

plandscape :奢华的Trident Gurgaon酒店坐落在1座7英亩的庞大园景花园里,提供5个餐饮场所、大型庭院、倒影池和喷泉。给人一种幽静的感觉。整个酒店弥漫着平静的感觉——水疗中心,游泳池,棕榈庭院,餐厅和主大堂。就在您认为您品尝到每一处景点的时候,当明星出现时,酒店会自动变身,酒店的反射池中闪烁着火光,营造出戏剧化的环境。由泰国建筑师Lek Bunag设计,Trident,Gurgaon是低层建筑,占地七英亩。酒店将自然元素和奢华的空间,水和光融入其设计中。你还会发现摩洛哥,莫卧儿和拉贾斯坦风格在其建筑中的影响。米色穹顶式传统外部房屋拥有136间现代化的客房和套房,配备了所有现代化设施,适合挑剔的客人。 Trident,Gurgaon是Gurgaon,Delhi NCR最好的酒店之一。
plandscape :Trident, Gurgaon features gardens, courtyards and reflection pools, lending it a resort-like ambience. The sense of calm filters through the entire hotel – the spa, swimming pool, the palm courtyard, the restaurants and the main lobby. And just when you think you have savoured every sight there is, the hotel transforms itself when the stars come out, when fire torches sparkle in the hotel’s reflection pools to create a dramatic setting.Designed by Thai architect, Lek Bunag, Trident, Gurgaon is low-rise and spread over seven acres. The hotel blends the natural elements and luxury of space, water and light into its design. You will also find influences of Moroccan, Mughal and Rajasthani style in its architecture. The beige dome-like traditional exterior houses 136 contemporary rooms and suites。
photograph:W WORKSPACE