
2018/06/21 06:10:31
Studio Guilherme Torres:经过在Casa Cor SP的第七次研讨研究后,Guilherme Torres 预测厨房将是房屋里最基本的生活空间主体之一,火和冰的元素将会融入感性的情感环境设计之中。
Studio Guilherme Torres:In his 7th participation at Casa Cor SP, Guilherme Torres anticipates the future of the kitchen as the most elementary living space in the house in an environment where the elements of fire and ice give way to induction technology – and to the design of emotion.
巴西的智慧土壤将在未来十年培育出更多创意。Guilherme Torres 在全国最大的装修活动中提出了一种非常规的设计方式,常见的地方和美食的光线,彻底消除了房屋主体和烟火劳动区的分层。常规厨房、美食厨房和餐厅将烘托别样的氛围,这些氛围借助某些未达成的概念技术,与家庭生活融为一体。
The domestic wisdom will be the space of the house that will present more innovations in the next decade. In a unconventional way, common places and gourmetizing rays, Guilherme Torres’ proposal presented at the largest decoration event in the country eliminates once and for all the concept of big house and slave quarters. The “regular” kitchen, the “gourmet” kitchen and the “dining room” drain out, up-to-date atmosphere that glimpses the technologies that soon – long before you finish your dessert – will make part of family life.
“The industrial revolution provided enormous advances in processes, from planting to table, but technology is always developing in an unusual way. Canned food, for example, was invented 50 years before the can opener ”, points out Guilherme Torres. “Our kitchens need to be overhauled. In the real estate market, the concept of social cuisine, such a gourmet space, proliferates. And the architectural industry has pointed out that the room will once again be a protagonist in the 21st century ”, he continues.
合作伙伴Todeschini也曾言,未来十年内的厨房,在当前发现趋势下,厨房与客厅一体化会成为潮流。知名工作室Guilherme Torres大胆将餐厅作为房子的核心,以此为基础进行整体装修设计。
In partnership with Todeschini, a reference in the planning sector, the kitchen of the next decade, in this case, is a living room hybrid. Studio Guilherme Torres takes the concept of the “feeder” as the heart of the house to the last consequences, but proposing an area where the appliances are imitates the environment.
在平衡美感,实用性等和遵守装修规范下,巧妙将技术与空间结合。比如在洗手台下将水槽隐藏,将洗衣机又融入洗手台下,即美观,也节省空间,给予最大的空间舒适感。 – 同时也可以设置了自动柜,方便日常东西的取放,又比如不锈钢表,电磁炉,和灶具与厨房结构相互融合,带来更多的舒适体验感,提升整体观感。当然冰箱也可以大胆设计和规划。该行业最大品牌方在研究和测试智能冰箱,其功能丰富,可以根据食品设置冻结温度,进行食品最适宜温度分类,将相同适宜温度食品归于同一封装盒。生命如此短暂的,享受时间即是从明天早上开始,步入厨房,从甜点开始,生活即开始。
▼平面图 Plan
项目名称:Next Supper 完成:2016年 项目地点:巴西圣保罗
景观设计:Studio Guilherme Torres
首席建筑师:Guilherme Torres
图片:MCA Estudio
Project name: Next Supper Completion Year: 2016 Project location: São Paulo/SP – Brasil
Design Firm: Studio Guilherme Torres
Lead Architects: Guilherme Torres
Photo credits: MCA Estudio
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