

UK pavilion shortlist announced for milan expo 2015
图片来源:UK trade & investment / malcolm reading consultants
图片:8 张
英国贸易投资署揭晓了入围方案,有八个设计团队入选,角逐 2015 年米兰世博会英国馆的建造权。入围团队的名单按照首字母排列,分别为:AL_A, allford hall monaghan morris and studio myerscough, asif khan, barber & osgerby, david kohn architects, grant associates, paul cocksedge studio, and wolfgang buttress studio。英国馆的设计要体现出英国的研究成果、创新和创业精神,有能力应对全球化挑战,并响应世博会“滋养地球,生命活力”的主题。此次,英国的设计主题就是“源于英国,全球共享”。
英国展区代表和项目总监 hannah corbett 表示,这些团队的设计都很有创意,质量很高,力争打造世界一流的英国馆。之前的上海世博会,英国馆的设计就很成功。相信在 2015 年米兰世博会上,会带来非凡的全新设计展示。
本次竞赛的组织者 malcolm reading 表示,这次的竞争十分激烈,参与者有很高的水平。设计英国馆是个独特的挑战,设计结构应该一目了然,能吸引人。希望这些高素质团队展现自己的实力,带来多元化的方案,让我们共同期待他们精彩表现。
八个入围团队会在 5 月 1 日向委员会提交,之后会宣布获胜者。每个方案的细节详见下文。
第一团队参照葵花籽展开设计,设计的构想是能容纳地球上的每个人,把每个人进行压缩,缩小到一百分之一。这样一来,72 亿人就能住进 300 层的世博会展馆了。80 x 15 x 12 米的设计结构会容纳全世界的人口。
第二团队这个设计采用三维无限循环模式,展现了英国的海洋和陆地环境。三维无限循环的设计,展现了食物链的重要性。 馆内的动态景观也体现了英国食品行业与天气、水和土壤周期的关系,还反映了未来的生产技术和流程。
第三团队该设计是采用 1296 个可重复使用的电线杆创建了一片森林。流动性的景观淡化了内部和外部空间的界限, 296 个电线杆构成的森林景观为游客创造了宁静舒适的环境,让游客充分享受这次探索之旅。馆内有公用的平板电脑,添加了一些软件,将展馆变成了一个数字世界。
第四团队设计采用“工作-- 生态-- 自我维持”的模式。为突显世博会的主题,该团队展现了英国农业和技术对世界产生的积极影响,那就是为全球性的问题提供解决方案。游客可以参与设计讨论,体验有趣的设计历程。
第五团队游客会先进入果园,那有片野花草地,后进入“虚拟蜂巢”。 团队将展馆命名为“BE”,配有逼真的音效,游客们可以充分体验一下蜂巢。
第八团队设计体现了科学研究和农业生产的发展趋势,让游客体验如何去应对世界范围内的食物危机,领会“THINKERS + GROWERS + MAKERS = SHARERS”的主题构思。
shortlisted proposals have been revealed by UK trade & investment of the eight teams competing to build the UK pavilion at milan expo 2015. listed anonymously, the finalist team leads in alphabetical order are: AL_A, allford hall monaghan morris and studio myerscough, asif khan, barber & osgerby, david kohn architects, grant associates, paul cocksedge studio, and wolfgang buttress studio. the structure will showcase britain’s contribution to research, innovation and entrepreneurship in response to the global challenges addressed by the expo theme ‘feeding the planet, energy for life’. the UK’s thesis for the scheme is ‘grown in britain: shared globally’.
I am excited by the quality of these ideas. the creative sector has truly risen to the challenge of designing a world-class UK pavilion that builds on the incredible success of our presence in shanghai. it’s clear from the quality of the shortlisted ideas that the UK will have an extraordinary presence at milan expo 2015,’ explained hannah corbett, the UK commissioner general and project director.
malcolm reading, architect and competition organizer said: ‘this competition has run to an ambitious timescale and the finalists have responded admirably. ‘designing a pavilion is a unique challenge: the structure needs to say it all in a glance yet continue to intrigue over the life of the expo. these are high-caliber teams who have produced a diverse and sparkling set of propositions and we’re looking forward to their jury presentations.’the eight finalists will present their concept designs to the competition jury on may 1 with the winner to be announced later in the month. see below for more details on each proposed scheme.
team 1
the design references ai wei wei’s sunflower seeds, reducing the scale of every person on earth referencing the terracotta army and ai wei wei’s sunflower seeds, the proposed pavilion attempts to house every single person on earth, through reducing their scale by one hundredth of their real size. in this way 7.2 billion people are able to fit onto the expo plot in 300 vertical layers. consequently, the 80 x 15 x 12 meter structure will contain the entire world’s population in three dimensions.
team 2
the scheme takes the form of a three-dimensional infinity loop
team 2′s scheme celebrates the UK’s island setting within two connected environments: sea and land. taking the form of a three-dimensional infinity loop, the design represents the importance of joined up food chains. within the dynamic landscapes, the pavilion communicates the relationship the british food industry shares with weather, water and soil cycles in addition to specific future production technologies, processes and produce.the design reflects the importance of joined up food chains
team 3
1,296 reusable telegraph poles create a instant timber forest
through dissolving the border between internal and external space, team 3 has established an organic sense of fluidity. 1,296 reusable telegraph poles create a timber forest providing guests with a calm and inviting space that takes visitors on a journey of exploration. publicly accessible computer tablets installed with augmented reality software, transform the pavilion’s physical environment into a digital world of sound and color.
team 4
the design is a working, ecological and self-sustaining model that allows visitors to engage in debate reflecting the expo’s theme, team 4′s pavilion celebrates how british agriculture and technology have had a positive impact on the world – providing solutions to global problems. the design is a working, ecological and self-sustaining model that allows visitors to engage in debate, creating entertaining experiences through a range of technologies and materials.
team 5
guests to the expo enter through an orchard, discovering a wildflower meadow before entering a ‘virtual hive’entitled ‘BE’, team 5′s pavilion explores ways in which research and technology are combating the plight of the honeybee. guests to the expo meander through an orchard, discovering a wildflower meadow before entering a ‘virtual hive’, which pulsates, buzzes and glows according to signals from a real hive. the proposal explores the life of the bee colony through an immersive sensory experience, leaving visitors with a lasting reminder of the british landscape.
team 6
inside a roofless, black container, visitors walk along paths cut through a vast volume of water the pavilion proposed by team 6 uses water as a metaphor to address the expo’s theme of
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2015 年米兰世博会英国馆名单公布效果图
2015 年米兰世博会英国馆名单公布