Columbia Anglo Colombiano school
室内设计团队:AEI Arquitectura e Interiores
哥伦比亚室内设计团队AEI Arquitectura e Interiores,在波哥大一栋由费尔南多建筑师丹尼尔设计的Omega Block大厦,打造了这座名为Anglo Colombiano的学校。这里的设计理念非常简单,那就是:在实践中学习。在此基础上,设计师们考虑到新生代的特点以及他们与空间互动的方式,打造出了能够反映新型教育模式的图书馆以及扩展阅读室。
AEI Arquitectura e Interiores团队的设计,用色彩和图案奠定了空间的基调,为孩子们展现出一个丰富的世界。蓝色、绿色、黄色以及红色被用来作为不同房间的主打色,代表着不同的教学内容。部分墙壁上挂着的垫子构成雕塑般的造型,它们也可以被孩子们放在地板上坐着玩耍。悬挂的树形装饰,还有第二功能那就是充当白板,孩子们可以绕着它们玩耍,或者在上面涂涂画画。
Local-based AEI Arquitectura e Interiores has colorized Daniel Bonilla Arquitecto’s Omega Block building at the Anglo Colombiano school in Bogotá, Colombia. Its concept is based on a simple premise: learning by doing. This led them to design the library and the extended learning areas of the building, reflecting the latest educational models that take into consideration the new generations and their way of interacting with spaces.
AEI Arquitectura e Interiores’s design showcases a world thought for children where color and geometry set the pace of the space.Blue, green, yellow and red were the colors chosen to fill the different rooms, representing the different hues of the school. Some walls are covered in cushions which can be taken out to allow children to sit on the floor or even construct sculpture-like structures. A set of hanging trees are given a second role as whiteboards, allowing kids to play around them, as well as paint on them.
哥伦比亚Anglo Colombiano学校室内实景图