
2019/03/07 03:14:40
UP+S: As a unique project type in the real estate economy, the demonstration area landscape has taken up a great proportion of the as-built landscape projects in recent years, which is also taken as a selling tool and a display window for living scenes, and the ever-increasing customer expectation promotes the extreme competition in innovation and design of such a project. In order to maximize the dramatic effect of the scene, the function sometimes gives way to the form; the site characteristics can be rewritten to the greatest extent; the plant form is strictly controlled; and the landscape environment is becoming more and more fine and indoor …However, the demonstration area landscape is detached from daily life and becomes a surreal stage set. Is this the only aesthetic development direction of the demonstration area landscape?
雅居乐滨河雅郡展示区位于天津市滨海新区中新生态城北岛的西南门户,蓟运河、故道河两河东西环绕,距离渤海湾海岸线仅 4.5 公里。燕山山脉的水经由蓟运河以及场地和周边大面积咸淡水湿地生态系统,流向大海。这一区域有着独特而敏感的生态本底,这里还曾是营城水库所在区域,水库渐渐完成农业灌溉功能,城市文明将在这里展开。
The Agile Binheyajun Demonstration Area is located at the southwest gateway of the North Island of China-Singapore Eco-city in Binhai New Area, Tianjin, surrounded by the Jiyun River and Gudao River in the east and west respectively, only 4.5 kilometers away from the coastline of Bohai Bay. The water from Yanshan Mountains flows to the sea through the Jiyun River and the large-scale salty and fresh water wetland ecosystem around the site. Therefore, this area has a unique and sensitive ecological background. It was also once the area where Yingcheng Reservoir was located. The reservoir has gradually completed the agricultural irrigation function, and the urban civilization will be developed here.
▼雅居乐滨河雅郡展示区所在区位 Location of Agile Binheyajun Demonstration Area.
低平的天空下,大面积的水塘湿地、长满青蒿和碱蓬的草原形成了基地平远、苍茫的最初印象。场地现状地势低洼(现状场地标高为 2.4 米),接近海平面,土壤和地下水均具有较强的盐碱性,这样独特区域生态属性的场地,设计如果脱离无视这种现状情况,将要付出较大的代价,我们开始思考能否将场地的自然本底作为一种场所特质加以延续。
The base gives the initial impression of being vast and far away from the real world under the low sky, and it contains a large area of pond and wetland, as well as the grassland covered with sweet wormwood and seepweed. The current site is low-lying (with an elevation of 2.4m), close to sea level, and the soil and groundwater are characterized with strong salt alkalinity. If the design of the site ignores these unique regional ecological attributes, it will pay a high price. We have begun to think about whether the natural background of the site can be kept as a unique feature.
Current Status of Site.
销售中心以东约 9800 平米的前场区域,将在大概在 5-8 年后完成销售功能,转变为周边居民的社区公园,主要服务于南部的住宅区和东部的幼儿园,设计需要充分考虑和远期的使用衔接;而销售中心及以西约 6700 平米的后场区域是未来社区商业片区,一年后就将开始进行建筑施工,设计应采用最低成本的方式为销售时期赋予场所特质。
The frontcourt area of about 9800 square meters on the east of the sales center will complete its selling function in about 5-8 years and be transformed into a community park for surrounding residents, mainly serving the residential areas in the south and the kindergartens in the east. The design should fully consider the compatibility with the long-term use. The sales center and the backcourt area of about 6,700 square meters on the west are the future commercial area for the community, and the construction work will begin one year later. The design should adopt the lowest cost method to show the characteristics of the site during the sales period.
▼场地近远期功能过渡 Transition of Short-term and Long-term Functions of the Site.
▼总平面图 Master Plan.
▼交通动线 Site Viewing Route.
When visitors arrive from the west side, the first thing that comes into view is the landscape in the backcourt of the demonstration area. Its landscape design reproduces the original characteristics of the vast site with low and undulating terrain and salt-tolerant native herbs, and highlights the distant sales center buildings to the greatest extent. Since the construction work will start one year later, only a small amount of micro-topography treatment has been be done, and the elevation is not raised in most areas. The concave green space thus formed becomes a stagnant wetland for rainwater in the backcourt.
Reproduction of the Original Vastness Feeling of the Site in the Backcourt.
▼雨季时下凹空间成为雨水湿地 The Concave Space Turning into Rainwater Wetland in Rainy Season.
▼后场的休闲和洽谈空间 Leisure and Negotiation Space in the Backcourt.
In the backcourt of the sales center where wild flowers are blooming, you can climb over the rolling hills and walk on the gravel path to explore the secrets among the flowers. On midsummer night, when the lights are on, this will be the stage for the flower gods and the night elves.
On the basis of meeting the functional requirements during the sales period, the frontcourt space shall be properly designed so that the future transition to the park place will only need the least amount of demolition and modification. When residents settle in, the trees and water systems can reach the most ideal stable state, and visitors can experience the real scene of the future community park during the sales period.
水滴湖的水来自场地内的雨水收集利用,利用销售中心(建筑正负零标高 4.1 米)和场地(标高 2.4 米)之间的高差,形成叠级的湖面,收集建筑屋面和场地的雨水,向大湖的汇集。
The frontcourt area is about 157 m× 60 m, and the planned Parking lot and three model rooms occupy one fifth of the area, so the site space is rather cramped. According to the design, the model rooms and operation space are arranged around the central Water Drop Lake, and three complementary and intersecting visiting routes are formed around the Lake.
The water of Water Drop Lake comes from rainwater collected in the site, and the cascade lake surface is formed due to the height difference between the sales center (with a building elevation [±0] of 4.1m) and the site (with a elevation of 2.4m). It collects rainwater from building roofs and sites, and deliver it into the Great Lake.
The Water Drop Lake is not only a continuation of the memory about the site, but also an important part of wetland ecosystem of China-Singapore Eco-city. The Lake and the aquatic plants therein provide habitats for fish, insects and amphibians, and also become the “ecological stepping stones” for migratory birds in their migration way. People living here can explore the nature along the floating bridge and through the reeds, which will become the memory of every resident.
Different zoning strategies and engineering practices have been adopted for landscape water body, taking into account of both the landscape quality and the sustainability.
1.树林叠湖边的聚会空间 The gathering space by the wooded lake
During the sales period, this area is an outdoor negotiation area, and it will be a leisure space for community business in the future. This part of water body adopts the form of artificial shallow pool in design, and the bottom with reinforced concrete structure is paved with shale to ensure the stability of water level and water quality of this part of the waterscape, and to minimize the water consumption. The water makes a soft sound when flowing across the lake, and the maple trees on the tree island form a beautiful reflection on the water surface. You can get together and talk with friends, or read a book in the afternoon, enjoying an atmosphere full of the poetry of nature, where the time is slowed down seemingly.
2.生态湖区 Ecological lake area
采用生态池底做法,构建水岸和水下生态系统,采用水下立式隔板,又将整个生态湖区划分为“常水位控制区”——确保水上浮桥周边的水位稳定性和“自然消落区”——允许有 50 厘米的水位涨落,这样可以精准地补水至最需要保证景观效果的区域。按照设计方案,大区建成后,居住区的雨水也将汇集到生态湖作为湖体补水。
It adopts the way of constructing ecological pool bottom to build up the waterfront and underwater ecosystem, in which underwater vertical partition boards are used to divide the whole ecological lake area into a “constant water level control area” (to ensure the stability of water level around floating bridge) and a “natural fluctuation area” (to allow water level fluctuation of 50 cm), so as to accurately replenish water to the area where landscape effect is most desired. According to the design plan, after the completion of the major area, the rainwater in the residential area will also be collected into the ecological lake as water supplement for the lake.
3.雨水花园 Rainwater garden
It is the center of initial collection of peripheral surface runoff, and functions as the front pond of lake, which could intercept the sediment and pollutants in the initial rainwater.
虽然只有不足 100 平米的空间,彩色迷宫一般的雨水花园却是大自然雨水循环路径中的重要一环,雨水在这里消纳并得到净化,这里也是一个小型的植物和雨水的博物学天地,渤海湾有哪些乡土植物?你知道植物也有两栖的么?谁是净化水质改良土壤的小能手?进入“水滴泡泡”,畅想一个水滴的生命旅程。
Although it only takes an area of less than 100 square meters, the colorful labyrinth-like rainwater garden is an important part of nature’s rainwater circulation mechanism, where rainwater is absorbed and purified. It is also a natural niche of plants and rainwater. What native plants are there in Bohai Bay? Do you know any amphibious plants? Which kind of creature is the little expert in purifying water and improving soil? Please enter “bubble of water drops” and imagine the life journey of a water drop.
4.焕醒自然感知能力的儿童游戏场 Children’s playground for awakening natural perception
The children’s playground, as an essential function part of the community park and a tool to retain customers during the sales period, has been given full consideration. It is arranged on the east side. Therefore, after the kindergarten is built in the future, it is possible to set up an entrance to the park from the kindergarten separately.
For the children born in the Internet era, surrounded by exquisite toys and abundant materials, nature-friendly play space is the best gift for them to grow up. The playground here simulates the landform of hill, wood and mud flat in Bohai Bay, with slide built in the wood of hill and dry stream connecting activity sites. The design minimizes industrial materials and replaces them with organic and natural materials, so that the children can touch sand, stones and flowers, step on fallen trees and big rocks, look for unique animal friends in Bohai Bay in the animal maze, and learn about the complexity of the ant world in the soil classroom, feel and learn in games, know the land where they grow and love their homeland.
5.丰富游历感的看房动线 House viewing route to enrich the traveling experience
由于场地空间有限,样板间和围挡之间仅有 8 米左右的空间。通过穿过树岛的小钢桥、微微折动的树林小径和有机感的碎拼场地来打破巷道感,尽可能创造出有一定疏密开合变化的种植空间,小径产生的深远感,以及返回样板间的水上浮桥路径的平远感产生的空间对比和转换,丰富了动线体验。
The space of the site is limited, and there is only about 8 meters between the model room and the enclosure. The sense of narrowness is broken by the arrangement of small steel bridge passing through the tree island, the slightly winding forest path and the fragmentary plots of the site with organic sense, to create the planting space with changes in density and openness as much as possible. The far-reaching sense generated by the path and the spatial contrast and the conversion generated by the floating bridge path back to the model room enrich the traveling experience.
建成后的展示区,和生态城的绿色生态系统很好地融合在一起,1000 平米湖面和 518 株大树静静等待大区新家的建成——树木葱茏,花草繁茂,蜻蜓从水面掠过,见证孩子的成长和居民生活中的幸福时刻。
After completion of the demonstration area, it will be incorporated into the green ecosystem of the Eco-city. The lake surface of 1000 square meters and 518 trees are quietly waiting for the completion of the new home in the major region. Lush trees, lush flowers and dragonflies passing through the water will all witness the growth of children and the happy moments in residents’ lives.
Agile Binheyajun Demonstration Area is a beneficial attempt. It is expected that the creation of sales experience and quality space will be combined with the authenticity and natural beauty of the site. It is also hoped that while creating a livable environment, the transitional aquatic ecosystem between land and sea will be restored at the same time, and that the human habitation can be harmoniously compatible with the hydrological ecology and the marine culture.
合作方单位 建筑设计:天友建筑设计股份有限公司 室内设计:GND 设计集团 恩嘉设计 摄影版权:三映景观摄影-- 任意
Project name: Agile Binheyajun Demonstration Area and Community Park Landscape
Location: Binhai New District, Tianjin
Landscape area: 20,639 ㎡
Client: Agile Group Holdings Co., LTD
Client team: Liang Hao, Sun Shuai, Wang Meng, Liu Ruibin, Heng Xiaoxu, Han Lingling, Zheng Xin, Zhang Xu, Li Zhi
Lead and design team
Landscape design: UP+S (Beijing) Architectural Landscape Design Consulting Co., LTD
Landscape scheme: Zou Yvbo, Su Xiaogeng, Gao Tiankuo, Huang Qiaojun, Wang Zheng, Liu Lisha, Liu Si
Construction drawing: Tan Binjie, Jiang Xue, Shi Pengwei, Song Bowen, Chen Shuzhen
Water ecology: Liu Zhe
Design year: 2019
Collaborators Architectural design: Tianyou Architectural Design Co., LTD
Interior design: GND Design Group, ENGa Design
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