

现代,摩登,与优雅, 都市丛林中的嗅觉愈发灵敏; 开启感官野望, 理想,梦想,皆繁花。 Modern, modern, and elegant, The sense of smell in the urban jungle becomes more and more sensitive; Open up sensory aspirations, Ideals and dreams are all flowers.
奢华的家要有安静的感觉, 才能触动心灵深处, 优雅的空间要有静谧的氛围, 才能让每一个步入者心生况味。 A luxurious home must feel quiet, In order to touch the depths of the soul, An elegant space must have a quiet atmosphere, In order to let everyone who step into the heart feel the state of life.
开场白运用艺术琉璃将整体空间的氛围渲染至极, 让每一次优雅的步入都感受到奢华与光影, 仿佛听到高跟鞋与琉璃的优雅对话。 In the opening remarks, artistic colored glaze is used to render the atmosphere of the overall space to the extreme. Let every elegant step in to feel the luxury and light and shadow, As if to hear the elegant dialogue between high heels and Liuli.
金色壁灯将整个空间的奢华感点亮, 将城市梦境开启, 以奢华之姿迎接每一次的莅临。 The golden wall lamp lights up the luxury of the entire space, Open the dream of the city, Welcome every visit with a luxurious posture.
品质生活的大幕就此开启, 象牙白与古铜轻盈的奏响生活的序曲, 提醒生活的每一刻都是值得纪念的乐章与华彩。 The curtain of quality life is here, Ivory and bronze lightly play a prelude to life, Remind that every moment of life is a memorable movement and festivity.
每一个现代都市的居住者都有一个城市梦”, 对他们来说最理想的生活状态, 是既可以感受到城市的繁华, 又能随心所欲的畅想自然, 于繁华之中寻觅自然的静谧, 于静谧之侧享受极致的繁华。 Every occupant of a modern city has an urban dream, The most ideal life condition for them, You can feel the prosperity of the city, I can imagine nature as I want, Looking for natural tranquility amidst the prosperity, Enjoy the extreme prosperity on the quiet side.
以生活的原色谓生活, 才是生活的本来。 每一朵野望的繁花成束, 犹如生活的百味, 又如人生的况味。 Use the original colors of life to call life, It is the way of life. Every wild wild flower is in bunches, Like the tastes of life, Its like the taste of life.
温暖的原木将空间层层包围, 如大地的质朴原色, 以繁花点缀, 像极了人生和梦境。 The warm logs surround the space layer by layer, Like the plain original colors of the earth, Decorated with flowers, Its like life and dreams.
就在此刻, 世界温柔倍至, 未来于眼前似锦如焉, 打开钢筋丛林的束缚与牢笼, 对未来的每一个期许皆如是。 At this moment, The world is gentler, The future is as beautiful as it is before my eyes, Open the shackles and cages of the reinforced jungle, The same is true for every expectation in the future.
在当代生活中, 人们对艺术与品质的要求越来越高, 我们的设计师将空间氛围严格的把控, 将每一根线条跟材质纯熟的应用, 凝结出一个极具艺术气息的人文空间。 In contemporary life, People’s requirements for art and quality are getting higher and higher, Our designers strictly control the atmosphere of the space, Apply every line and material skillfully, Condensed a very artistic humanistic space.
恰到好处的金属质感, 将整个空间的氛围点亮, 都市精英的身份感和认同感油然而生。 The right metal texture, Light up the atmosphere of the entire space, The sense of identity and identity of urban elites emerge spontaneously.
手作皮革编织亦是品质生活的优雅显现, 每一寸的奢华时光于此刻完美呈现, 让整体空间再度升级。 Hand-made leather weaving is also an elegant manifestation of quality life.Every inch of luxury time is perfectly presented at this moment,Let the overall space upgrade again.
在色彩运用上保持克制, 仪式感与氛围营造亦精心精致, 让每一位都市精英都能感受到专属与态度。 Be restrained in the use of colors, The sense of ceremony and atmosphere are also carefully and exquisitely created. Let every urban elite feel exclusive and attitude.
以艺术空间为主的社交场景, 将自有和探索精神融入其中, 创造一种全新的场景体验, 迎合了当下, 也引领了潮流。 A social scene dominated by art space, Incorporate self-owned and exploratory spirit into it To create a new scene experience, Cater to the present, Also lead the trend.