

BOGL:哥本哈根的Kalvebod Fælled学校是一所以体育运动为主的新建市立学校。学校起伏的景观取代了传统的校园景观,就像大自然一样,直接激发了学生们的游戏和运动活力。当学校结束一天的课程,当地居民可以自由使用体育馆和学校周围的户外区域,作为社区附近的活跃文化场所。
BOGL:Kalvebod Fælled School in Copenhagen is a newly built municipal school with a profile emphasizing sports and movement. The traditional schoolyard design is replaced with an undulating landscape that animates intuitive play and movement – just like nature. When the school day is over, local residents are invited to use both the gym and the outdoor areas surrounding the school as an active cultural venue.
The open schoolyard is a cast-in-situ concrete landscape in an organic design that refers to the site’s origin as reclaimed seabed. The concrete was developed specially for the project by specialists in skateparks and can stand up to the impact of wind and weather and active play.
Large areas planted with trees form sheltered play areas offering protection from the strong winds. The contrast between the urban surface and dense plantings produces a high degree of spatial variation, and together, the varied areas create an inspiring universe that encourages children to play and be physically active.
Kalvebod Fælled学校是可持续教育建筑领域的先锋项目。对气候的关注体现在高度的生物多样性、气候适应性和无障碍设计上。校园里一共种了502棵树,每棵都能帮助吸收二氧化碳。种植设计反映出了该地区的自然植被,使项目成为周围环境的一种自然延伸。
Kalvebod Fælled School is a spearhead project in the field of sustainable educational architecture. The climate focus is evident in a high degree of biodiversity, climate adaptations and accessibility for all. A total of 502 trees are planted on the school grounds, every one of them absorbing CO2. The planting reflects the natural vegetation of the area, and makes the project appear as a natural extension of the surroundings.
项目名称:Kalvebod Fælled学校
合作:Lundgaard Tranberg Architects
BOGL工作范围:项目景观设计,负责从竞赛阶段到执行阶段的设计工作,Svendborg Architects的副顾问