

BOGL:Mellemrummet社区公园,位于丹麦哥本哈根的勒斯塔德·西德(Ørestad Syd),是专为居民在高大的墙壁和繁忙的街道之间空出的一个小憩空间。白柳、中国绣线菊、蓝刺头和观赏草等各种植物,让这里变成了一个新的氧气场所,市民们可以坐下来,一边感受脚趾间的青青小草,一边深呼吸,焕发新活力。
BOGL:The neighborhood park, Mellemrummet, is placed as a small pause between the tall walls and busy streets in Ørestad Syd in Copenhagen, Denmark. White willow, chinese meadow-rue, globe thistle and ornamental grasses make Mellemrummet a place, where citizens can sit and take an extra deep breath while feeling the grass between their toes.
When BOGL started designing Mellemrummet, the surrounding area was a construction site. Like most of the buildings in Ørestad Syd the park was placed on a bare, brownfield, which gave rise to new questions. How do you work site specific based on a context that doesn’t exist? The answer was found in the history of the area. Until 1943 the pasture at Kalvebod Fælled was not a pasture, but a seabed in the waters between two islands. The waters were characterized by small, underwater skerries, but after a land reclamation the area became what we know today. A wide landscape of pastures with wet meadow and a vegetation dominated by grasses and pioneers in subdued earth tones.
The history and geology ended up being the basis for the design of Mellemrummet – both figuratively and literally. Large concrete surfaces create a ‘coastline’ towards the green center of the park, where smaller concrete elements rise as skerries in the landscape. The concrete elements were cast directly in the ground, using the earth as a mold and thus anchoring the geological narrative as a clear imprint in the concrete element. An imprint which is enhanced by different dyes in the material.
The casts lie as small islands in the green area and create a clear visual connection through the park. Because of the robust material they can endure wind and weather while functioning as furniture and an urban “playground”. Instead of incorporating traditional play equipment in the park, it is the park itself which encourages explorations, adventures and movement. On warm summer days Mellemrummet is wrapped in light mist coming from the small sprinklers between the concrete skerries, on rainy days the center fills with water reminiscent of the former sea.
▼平面图 Plan
项目名称:Mellemrummet 完成:2020年8月 面积:860平方米 项目地点:丹麦哥本哈根