

Studio Arthur Casas:圣保罗作为全球最大的日本移民和后裔聚集地之一,当然也已经完全融入了该国的地道美食。Kosushi是一家有着25年历史的餐厅,我们曾在17年前为他们原创设计了餐厅内部,这次,Kosushi再次找到了我们,希望对其主要单元进行更新并使其更为现代化。我们提出的解决方案是给餐厅创建一个新的立面,改造后面的户外空间,减少桌子的数量,分配给酒吧更多的空间。
Studio Arthur Casas:São Paulo is home to one of the largest communities of Japanese immigrants and descendants in the world, and as a result, the country’s cuisine has been completely integrated into the life of the city. A restaurant with a 25-year history and an original design created by the Studio 17 years ago, Kosushi sought us out once again, this time looking to update and modernize its main unit. The idea was to give the restaurant a new facade, modify the rear outdoor space, reduce the number of tables, and allocate more space to the bar.
The first step was to recognize those architectural elements of the original design which remained engaging and had resisted the fads and trends of the period – and which should thus be maintained.
The facade of the restaurant, situated on a calm street with little traffic, was given a huge picture window, creating greater permeability between the space and the street. In the area previously set aside for the main dining room, a sweeping counter in rustic granite, with all the imperfections characteristic of the raw material, now runs for 9 meters throughout the waiting area. The rear garden now includes a seating space, clad in white concrete, with two waterfalls, hardwood benches, and other pieces of furniture that complete the ambience. The landscaping complements the decoration with hanging and suspended vases.
The tables with silestone tops and white-concrete legs, the ample spherical wicker pendants, and the metallic bookcase decorated with Japanese ceramics were all specially designed as part of the renovation and have been placed in the seating area. The design features a neutral palette. The art, lighting, and the surfaces of the furniture bring flashes of color to the architecture.
▼平面图 Plan
▼立面图 Facade
▼剖面图 Section A-A
▼剖面图 Section B-B
项目名称:Kosushi Viradouro
设计:Arthur Casas
团队:Nara Telles, Adriana Yin, Raul Valadão, Débora Cardoso, Victoria Chaves, Manuela Girardi, Marina Menossi
承包商:Saeg Engenharia
顾问:Foco Luz e Desenho, Saeng Engenahria, Renata Tilli, Eduardo Moreno Marcenaria
地点:巴西 圣保罗
Project: Kosushi Viradouro
Author: Arthur Casas
Team: Nara Telles, Adriana Yin, Raul Valadão, Débora Cardoso, Victoria Chaves, Manuela Girardi, Marina Menossi
Contractor: Saeg Engenharia
Consultants: Foco Luz e Desenho, Saeng Engenahria, Renata Tilli, Eduardo Moreno Marcenaria
Project date: 2017
Project completion: 2017
Project area: 283 m2
Location: São Paulo – SP, Brazil