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2021/07/29 10:31:38
Xi’an Gaoxin No.6 High School is a rural ordinary high school with quiet environment,which is located about 8 kilometers east of Huxian County,with Qinhu Road in the north and Beipang Village in the south.This school was founded in 1956, began as a junior high school,then became a senior high school in 1970. This school was placed under the unified management by the Education Bureau of Gaoxin district in 2018, and has been fully supported by Xi’an Gaoxin No.1 High School.At present, the school is an all boarding school,has 32 classes and1500 students.
▼“大”到“小”的身体体验,From big to small physical experience © 王毛真
In 2019, Shaanxi Provincial Government signed“the Strategic Cooperation Agreement to Support the Development of Social Public Welfare in Shaanxi Province”with Samsung (China) Semiconductor Co., Ltd.,in order to facilitate the three-year public welfare plan of Shaanxi Hope Project. Samsung donated funds to Shaanxi Youth Foundation to assist Xi’an Gaoxin No.6 High School to improve basic teaching conditions.In 2020, Samsung once again donated to Shaanxi Youth Foundation for the first campus library of Shaanxi Hope Project, which has become one of the major projects in the strategic cooperation agreement, and is named as “Zhongnan Shuge”.
▼深檐与花园的对仗,Deep eaves with gardens © 吴瑞
Whether a traditional academy in China or a university around the world,the library has always been the core building,symbolizing the cultural and spiritual connotations of school.Based on this, the school carefully selected the site located on the west side of campus main square,hoping to improve the quality of the main space through the construction of library, and showing the determination of a rural middle school to face the future.
▼场所与大屋顶概念示意图,concept diagram © 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院
The site is a small untended garden where plants grow naturally, teachers and students rarely accessed.At the beginning of design investigation,there were two tall poplars in the garden, but after the epidemic, the poplars had died and were removed.On the west side of the garden,the steel structure stand are divided into two part spaces by a partition wall,the space near the garden has not been used effectively, but it suggests the possibility of the semi-outdoor space in the future.On a clear day, standing in the garden, you can see the beautiful skyline of the village roof and the Qin Mountains through the gap between stand and neighboring building.
▼原状照片,Original condition Photo © 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院
With the aid of the garden,we try to design a library in harmony with nature,to restore the childhood memories that we ran to the nature after class,to realize the poetic imagination of “reading under the tree” from each student,which is fundamentally different from closed introversion mode of traditional library,but positively into campus environment.So, the building was compressed into a rectangular volume,as close as possible to the main square in order to reduce damage to the garden,but enclosed with the stands to define a “small courtyard” with pleasant dimensions.This “small courtyard” used excavated earth to stack the natural undulating gentle slope terrain, and after the completion of construction,we move back the original trees to ensure the optimization of site on the basis of continuity of memory. The library with two teaching buildings which located on the north and south sides of the square are enclosed together to define the “big courtyard” of the square, and give the square a “positive” look and feel to meet the needs of ritual collective activities.Here, the library becomes the defining element of the campus space, producing two “courtyards” of different character, which define the multiple characteristics of the campus.
▼模型 – 前后两个不同性格的大小“院子”,model – two “courtyards” of different character © 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院
The different characters of this building’s two sides in turn determine the library’s form.Because this building is small,we have to keep a complete volume to define the square,so as to produce a “large scale” of east surface as a ceremonial “front” which has 7.5 meters high,also to create a sense of stability and enclosure during collective activities;On the west side,wu need to weaken the “large scale” to deal with the physical experience between the garden and the readers. The simplest way is to learn single slope language from “Guanzhong Traditional House”, which is slowly descending from the high point to creat the “small scale” feeling about 2.4 meters high.The distinctive “big roof” creates two sides of the form, and the lower space covered by it satisfies the body experience from “big” to “small”.Just imagine,the small trees in the garden will grow into big trees in the sky, then their shadows dance in this charming site, their autumn leaves fall all over the roof and the grassy slope, and the children scatter around the garden happily, creating a poetic “reading under the tree” together.
▼“檐下阅读”的诗意,The poetry of reading under the Eaves © 刘怡嘉
▼通透的内外空间,Transparent inside and outside space © 刘怡嘉
The space interface under the “big roof” slightly contracts inwards in the north, east and south directions, forming a “sitting facade” under the eave to meet the needs of teachers and students for rest and communication after class.The west boundary is contracted inward by 4.2 meters to form a “semi-outdoor space” covered by the cantilever roof. By setting a book wall here, the “indoor reading” is reversed to the “semi-outdoor space”, which not only integrates the internal and external relations, but also achieves the spatial feeling of “much in little”.Even when the library is closed, these spaces under the eave can still meet the needs of teachers and students, promoting the multiple occurrence of campus shared life.The platform is also cantilevered on the floor panels, allowing the green grass to penetrate under the panels, and making the building more light.Just imagine, when the rainy season comes, the rain curtain falling along the slope roof, the reading outside and the sound of rain drops beating on the leaves will form the poetry of “reading under the eave” together.
▼檐下空间,The space under the eaves © 刘怡嘉
▼内外的模糊,Blurring inside and out © 李少翀
The “big roof” structure and the space covered below respectively formed upper and lower levels of this building, they also showed two different atmospheres about openness and tranquillity: on the first floor, in addition to the frame structural columns and the low bookcase (height 0.75 m) the enclosure of space is made of transparent glass to achieve maximum integration with the surrounding environment.The cantilevered eave are at a horizontal line with the interior suspended ceiling, let the interior space extend to the surrounding landscape, satisfying the pleasant reading and discussion time for teachers and students in the green atmosphere.
▼与室外融通的一层空间,The first floor is integrated with the outdoor space © 李少翀
▼通高的研讨区,Research area © 李少翀
The second floor creates a quiet reading experience with the help of the “big roof” and the enclosed feeling of space. The partially exposed structural beams create the tension and spiritual experience in this space.The lower part of the pitched roof is partially raised, firstly is to obtain the clear height for use (2.4 meters).Secondly is to form a high level window for lighting, ventilation and viewing, it can also view the picturesque Qin Mountains on a sunny day.Thirdly is to use the undulating roof and exposed structure to create the differentiation of spatial scale and domain. Each space domain is combined with the different window openings to achieve the line of sight echo between the external landscape, creating subtle differences in the reading environment, so that every reader can find a suitable reading position.
▼静谧的二层阅读体验,A quiet  reading experience in second floor © 王琛
▼包裹性与精神性的二层空间,An enveloping spiritual second floor space © 王琛
The floor area of “Zhongnan Shuge” is only 300 square meters, but has book reading,electronic reading,study,discussion and other functions,getting the broad social support form the start of the construction,especially Shaanxi Provincial library donated 15000 high-quality books, and free to set up the digital resource service station let the school teachers and students can enjoy all the digital reading resources.All the supports make this library become the most advanced modern small campus library of shaanxi hope school,which has the best quality of collection and environmental facilities.At the opening ceremony of World Book Day on April 23, 2021, President Wu Zhao believed “Zhongnan Shuge” not only provides teachers and students with a high standard library, but also demonstrates to students the spirit of fraternity and positive energy.
▼开馆仪式场景,Opening ceremony scene © 王毛真
The low cost campus library was built in only two months with the efforts of all parties and is popular with teachers and students.Although the building itself is not perfect or even regrettable, we are still touched by the support and encouragement received from the beginning of concept to completion.Seeing the bookshelves full of books and the spaces full of students, our only wish is to build more “Hope Library” to help rural children enjoy more and better public resources…..
▼模型,model © 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院
▼图书馆区位图 ,site location © 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院
▼一层平面 ,Site plan © 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院
▼剖面图,sections © 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院
项目名称: 西安高新第六高级中学图书馆 地点:中国陕西省西安市鄠邑区 设计单位: 垣建筑设计工作室-西安建筑科技大学建筑学院 主持建筑师: 吴瑞、王毛真、李少翀 设计团队:杨晓涵、刘怡嘉、牟子雍、郭铭杰、王琛、胡祎航 合作建筑师:李兴辉 结构设计:边真 技术顾问:冀楠、王凯利 业主:西安高新第六高级中学 捐赠方:三星(中国)半导体有限公司 层数: 地上二层 建筑规模:300㎡ 设计时间:2020.07-2021.01 建成时间:2021.04 材料:混凝土;水泥纤维板;玻璃 摄影:刘怡嘉、王琛、李少翀、王毛真
Project name: Xi’an Gaoxin No.6 High School Location: Huyi District, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China Design: Wall Architects of XAUAT Partners in Charge: Wu Rui,Wang Maozhen,Li Shaochong Project Team: Yang Xiaohan,Liu Yijia,Mou Ziyong,Guo Mingjie,Wang Chen,Hu Yihang Co-Architect:Li Xinghui Structural Engineer: Bian Zhen Design Consultant:Ji Nan,Wang Kaili Client: Xi’an Gaoxin No.6 High School Donor:Samsung China Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. Storey: 2 Floors Building Area: 300m2 Design Stage: 2020.07-2021.01 Construction Stage: 2021.04 Materials: Concrete,fiber cement board,glass Photo credits: Liu Yijia,Wang Chen,Li Shaochong,Wang Maozhen
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