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微软办公室 - 巴拿马城

2018/06/11 00:00:00
AEI Arquitectura e Interiores completed the design for the Microsoft offices located in Panama City, Panama.
The Project for the new Microsoft Offices in Panama is inspired by the unique condition of its location.
Panama is an inter-oceanic bridge between the Pacific and the Caribbean. Since the opening of the Canal in 1914, the country has acquired a strategic importance. With the movement of ships within its territory, Panama became a key element in world trade, boosting economic growth in countries worldwide and, most especially, in America.
Like Panama, Microsoft has facilitated communications around the world, shortening distances, building bridges and acting as a link between different nations and cultures. Its conciliatory character, eminently commercial, is comparable to the values that the Canal represents.
The unifying vocation of Microsoft and the Panama Canal are reflected in the design of the new Microsoft Offices in Panama. The spaces are divided into three parts: Pacific, Caribbean and Canal. In general, the offices of the company have been provided with the values ​​that have made the Central American country a key gear for international economic growth.
The Canal is represented at the reception of the office. With elements such as the container behind the counter and ropes and nets hanging from the ceiling. Architecturally, the reception is designed to be in the center of the office and divide the space into: The Pacific, (represented by all employees in work stations, phone booths, cafeteria, copying points, lockers and focus room) and the Caribbean (representing clients and visitors in boardrooms and conference rooms).
The design of all the offices has a range of blues that represent the ocean. Inspired by the sea, the graphic images represent the foam, movement and plants of the sea. The waves are represented in floors and carpets.
This is a project that, in addition to complying with Microsoft’s conceptual requirements, adapts to the company’s work models in which work stations are itinerant and innovation and collaboration rooms are protagonists. As well as the importance of reflecting the connectivity with the world.
Designer: AEI Arquitectura e Interiores
Contractor: AEI Arquitectura e Interiores
Photography: Juan Fernando Castro
10 Images | expand for additional detail
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微软办公室 - 巴拿马城-19
微软办公室 - 巴拿马城-20
微软办公室 - 巴拿马城-21
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