt Studio
BIG – who collaborated with Hawkins\Brown, Donald Insall and Gehl Architects – proposed a large cantilevered vitrine, stretching out over the street below. Photography: Malcolm Reading Consultants and Bjarke Ingels Group
French firm Studio Milou, RL& Associés, Axis Architects and Alan Baxter Associates' vision included a giant mirror, which would adorn the museum entrance. Photography: Malcolm Reading Consultants and Studio Milou Architecture
Swiss firm Diener & Diener Architekten, Sergison Bates Architects, East Architecture and Graphic Thought Facility envisioned a wire-framed rooftop reconstruction of the site's once-existing cupola, responding to both the market's existing structure and its historic context. Photography: Malcolm Reading Consultants, Diener & Diener Architekten and Sergison Bates Architects
An inside glimpse into Diener & Diener's bright and spacious proposal. Photography: Malcolm Reading Consultants, Diener & Diener Architekten and Sergison Bates Architects
Each of the shortlisted proposals was selected due to their high quality of design and innovative nature. Pictured: Caruso St John Architects partnered with Alan Baxter Associates to create a pastel shaded scheme which was clean and refined, proposing the insertion of a series of pavilions within the space. Photography: Caruso St John Architects with Alan Baxter Associates
keywords:BIG, Caruso St John, London architecture, Museum architecture