

The Roof 恒基旭辉天地,一个融合了上海传统文化与城市肌理,又大胆、热烈、超群的充满生机的创新空间。他巧妙地将周围的文化元素编织到其独特的设计中,并将鲜活绿色纳入城市,为未来城市创造了一种人和自然繁荣发展和谐共生的空间模式。以一独一无二的姿态身处城市中心,注视着城市空间,也被人们注视着,成为了一张颇具辨识度的城市名片。
A bold biophilic break from the mundane, infused with the characteristics of its traditional context. The Roof intricately weaves its surrounding culture into its unique design, creating a model for future city spaces where people and nature thrive and a unique city destination to see and be seen in.
▼沿街外观,street view of the project ©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
早在 2018 年初的时候,ASPECT Studios 接到旭辉集团的委托,作为主景观设计顾问加入到由法国著名建筑大师让·努维尔(Jean Nouvel)领衔设计的 The Roof 项目中,为这座标志性建筑提供景观设计和主体立面的生态垂直绿化设计。
在项目设计的过程中,与项目场地相邻几个街区的 ASPECT Studios 上海团队拥有对项目得天独厚的优势,那便是对项目的透彻分析,本土文化的真正理解,对里弄空间的深入感知,以及对社区活动的观察入微,所有的这些都为最终呈现出恰如其分的设计成果与实现项目美好愿景打下坚实的基础。
In early 2018 CIFI appointed ASPECT Studios to the project team to deliver the landscape architectural and living facade design of this iconic landmark building by Jean Nouvel.Embracing the projects vision started with an appreciation of the site’s context,culture,and community being a few blocks way from our Shanghai studio a place we are very familiar with.The design was developed though Concept Design,Schematic Design,Detailed Design and reviewing of the Construction Documentation and On-Site construction.
▼场地鸟瞰,site aerial view©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
▼项目外观,exterior view©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
这些具有 100 多年历史的典型的里弄巷道,承载着上海真实的社区和本土文化,独特且深存于城市文化精髓当中。
Shanghai is one of the most iconic, modern, fast paced and densely populated international cities in the world. By taking a step away from the busy streets, into the traditional backstreets (Li’long), you will find a completely different experience where there is much to admire. A place that is quintessential to the soul of Shanghai, with its own unique characteristics, pace of life, community, and culture within the complex 100-year-old historic laneways.
▼内部空间概览,the interior space©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
▼内部立面,internal facade©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
整个设计过程中,我们的景观团队有幸在业主团队的组织下,在上海市郊组建了 1:1 实体搭建,用于测试和研究建筑/景观/结构/灌溉等方面组成的复杂体系实际的运行方式与可行性,确保植物从种植开始呈现的效果与后期养护问题。并从此过程中采用了先进的苗圃策略提前种植对应季节每个盆栽的品种。
The design of this project was one that started with bold and unique architectural design concept by Jean Nouvel, a strong culturally inspired human scale place of experiences.
To support the vision, an evidence-based design approach was undertaken to inform the design and the creative process, helping to inform decisions on human comfort, planting species, biodiversity, and seasonal change. The development of material palettes and details that reflected the character of place whilst created something new.
Through the delivery of the project 1 to 1 scale mock of the building and facade was constructed on the outskirts of Shanghai this allowed for detailed testing and studying the complexities of the design, systems and technical interfaces between landscape, architecture, structural, MEP, Irrigation, Planting specialists. To ensure robust settling in and instant effect from day one, an advance grown nursery strategy was implemented to pre grow each pot species combination a season in advance.
▼设计过程,concept to completion ©ASPECT Studios
与现代上海常见的熙攘、喧嚣的街道不同,里弄的近人尺度的微空间特质自然地将人带入到悠闲缓适的生活状态中。鲜艳明快的红砖与米黄色墙壁构成的线性矮窄巷道;随处可见的绿植盆栽蔓延繁茂生长在建筑表皮、角落、入口、阳台和窗台上,共同孕育出人与绿植、肆意共生的氛围。The roof 携带着其独特的,真诚的城市文化基因,开启了一个当代城市发展的新篇章。
Unlike the hustle and bustle of contemporary Shanghai, the human scale environment of the Li’long (back streets) naturally takes people to a slower pace of life. It is these vivid red brick and beige framed linear corridors and the abundance of landscape in potted plants that climb, cascade, and thrive on every surface, corner, entrance, balcony and ledge that creates the natural forming and spontaneous biophilic environment intrinsic to the LiLong. The Roof represents a new era of contemporary urban development within its authentic cultural context.
▼城市基因,DNA of Place©ASPECT Studios
▼建筑设计概念示意,architectural concept©ASPECT Studios
在项目设计过程中,传统里弄的 DNA 渗透在项目设计和决策过程的每一个细节当中,将人与自然共生的愿景,多样化社会生活方式在多个空间层次中表达。
Reflections of the characteristics and DNA of Li’long has been layered into the design and decision process at each opportunity, to form a place equally full of diverse forms of social life and people co-existing and connecting with nature on multiple levels.
The spirit of the project is defined by its vivid architecture and unique living façades, sky decks, and sky gardens, with plants everywhere, at all heights and depths. Flowers, shrubs, trees, and draping flora form an extraordinary visual and spatial display. The whole place resonates with the feeling of nature and fresh air, adding a special charm to the city and neighborhood.
Surrounded by vibrant commercial spaces, lifestyle and cultures, the design is respectful to the scale of the surrounding urban context, yet outstanding in the depth of detail and individuality it brings to the area. Embracing the traditional characteristics and qualities of the Li’long, one of the most significant points of identity of the project is the living façade elevations.
▼概念设计,conceptual design©ASPECT Studios
整个项目共有 10 个立面。在这些立面上,有水平布局和成簇组团布置的植物。每个组团都是经过精心策划和挑选的植物组合,包括灌木和悬垂植物,选用原则也都充分尊重在地性,适应当地的气候条件。这些植物组团从中庭延伸到外部立面,展示了一个随着四季更替不断变化的生态画面。充满生机的生态立面吸引来自自然的动物们进入到城市中心,这无疑为人与自然创造了和谐共生的场所与条件。
Across the project there is a total of ten facades. On the façades, there are horizontal arrangements and clusters of planting; each cluster is a collection of curated species, combined of shrubs and draping plants, suitable to its climate conditions. The clusters create an ever-changing seasonal display from the atrium to the outer façades. The integration of the living facade has strongly encouraged wildlife and pollinators into the heart of a dense urban environment, which creates a harmonious place for people and nature.
▼不同立面上组团布置的植物,arrangements and clusters of planting on different facades©ASPECT Studios
Positioned as an iconic project of contemporary office and commercial hub, it invites visitors and office workers into a richness of greenery both from within and outside of the space. At the top of the building, sky deck roof gardens with gathering spaces generously planted with trees open out to the sky, creating a shared terrace with an open view to an impressive urban skyline. Sky decks on selected floors provide immerse, cool, and welcoming spaces that acknowledge the dense urban position yet allows people to walk in nature appreciating the diverse forms of life. These are places for meaningful connections and moments of tranquility for people and nature.
▼空中平台,Sky decks©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
结合对本土文化、气候、城市肌理和场地环境的回应,以及对未来城市生活方式和需求的思考,‘’The Roof’’将以抽象的手法反映“里弄”文化,大胆地定义了全新的城市体验:具有领域感的现代生态型商办空间,并将其巧妙地融入周围环境之中。
Through a unique response to culture, climate, context, and the environment whilst considering the needs of future urban lifestyle, ‘’The Roof’’ sets out to define a new perspective of contemporary urban experience, a biophilic office and commercial environment that draws on the characteristics of Li’long, embracing the thought-provoking characteristics of its surrounds.
Here landscape and architecture blur the conventional inter-disciplinary lines with a bold and vivid biophilic response to culture, urban biodiversity and place that explores what future urban living can be.
▼研究草图,sketch studies©ASPECT Studios
In the facades design, the collaborative team conducted critical analysis to determine various climate conditions of each elevation to curate suitable, resilient, and aesthetically pleasing planting palettes to achieve the highest sustainable outcomes. At the early stages of the design, the team collected data on solar, wind, sun, and other micro-climate related factors that cover both the building and surroundings. This data was digitally analyzed in depth using the latest micro climatic modelling tools. This was then used to inform the detailed selection of plant species suitable for the exact conditions of each facade pot, its orientation, elevation, and pot size. Within each facade pot is an integrated drip irrigation ring, this is positioned under the top layer of mulch to ensure water efficiency and to reduce evaporation.
▼微气候研究,microclimatic studies
©ASPECT Studios
▼平面图和研究草图,layout plan & sketch studies©ASPECT Studios
因此 The Roof 项目在设置植物的时候是经过妥善考虑的,让人们从建筑内部可以看到它,让每个在办公室工作人员享受舒适的,沉浸在自然环境的感觉。
Humans have an innate love of and close connection to nature where a fundamental need to be surrounded by natural environments is vital in maintaining a healthy and vibrant existence as urban species. The Roof’s planting is specificity positioned to ensure it is viewed from inside, allowing each office worker to enjoy in a unique environment immersed in nature and greenery. When our senses are stimulated in a way nature intended, the benefits to psychological well-being, among many others prevail.
▼露台,terrace© G-ART
This connection is especially important in the workplace where the incorporation of green space, natural light and plants are proven to help with individual health and wellbeing, ensuring better employee satisfaction, office productivity, and greater levels of creativity, motivation, and efficiency.
The project enhances biodiversity within its urban environment. The array of specific plant species, and automated irrigation systems, ensures a reduced demand of water compared to traditional planting whilst providing a cool, comfortable, and unique place for all residents to meet, play and live connected with nature.
▼城市与景观的共生,coexistence with landscape in cities
©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
The integration of the living facade encourages wildlife and pollinators into the heart of a dense urban environment. These environments with their increased pace and rapid interaction increase stress and the prevalence of some mental disorders. The biophilic principles are not only visually pleasing but allow nature to thrive, enhancing the wellbeing of the users and wider community through an instinctive connection to nature, promoting meaningful coexistence with landscape in cities.
▼花墙近景,the flowery walls©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
▼夜间街景,exterior view by night©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
Planting species have been selected to attract pollinators and increase urban biodiversity whilst embracing seasonality creating an all-year display of changing natural colors, tones and greenery. From ground level to the upper garden’s birds, bees, butterflies, and dragon flies have already been spotted.
In summer whilst in leaf the plants create shade to the interior reducing heavy reliance on air conditioning. In winter, the deciduous species drop their leaves to help to increase natural light to the interior while the soil assists to create an additional layer of thermal buffer against the cold air.
▼沿楼梯种植的植物,the plants along the staircase©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
With the intent to create an environment that had natural composition and rhythm both in elevation and seasonal rhythm through the months, specific species were selected for their individual location, aspects, and elevation. Each performing different and defined roles such as seasonal change, all-year structure, and flowering display.
Seasonal Change Species– helping to increase urban biodiversity, the intent of the design was to create a living facade that reflected the seasonal characteristics native to Shanghai. The following species were selected to emphasize on seasonal change through the seasons, to embrace the beauty of plants in transition, and to create beautiful layers of flowering displays at different times of the year. The following species helped to define the ever-changing season display: Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser., Spiraea salicifolia L., Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’, Spiraea thunbergia, etc.
▼季节性立面展示,seasonal elevation display©ASPECT Studios
All Year Structural Species– using a range of evergreen species to ensure an all-year basis of the design, a diverse mix of evergreen species were selected for their suitability to create a robust skeleton to the design, these consisted of shrubs and cascading species suitable to the climatic condition. The following species helped to define the all yeah planting framework: Farfugrium japonicum (L. f.) Kitam., Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet, Ilex crenata f. convexa (Makino) Rehder, Myrfus communis‘Variegata’, Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’, Ligustrum japonicum ‘Howardii’, Abelia × grandiflora(Andre)Rehd, Muehlenbeckia complexa Meisn., Teucrium fruticans L., Ligustrum sinense ‘Variegatum’, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet, Lonicera nitida‘Maigrun’, etc.
▼植物物候学,planting phenology©ASPECT Studios
Cascading Rhythm Species– to create natural drifts and movement in the faced it was important that we considered the planting composition rhythms in height along with the cascading rhythms (the layers of cascading species) the design looks to achieve rhythms and natural drifts and movements are different scales, the entire façade display and within the clusters of pots.
The cascading plant species used to support the concept ideas are: Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis (Tobl.) Rehd, Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem., Vinca major var. variegate, Muehlenbeckia complexa Meisn., etc.
▼立面设计原则,living facade design principles©ASPECT Studios
在开业后的一段时间内,The Roof 项目迅速成为上海最受关注的经典打卡和拍摄地点之一,在城市中引起了极大的关注,成为了颇具辨识度的城市名片,人们成群结队的到访拍摄,体验绿色生态的沉浸式空间。来自各地的 KOL 来到这个充满活力和多样性的场所打卡,父母们带着孩子到访,捕捉属于他们的快乐时刻。
Within the short time since opening, The Roof has rapidly become one of the most photographed locations in Shanghai, a place to see and be seen requested by crowds of people coming to experience the three-dimensional immersive experience. Influencer and KOL as the place to be seen with vibrant competition and diversity of spaces, and family capturing moments of delight with their children and relatives.
To strengthen the overall design and impact, we studied and developed a materials pattern that will complement the tone and color of the facade. Undertake taking studies that looked at the transition from outside to inside, from urban to human scale, tonal changes, and material unit scale transitions to create a subtle response to transitioning. The final selected design is delivered in red porphyry, with a transition in scale of smaller units on the urban streetscape to larger units in the inner atrium.
▼硬景观研究,hardscape studies©ASPECT Studios
▼从街景到中庭的铺装变化,thetransition of hardscape from the urban streetscape to the inner atrium©ASPECT Studios
At various locations around the project there are elevated sky decks, intimate social spaces that offer the opportunity to be outside, at an elevated level surrounded by the combination of desk planting, façade planting and surrounding street tree canopies. The combination of planting layers creates an immersive experience that positions visitors within a abundance of greenery, with views out across the surrounding tree canopies.
▼空中平台,the sky decks©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
在设计过程中,我们制作了 1:1 的项目模型进行设计模拟,用于评估建筑和景观交接界面的细节部分和测试设计可行性等。这个实验模拟过程反过来又帮我们进一步细化物种组合,以确保我们的设计实际的落地效果。
During the design process we were able to prototype a one-to-one scale mock-up of the project, allowing both architecture and landscape to evaluate the detail interfaces, compositions and test the principles of the design. This in turn allowed us to refine the species palette and compositions further to ensure the characteristics of our design could be realized. All these efforts have created a harmonious environment that in summer months allows the planting to grow into full leaf and at maximum height, providing layers of shade interior which helps to reduce solar exposure and interior temperatures whilst naturally purifying the air. In colder seasons, where species shed their leaves, natural light is maximized while the soil assists to create an additional layer of thermal buffer against the cold air.
▼花钵细部,details of the jars
©RAW Vision Studio (董良)
To ensure control of the planting and limit the failure of plants after installation, a numbered coding system was setup to which defined each façade, elevation, orientation, floor, pot position and plant species. This was so that we could control the advance growing of each individual pot, have these species have a season to grow into the inner pot and use as part of the delivery and installation process. In addition to explicit control over the species of each pot, this approach limited plant failure and ensured an instant impact from the day of installation.
▼立面花盆和种植编码系统 & facade pot and planting coding system
& 立面花盆细部 & facade pot detail
©ASPECT Studios
▼安装前预栽培,advance growing to installation©ASPECT Studios
项目名称:恒基·旭辉新天地 The Roof
项目地点:上海市黄浦区马当路 458 弄
建筑设计:Ateliers Jean Nouvel
景观设计:ASPECT Studios
景观设计主创:Stephen Buckle(ASPECT Studios 工作室总监)
团队成员:陈韵天,许宁吟,叶舒萍,廖萌,罗彦,Phannita Phanitpharadon,Alex Cunanan de Dios
室内设计:Ateliers Jean Nouvel、集艾室内设计(上海)有限公司
摄影:RAW Vision Studio (董良)、10 Studio、Stephen Buckle、G-ART
效果图:ASPECT Studios
项目占地:约 8,500 平方米
建筑面积:约 40,000 平方米
景观面积:约 20,000 平方米
设计年份:2017 年 12 月至 2020 年 6 月
项目竣工:2021 年 4 月
项目开幕:2021 年 5 月
Client: CIFI Group Co., Ltd.
Location: Jian Guo Dong Road, Shanghai Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
Architectural Team: Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Landscape Architecture: ASPECT Studios
Principle Landscape Architect: Stephen Buckle
Design Team: Derek Chen, Sam Xu, Suki Ye, Lemon Liao, Yan Luo, Phannita Phanitpharadon, Alex Cunanan de Dios
Local Architecture Engineer: Tianhua Group
Local Landscape Design: Shanghai JS.phase Landscape design Co.,Ltd
Local Landscape Engineer: Triones Landscape
Façade Design: RFR
Interior Design: Ateliers Jean Nouvel, G-ART
Structure Engineer: P&T Shanghai
Photography: RAW VISON Studio (Dong Liang), 10 Studio、Stephen Buckle、G-ART
Land Area: 8,500 sqm
GFA: 40,000 sqm
Landscape Area: 20,000 sqm
Design Year: 12/2017-06/2020
Completion: 04/2021
Opening: 05/2021