

● ● ● 居于现代都市的饮食男女, 每个人都渴望拥有一片都市绿洲, 因为, 回归自然给予我们希望与安宁。
Eating men and women living in modern cities, Everyone yearns for an urban oasis, because, Returning to nature gives us hope and peace.
Eating men and women living in modern cities, Everyone yearns for an urban oasis, because, Returning to nature gives us hope and peace.
● ● ● 人们从原始的林中而来, 又在现代回归到林中的闲适。 People come from the pristine forest, Back to the leisure in the forest in modern times.
● ● ● 与农耕时代相比, 我们与自然日间疏远, 但久处城市钢筋森林的现代都市人类, 对自然仍有一种刻入骨髓的美好向往。 Compared with the farming era, We are alienated from nature during the day, But the modern urban humans who have been in the urban steel forest for a long time, There is still a beautiful yearning for nature carved into the bones.
● ● ● 色彩灵感来源于森林, 树木大地的自然大地色系, 让人联想到在幽静的森林。 The color is inspired by the forest, The natural earth tones of the trees and earth, Reminiscent of being in a secluded forest.
● ● ● 一束阳光洒下, 凉爽又清新的空气扑面而来, 周围是茂密的丛林, 让人置身其中,身临其境。 A ray of sun shines, The cool and fresh air is blowing, Surrounded by dense jungle, Put people in it, immersive.
● ● ● 森林般的颜色拥有着无上的天然魅力, 在林间嬉戏、奔跑, 喜悦的相聚都是自然而然的生活趣味。
The forest-like color has the supreme natural charm, Playing and running in the forest, Joyful gatherings are all natural tastes of life.
● ● ● 通透的金属网格围合, 在白色中充斥绿色, 融合自然绿植园艺造景, 创造一种由内而外的浸润而来的自然气息。 Enclosed by a transparent metal grid, Floods the white with green, Incorporating natural green plants and gardening, Create a natural breath that is infiltrated from the inside out.
● ● ● 简单而舒适却同时拥有着朴实的质感, 也带来了最纯粹的力量。 Simple and comfortable but at the same time has a simple texture, It also brings the purest power.
● ● ● 树木的芬芳将我们唤醒, 当我们长久沉浸在都市的水泥森林里, 或许是时候释放自我, 去感受森林的魅力。 The fragrance of trees wakes us up, When we are immersed in the concrete forest of the city for a long time, Maybe it’s time to release myself, To feel the charm of the forest.
● ● ● 顶面绿植与水晶的相互映照, 充满自然森林的情景营造, 将自然和诗意带入空间
The mutual reflection of green plants and crystals on the top surface, Create a scene full of natural forests, Bring nature and poetry into space
● ● ● 在设计师看来, 穿梭于大阳山森林中, 沿途绿树成荫,远离城市喧嚣,感受自然之美, 这是一种治愈的力量。 From the designer’s point of view, Shuttle in the forest of Dayang Mountain, Along the way, shaded by trees, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, feel the beauty of nature, This is a healing power.
● ● ● 绿色弥漫着生机, 让生活的味道回归本源, 让一切美好,重归于好。 Green is full of vitality, Let the taste of life return to its roots, Let everything be good and reconcile.
● ● ● 我们以场景化的体验 传达生活理念, 提供了一个绿色的想象空间, 所见即所想,所想亦所得。 We use scene-based experience to convey the concept of life, Provides a green imagination space, What you see is what you think, and what you think is what you get.
● ● ● 人是万物的尺度,在以人为核心时代, 产品与服务都是基于人的生活方式的表达 售楼处是用来讲故事的, 提供的是一个想象空间, 有形的艺术馆, 无形的营销中心 People are the yardstick of all things. In the era of people as the core, Products and services are based on the expression of peoples lifestyle The sales office is used to tell stories and provide a space for imagination. Tangible art gallery, intangible marketing center