
2021/09/16 09:45:58
大熊猫国家公园雅安科普教育中心占地约1.4万m²,总建筑面积5342 m²。是大熊猫国家公园在四川境内的启动项目之一,也是唯一的科普教育中心。选址位于通往中国保护大熊猫研究中心碧峰峡基地的必经之路上,是重要的交通节点,也是雅安当地打造大熊猫文化旅游的第一站。
▼建筑鸟瞰,外部竹林环抱,营造大隐隐于市的静谧空间 The architecture is surrounded by bamboo forests, Creating a quiet space hidden in the city ©存在建筑
Giant Panda National Park Ya’an Science Education Center covers an area of about 14000 M ², The total construction area is 5342 M ². It is one of the start-up projects of the giant panda National Park in Sichuan and the only popular science education center. The site is located on the only way to Bifengxia base of China Giant Panda Protection and research center. It is not only an important transportation node, but also the first stop for Ya’an to build local giant panda cultural tourism.
▼项目区位,成雅高速出入口,成都至碧峰峡景区的必经之路 Project located at the entrance of the Cheng-Ya highway ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
We deliberately attach the building to the ground to have as little impact on the surrounding environment as possible. Looking from the other side of the busy traffic, the whole building is almost submerged in the dense bamboo forest, and only an upturned arc reminds people of its existence. Across the stream along the bridge, we still can’t see the whole picture. The smooth roof curve stretches forward along the bamboo tip, leading us to the entrance.
▼整体鸟瞰图,匍匐在大地上的生态建筑 Overall aerial view, Ecological architecture crawling on the earth ©存在建筑
The building rises from the ground near the entrance, hovers to the highest point, and then follows the trend and returns to the ground to form a special three petal Mobius ring. In addition to functional considerations, we also give our blessing to the endless and cyclic growth of giant panda, a precious creature here.
▼中庭鸟瞰,循环往复生生不息的流线 Aerial view of the atrium, Endless flow line ©存在建筑
In order to express the theme on the facade and avoid the representational technique of bad customs, the outer skin of the building facade uses a vertical metal grid curtain wall, black-and-white gradient, combined with the curved volume to abstract a flexible panda image, so that visitors can feel the atmosphere surrounded by it wherever they go.
▼入口鸟瞰,灵动的曲线与黑白的金属幕墙塑造出抽象的熊猫形态 Aerial view of the entrance, Flexible curves and black-and-white metal curtain walls create an abstract form of pandas ©存在建筑
▼主入口透视,优雅的曲线掩映在竹林中 Entrance Perspective, Elegant curves are hidden in the bamboo forest ©存在建筑
▼呼应山势,融为一体 Echo the mountains and integrate into one ©存在建筑
▼入口局部夜景,色彩与形态的交融 Local night view of entrance, Blending of color and form ©存在建筑
The site has excellent traffic conditions and noise interference. For the expressway in the north and the urban road in the west, we choose the lowest technology green noise reduction method – bamboo planting. At the same time, in the plane layout, the corridor of a small number of office areas is facing the noise, and the noise is further reduced through the necessary double-layer wall of the building itself, so as to create a quiet space hidden in the city.
▼建筑内部院落 Courtyard inside the architecture ©存在建筑
Through the simulation of site wind environment, select the best layout orientation, and optimize the staggered and overhead points of the building itself by means of comparative simulation, so as to finally obtain the best volume form.
Ya’an has been rainy since ancient times. The special natural conditions provide inherent advantages for the rainwater utilization of the project. Through the rainwater collection, regulation and storage on the roof and site, the utilization rate of non-traditional water sources during the operation of the project can reach an amazing 30.5%, more than twice that of conventional projects.
▼建筑自身的交错与架空 Interleaving and overhead of architecture ©存在建筑
We try to create a special space experience, that is, the experience of blurring the boundaries of indoor and outdoor exhibitions. Visitors can walk unimpeded from the indoor exhibition to the outdoor exhibition. With the help of the circular undulating planting roof, people’s footsteps can extend to every corner of the site, while the large continuous floor glass arranged along the atrium further blurs the boundary between the external environment and the indoor exhibition.
▼模糊的室内外界限 Fuzzy indoor and outdoor boundaries ©存在建筑
Viewing the exhibition in the sunshine is another experience we create. Different from the conventional closed artificial environment, the project strives to introduce natural bamboo forest, cool wind and sunshine indoors.
▼阳光中的展览 Exhibition in the sunshine ©存在建筑
The double skin is used to isolate the unfavorable direct light, and the soft diffuse light is obtained with the help of the atrium, so as to build an exhibition space full of oxygen and vitality for visitors.
▼充满氧气感与活力的展览空间 Exhibition space full of oxygen and vitality ©存在建筑
▼总平面图,Site plan ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
▼一层平面图,1F plan ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
▼二层平面图,2F plan ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
▼地下一层平面图,-1F plan ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
▼立面图,Elevation ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
▼剖面图,Section ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司
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