

With the changes in the market, the bakery industry needs huge changes, and the original solidified model is being broken. How to grasp consumers to shape the brand image of this era has become an urgent problem for bakery brands to solve.
▼项目外观,exterior view ©或者设计
MALTOAST Bread, a baking brand that has been standing for 30 years, is still facing the crisis of market change. For a long time, the bakery industry has conveyed the established impression of “tradition” to the public regardless of visual style or shopping experience. The process of buying bread is always only framed in the “buy-eat” stage. The public urgently needs a new consumer experience. In this shopping scene, there should be not only “eating”, but also “fun and interesting”.
▼入口景观,landscape at the entrance ©或者设计
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing ©或者设计
With the innovation of the business model by the person in charge of the brand, the brand “MALTOAST Paopao Factory” came into being. A bread factory with immersive experience is the theme of this design. Different from the traditional bakery’s way of emphasizing the temperature and texture of bread, we believe that an experience that can be “happy shopping” can more impress consumers. Let customers who enter the space have the pleasure to choose any product. Every product in the store is freshly baked on the same day. This freshly made state is essentially consistent with the factory’s production methods.
▼室内空间概览,overview of the interior space ©或者设计
We hope to deliver: The Paopao factory is not a place with a single act of buying bread. Here can carry more needs and possibilities of consumers in this era. Customers can shop, take photos, enjoy food, share and socialize here. The Paopao factory has given the entire baking industry new possibilities in terms of business model, space design, and brand visual design. When it opened, it was loved by countless consumers.
▼入口收银区,cashier area at the entrance ©或者设计
There is an entire display space at the front of the store. We are inspired by the large and conspicuous factory name that the factory will place, and we also enlarge the font of the brand logo to increase the theme and atmosphere of the factory. The huge display screen rolls out product videos every day, which is a powerful brand promotion.
▼收银台细部,details of the cashier ©或者设计
Entering the interior of the space, we filled the entire upper interior space with bold black unlined text. With the blessing of the overall stainless steel material, the customer was placed in the huge factory “production slogan”. Stainless steel, macaron green metal paint board, and electronic screen constitute pure and interesting material changes. The product display cabinets in the store are set up in three different forms, forming a rich store flow. The central pipeline-style display props are the finishing touch of the entire space, and the cylindrical container is surrounded by LED screens.
▼售卖区,sales area ©或者设计
▼售卖区细部,details of the sales area ©或者设计
▼传送带面包展示装置,conveyor belt bread display area ©或者设计
▼墙体展示区,display area by the wall ©或者设计
▼饮品区,drinking sales area ©或者设计
In the area on the right side of the space, we have divided the space into an area for taking pictures, checking in and resting. The stainless steel material is matched with the brand green, the milk green seats placed side by side, and the black advertising stickers that enhance the design sense. We carefully arrange these elements, and we hope that customers can take pictures of countless check-ins that have been praised.
▼打卡区,check-in area ©或者设计
We hope that our design not only stays at the single level of “space design”, but also uses design to narrow the distance between the brand and consumers and help the brand reshape internal and external values. This is our greatest pursuit in commercial space design. And achievement is also the most fascinating part of design.
▼细部,details ©或者设计
▼VI设计,VI design ©或者设计
▼轴测图,axonometric ©或者设计
▼平面图,plan ©或者设计
项目名称:麦都膨胀工厂PaoPao Factory 项目地点:泉州市浦西万达广场 主持设计师:巫国源 设计团队:柳奕豪,赵丽颖,彭博文,华子鸣,叶昀儒,许晓瑜 项目业主:麥都食品 主要材料:不锈钢、金属烤漆、地坪漆、 室内面积:203㎡ 完工时间:2021.7 施工单位:金艺装饰设计有限公司 摄影:或者设计
Project name: PaoPao Factory Designer: OR Design,ShangHai Project location: Wanda Plaza, Puxi, Quanzhou Indoor area: 203 square meters Design Director: Guoyuan Wu Project team: Yihao Liu, Liying Zhao , Bowen Peng,Ziming Hua,yunru Ye,Xiaoyu Xu Design content: facade design, interior design, lighting design, prop design Main materials: stainless steel, green paint, epoxy floor paint, acrylic, glass Completion date: July, 2021 Construction team: Jinyi Decoration Co., Ltd. Client: MALTOAST Photography: OR Design