

Broissin:这座树屋位于狭长的Sierra de las Cruces山脉的山脚下,这是墨西哥大峡谷的西部边界。像往常一样,我们喜欢去搜集当地的历史文化,因此,树屋的名字来自“chantil”和‘kuaulakoyokan’ 这两个词,在经典的纳瓦特尔语(特诺奇蒂特兰城的辉煌时期墨西哥大峡谷居民的官方语言)中,“chantil”是房子或房间的意思,“kuaulakoyokan”意为“在树顶”。
Broissin: This tree house is located at the foothills of the long ‘Sierra de las Cruces’, which is the occidental limit of the Valley of Mexico’s basin. As is usual we like to take back some part of the past of the places we intervene so, the tree house gets its name from the word ‘chantil’ which in classic nahuatl – Valley of Mexico’s habitants official language in the great Tenochtitlan – meaning house or room, and from the word ‘kuaulakoyokan’ which means ‘in the tree top’.
Design House是“墨西哥设计周”一年一度的重要活动,今年十周年庆典的活动主题是改造废弃房屋,共有24名当地室内设计师和建筑师参与,所有人都在2018世界设计之都给定的框架内以自己的风格改造了一个房间或室外区域。Broissin负责房屋的前庭部分,将其改造成了一个微型森林,并在一棵百年白蜡树上建了一座小树屋。
Celebrating its tenth anniversary, Design House is an annual event that stands out in the calendar of Design Week Mexico. This year’s edition takes an abandoned house that is transformed by 24 local interior designers and architects, each one restoring a room or outdoor area in their own style within the frame of the World Design Capital 2018. Broissin was in charge of the house’s access patio and transformed it into a micro forest with the small tree house over a centennial ash tree.
▼改造前 Before
▼改造后 After
By popular cult the tree house is an element that refers back to childhood and the search of a space that is your own that grants us refuge, disconnection and that is the scenario of adventures and dreams.
传统意义的树屋是用木头建造的,现在我们用水晶重新诠释它。首先,回溯我们孩童时期的纯真随着时间的推移而消失,正如寒冷的玻璃巧妙地取代了温暖的木头。本项目参考了墨西哥演员迭戈·路那 (Diego Luna) 的话剧《Privacidad》,该剧对社交媒体所承诺的所谓隐私提出了质疑;同样地,透明的树屋也试图引起人们对建筑空间所要求的安全性和隐私性的反思。正如项目所预想的,某些元素有时会因用户本身对空间的不合理使用,或建筑设计的内在因素而受到损害。
Conventionally it is constructed in wood and now we reinterpret it in crystal. In first place, to remember the innocence we have as children which fades over time, as the warmth of wood is now cunningly replaced by the coldness of glass. Like a colophon, the project makes reference to the play ‘Privacidad’ by mexican actor Diego Luna, spokesperson of this project, where the supposed privacy promised by social media is questioned; in the same way the diaphanous of the tree house also seeks to invite on a reflection about the security and privacy requested from a constructed space, elements that are sometimes compromised by the misuse of space at the hand of the user itself or by factors inherent to the architectural design, as is the case in this premeditated exercise.
▼树屋夜景 Night view of Treehouse
▼庭院夜景 Night view of the yard
主创:Gerardo Broissin、Loredana Croci、Pablo Morales
设计团队:结构工程师Humberto Giron
客户:Design House during Mexico Design Week by Glocal
合作者:Saint-Gobain Glass
摄影:Alexandre d’ La Roche
玻璃:Saint Gobain
木地板:Fine floors
灯具和小狗雕塑:David Pompa
Project name: Crystal Treehouse
Completion Year: 2018
Size: Treehouse 7 sqm / Yard 70 sqm
Project location: México City
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Broissin
Lead Architects: Gerardo Broissin, Loredana Croci, Pablo Morales
Design Team: Structural Engineer Humberto Giron
Clients: Design House during Mexico Design Week by Glocal
Collaborators: Saint-Gobain Glass
Photo credits: Alexandre d’ La Roche
Saint Gobain –Glass
Fine floors –Wooden floor
Firenze – Wall tile
Knauff – gypsum exterior sheetrock
Comex – paint
David Pompa – OolaAlquimiamc lamp & Black BadBoy dog sculpture
审稿编辑 HOU