

致舍景观:2019 年初春,我们第一次来到场地,石家庄这一北方城市南郊的装备基地生活服务区。场地被一望无垠的麦田所包围,扑面而来的是自然的空旷;没有了城市高楼林立的凌乱天际线,有的是天与地相接的广袤地平线,天空澄蓝,地面翠绿。西侧货车飞驰的裕祥街将麦田的静谧打破,从视觉和听觉上无时无刻强行的刷着城市的存在感。顺着裕祥街,当我们来到附近的装备基地工业区,则是另一番景象。几何式的厂房和大型钢架设备,充满了工业感的场景,在其中我们感悟到了力量的存在。于是,自然和力是这个场地传达出来的气质,成为了我们思考的出发点,也始终贯穿在整个设计——源于场地,归于场地。
Z’scape: In the spring of 2019, We visited the site for the first time, which is located in the service area of the equipment base in the south of Shijiazhuang. The site was surrounded by a vast wheat fields where you can feel the power of natural open space; There is no messy skyline lined with high-rise buildings in the city, only the vast horizons where the sky meets the earth with blue sky and green land. Yuxiang Street on the west side, breaks the quietness of the wheat field from the visual and auditory sense, and mind you here is still close to the city. Along the Yuxiang Street, when we came to the nearby industrial base of the equipment base, it was another scene. It was so strong and so industrial with large geometrical workshops and huge large steel frames.Therefore, nature and strength are the temperament conveyed by this site, which has become the starting point of our thinking, and it has always run through the entire design.
▼景观的艺术介入,力和自然的驻留 Artistic intervention of landscape,The presence of force and nature
设计思维 Design thinking
No matter how beautiful and special the design is, it is the physical appearance of the design. We are more inclined to see the site as a whole, let the natural elements present a real texture, so that people can sense the vitality of the landscape and get involved in it. Shijiazhuang Sunac City is a brand new attempt for the landscape of the demonstration area. The design is not expensive, not with lots of rich materials and highlights; Our ideal design is a whole and powerful blocky look, presents a more quality style, and can also express the precision and identification of construction technology in details.
入口景观 Entrance landscape
The entrance emphasizes the sense of horizontal level to guide route. With pure white space and walls for shadow, it gives people a visual sense of overall simplicity but full of details and transformation; The circulation of the entrance space also interprets the definition of beauty in people’s minds.
▼片状入口景墙和点状涌泉,呈现出整体且有力度的块面感 Entrance wall and water fountain
▼黄昏时的入口廊 Entrance wall
▼夕阳下的细节,呈现出光感之美 Beauty of light
静水中庭 Reflection Water Courtyard
In the narrow space of the frontcourt, the reflection water courtyard is more suitable for such scale and expression atmosphere. The entrance, the boundary wall and the footpath seem like floating on the water. when the black pool reflects the sky and clouds. The simple block surface reflects more about the spatial relationship.
▼静水中庭的黄昏 Water courtyard(Dusk)
Maple trees in relection water courtyard,The whole design is clean and simple
▼入口、界墙、步道漂浮于水中,简洁的块面表达空间关系 The simple block surface reflects more about the spatial relationship
框景 framing
The landscape has always been a symbol of human civilization and a sign of nature. The green lawn is like the wheat field in early spring. A series of triangular terrains outlines the rolling hills. It is reflected by the clean water surface of the mirror. This scene maps the romantic feelings of the landscape gardens in the hearts of Chinese people.
▼框景中定格的山水画画卷 The framed landscape acts as a landscape painting
▼夜景下树影婆娑 Night scene, the shadow of the tree
三角形的艺术区 Triangle Art District
We extracted the “triangle” of the most common mechanical structural element in the equipment machinery factory. The triangle is not only the most stable geometric shape, but also a good element of the construction space. The Swiss landscape master Cramer’s epoch-making work “The Poet Garden” in Zurich is the best proof.
▼概念转绎 Concept
The triangle form has no figurative language, does not pursue the complete reproduction of the objective things, makes the works full of imagination, and the straight lines are intertwined with the pure color blocks, surpassing the power sense and emotion that the figurative body cannot convey.
三角形坡地犹如极简主义大师野口勇(Isamu Noguchi)的雕塑一般,在此看似肆意但实为精准的捏形,要求严苛的施工工艺才能使三角形草坡呈现出自然却极为精准的形态。
The triangular slope is like the sculpture of the minimalism master Isamu Noguchi. The seemingly pleasing but precise pinch shape requires a harsh construction process to give the triangular grass slope a natural yet extremely precise form.
The triangular grass slope group functionally isolates the noise and screen the road, to creating a unique art garden within the site.
三角形草坡群的艺术花园,Art garden with triangular grass landforms
The showcase building will become a community kindergarten with six classes in the future. This triangular slope group will also become a fun outdoor activity playground for children to laugh and run.
People climb up green landforms
▼奔跑在“山野之间”的孩童 Children running between the mountains
▼波纹不锈钢三角面,景致随时间而异 The corrugated stainless steel triangular face presents different landscapes as the time changes
枫竹花园 Maple and bamboo garden
The backyard space is a maple and bamboo garden, adopting the design concept of “The earth is plasticine”. Turf can fly against gravity like a flying carpet. Cluster of maple “through” this “flying carpet”, Forms a visual focus from the interior grinding. Through the refraction of the mirror frame stainless steel mirror surface, the surrounding scene forms a wonderful artistic space.
▼草皮的艺术设计,翘起的地毯一角 Turf art design
▼廊架柱体不锈钢镜面的折射,让周围场景形成曼妙的艺术空间 Beautiful reflection of surrounding environment
简洁的形式和艺术感 Concise form and Art sense
pure light beige white wall, black pool bottom reflecting sky light, up and down undulating grass slope, and ornamental grass whirling in the wind. Although the form is simple, it also changes endlessly. With the help of warm sun, cold moon, clear wind, mist, flying bubble and natural or artificial elements, it presents different sceneries at different times.The whole design is clean and simple.
▼总平面 Plan
▼地形景观概况 Overview of terrain landscape
竣工日期: 019 年
Project Name: Shijiazhuang Sunac City
Client: SunacArea: 5420㎡
Landscape Design firm: Z’ scape
Designer team : Liangjun Zhou, Ting Zhou, Jinsheng Zhang, Liping Chen, Zijian Wang, Ziyi Li, Yuxi Chen, Jinsha Wang, Yueheng Liu
Completion date: 2019
Location: Shijiazhuang, Hebei province
Photo Credit: Zheng Yan Architectural Photography, Qi Luan, Kuntu Culture
项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project