

Yuewang Primary School in Yuancheng District is one of the ten primary and secondary schools that we won the bid in Heyuan City. The ten schools include middle schools, high schools, primary schools and special education institutions, which need reconstruction, expansion and construction at different levels. The lands and density are vary too. Some are flat and heavily dense while others are uneven and sparse. In all, every school has its own characteristics and unique condition. It is a meaningful research itself for us being able to know and design these various schools.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©战长恒
This particular project locates in the center of city new district, fully surrounded by residential and commercial area. The land use is limited between the cross area of two municipal roads, where enough space and vision are required for vehicles to pass and turn. Outdoor sports and exercise area as well as usable indoor area account for total 40,000m² need to be built Within its 20,000 m². Under the background of high density land use, the biggest challenge lies in creating practical space for students while also making the best use of sunlight and keeping a reasonable distance.
▼项目概览,overall of the project ©战长恒
▼从操场看校园全景,viewing the project from the playground ©战长恒
▼由道路看学校办公楼,viewing the office building from the road ©战长恒
As a venue for young kids start learning, elementary schools are crucial and vital in children’s physical and mental development. Young pupils need space and safe environment to interact, play and grow. We also dedicate to creating enough outdoor space besides practical indoor rooms.
▼两个“魔方”,Two magic cubes floating on the platform ©战长恒
▼风雨操场,the playground ©战长恒
▼风雨操场立面, the facade by the playground ©战长恒
▼遮阳板立面细部,Detail of visor facade ©战长恒
Second floor roof was used as a continuous activity platform in our design, which provide a nearly 2,000 m² green belt area for various activities. A mild wide step connects the platform and the playground, making outdoor area all connected and complete. It is also an ideal grandstand during annual sport events. On the second platform, three biased cone shaped skylight windows were designed, which not only provides natural sunlight to the corridor under but also forms three interesting mountain shaped area. Students can create playing ideas around it. The whole design is fully connected and compact. Different levels and various space were realized through architecture designing.
▼二层活动平台,Activity platform on the second floor ©战长恒
▼天窗成为游戏的区域,The skylight becomes the game’s area ©战长恒
The whole design combined the characteristics of local hakka round house and modern architecture. The main teaching building looks like two magic cubes floating on the platform. Skylight windows and sunlight form unique light and shadow effect. The rotatable shades can be changed based on seasons and needs, meeting the requirement of energy saving and environmental conservation. The facade also has different effects due to the change of time as well as the change of seasons all through the year.
▼教学楼围合的内院,The inner courtyard enclosed by the teaching building ©战长恒
▼平台下的小庭院,The small courtyard under the platform ©战长恒
▼小庭院,The small courtyard ©战长恒
▼架空区和各层连廊,Different levels and various space ©战长恒
▼教室与楼梯细部,details of the project ©战长恒
▼联系平台的楼梯,the staircase ©战长恒
▼立面夜景,night view of the facade ©战长恒
▼庭院夜景,night view of the courtyard ©战长恒
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 陶郅工作室
▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 陶郅工作室
▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 陶郅工作室
▼立面图,elevations ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 陶郅工作室
▼剖面图,sections ©华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 陶郅工作室