

Group GSA:为了庆祝纪念费尔菲尔德区域的特征和历史文化,GroupGSA与费尔菲尔德议会紧密合作,在费尔菲尔德镇中心开发出一个新的广场,来打造一个高品质、现代化的城市空间。GroupGSA参与了深化设计到施工图阶段。
Group GSA:GroupGSA worked closely with Fairfield Council to develop and deliver a newly created plaza within the heart of Fairfield Town Centre that provides a high quality, contemporary urban space celebrating the area’s character and history. GroupGSA was involved from design development through to the construction phase.
The new plaza increases pedestrian connectivity throughout the town and provides an adaptable space for public gatherings which is both comfortable and visually stimulating. Interest and activation is further embellished using smart technology, with the development of a fully integrated system of images (LED screen), outdoor feature lighting and sound to create “themes” specific to local cultural highlights and events. In effect, the plaza becomes a catalyst for civil revitalisation, creating not only a high quality urban “space” but an “experience” as well.