

罗朗景观:“江水之东,金陵之左,右间有一小泽”取名为句容,其为金陵的东南门户;同时 “华夏民族之文化,历数千载之演进,造极于赵宋之世”,古代美学由唐朝的大气华美转向宋代的婉约极简,要求绝对的单纯:即圆、方、素、质的纯粹。苏洵文风雄奇劲简、曾巩为文自然淳朴、徽宗笔墨天成妙体众形、汝窑官窑圆润流畅等,无不讲究“极简、朴素”之美学标准。
LAURENT:The origin of the name of Jurong comes from an ancient line,“To the east of Jiangshui, to the left of Jinling, there is a small lake on the right.” Jurong is the southeast portal of the city Jinling. Meanwhile, an old Chinese saying goes, “the culture of the Chinese nation has evolved over thousands of years, coming to a climax in Song Dynasty.” The ancient aesthetics changed from the magnificent gaudiness of the Tang Dynasty to the minimalism of the Song Dynasty, requiring absolute simplicity: namely, circle, square, plain, and quality. Suxun’s writing is masculine and simple. Zenggong’s writing is unsophisticated. Huizong presents a natural writing. The chinaware of Ruyao Kiln and Guanyao Kiln has a fluid and elegant shape. They all pay attention to the aesthetic standards of “minimalism and plan”.
The site is long and narrow and the original space is dull and limited. We try to transform it from an ethereal place to a vivid life scene, a combination of traditional environment and modern lifestyle. The focus of our design considerations is to find a way to extract the essence of traditional aesthetics and integrate it into project design.
▼场地分析 Analysis
▼总平面图 Master Plan
第一重境——落叶满空山,何处寻芳迹 The first realm
The first realm defines the entrance space, which uses the concept, “seeking the mountain”, as the clue and stone as the performance characteristic. It emphasizes the contrast between the simplicity of the black stone and the elegance of the white wall, and weakens the toughness of the stone with the softness of the trees and the flowing water.
▼简练的层次和线条,处处留白的想象空间与建筑的高冷相依相容 With the clear layers and simple lines, the left white space inspires infinite imagination, meanwhile, is compatible with the cold color tone of the high building
▼入口庭院细节 The garden detail
第二重境——空山无人,水流花开 The second realm
For the design of the frontcourt, we set a completely different situation: ethereal and clear. Through the changes of material’s texture, contrast between colors, and the combination of the spring and the still water, we create an artistic space with lights and shadows dancing, artificial mountain standing, flower blossoming and stream flowing.
▼前场静水空间 The front court waterscape
▼前场水景细节 The waterscape detail
▼夜幕降临的前场空间 The front court space as night falls
第三重境——万古长空,一朝风月 The third realm
Through the “homecoming” concept of the sample house, we propose to return everything of our life to the most essential existence. We use the concept of “light” and “dust” and tree atmosphere,” guileless”, “humble” and “elegant”, to create a stone environment and to enrich the experience of homecoming.
全区占地面积:84512 m2
Project name: YANGO DFL · THE BLISS
Client: YanGo Group
Location: east of intersection of Zhongxing road, North Ninghang road, Jurong city, Jiangsu province, China
Completion date: December 2018
Site area: 84512 m2
Demonstration area: 5600 m2
Landscape design: LAURENT
Design team: Yulong Jiang, Yuan huang, Zhengzhen Luo, Kangcheng Bo, JinFeng Tao, HongBo OuYang
Photography: Zhe Xu
项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project