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颠覆传统建筑展览的比利时 KGDVS 设计展

2016/03/04 17:15:00
Belgian architecture firm OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen stage 'Everything Architecture', an exhibition by and about them in Brussels' Bozar. Pictured: Kersten Geers and David Van Severen at the 2008 Venice Architecture Biennale Belgian pavilion, which they curated. Photography: Tine Cooreman
颠覆传统建筑展览的比利时 KGDVS 设计展-1
自2002年成立以来,比利时建筑公司KGDVS(Kersten Geers David Van Severen)已迅速成为该国最具影响力的新兴行业之一。该公司的新展览名为“万事建筑”(Everything Architecture),位于博扎尔(Bozar)的前厅内-布鲁塞尔美术中心(布鲁塞尔美术中心)-有一个雄心勃勃的目标:改变现有的建筑展览的刻板印象和形式。
杰尔斯和Van Severen策划了他们的回顾,传达了他们公司的核心思想:他们所有的工作室的输出模型、草图和技术图纸都可以作为独立的产品而存在。
展览的“模特儿家族”的展示伴随着这种精心设计的艺术添加,这对建筑元素提出了挑战,创造了两者之间的对话。JenéDani ls、John Baldessari和Lewis Baltz等关键艺术家的作品与Geers和Van Severen的作品并排站在一起。他们的空间组织,同时利用其周围的空间,通过一系列的表格,反映了令人印象深刻的穹顶和设置。
The exhibit includes architecture models, drawings, art, and sculpture. Pictured: one of OFFICE KGDVS's designs for the Solo House, currently under construction in Spain. Courtesy of Kersten Geers and David Van Severen
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Geers and Severen hope to challenge the stereotype of what an architecture exhibition should be by showing their drawings and models as beautiful and meaningful objects in their own right. Photography: Stefano Graziani
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The Belgian architects created this pavilion, entitled Oasis, for the Sharjah Biennial 11, which opened in 2013 at the United Arab Emirates. Photography: Bas Princen
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The practice's proposal for Dar Al Riffa Al Oda, the concervation and redesign of the existing Dar in Bahrain, done in collaboration with Emaar
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Strategically placed amongst the architecture works are pieces from artists such as Jené Daniëls, John Baldessari and Lewis Baltz. Pictured: 2 figures and 2 fisures, John Baldessari
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keywords:Architecture exhibitions, Belgian architecture
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