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蛇形美术馆 2012 展亭 | 穿越历史的考古设计

2012/04/07 19:42:21
蛇形美术馆 2012 展亭 | 穿越历史的考古设计-0
展馆是Herzog & de Meuron 和 Ai Weiwei在英国的首个合作建筑。今年的展馆将带领游客在蛇形美术馆的草坪下探索之前展馆隐藏的历史。每个过去展馆的十一根柱子和代表当前结构的第十二根柱子将支撑一个高出地面1.4米的浮动平台屋顶。展馆的内部将覆盖软木,这是一种可持续的建筑材料,因其独特的品质而被选择,以呼应挖掘出的泥土。
The Pavilion is Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei’s first collaborative built structure in the UK. This year’s Pavilion will take visitors beneath the Serpentine’s lawn to explore the hidden history of its previous Pavilions. Eleven columns characterising each past Pavilion and a twelfth column representing the current structure will support a floating platform roof 1.4 metres above ground. The Pavilion’s interior will be clad in cork, a sustainable building material chosen for its unique qualities and to echo the excavated earth.
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建筑师们采用了一种考古的方法,设计出了一种能激发游客在公园的表面下观看的设计,同时也能让游客穿越早期建筑的幽灵回到过去。策展人Julia Peyton-Jones和蛇形美术馆联席董事Hans Ulrich Obrist表示:“能与Herzog & de Meuron和Ai Weiwei合作,我感到非常荣幸。”在这激动人心的伦敦之年,我们为2008年北京奥运会与2012年伦敦奥运会联系在一起而感到自豪。我们非常感谢所有相关人员的帮助,尤其是Usha和Lakshmi N. Mittal,他们的大力支持使这个项目成为可能。
Taking an archaeological approach, the architects have created a design that will inspire visitors to look beneath the surface of the park as well as back in time across the ghosts of the earlier structures. Julia Peyton-Jones, Director, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Co-Director, Serpentine Gallery, said: “It is a great honour to be working with Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei, the design team behind Beijing’s superb Bird’s Nest Stadium. In this exciting year for London we are proud to be creating a connection between the Beijing 2008 and the London 2012 Games. We are enormously grateful for the help of everyone involved, especially Usha and Lakshmi N. Mittal, whose incredible support has made this project possible.”
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蛇纹美术馆展馆将作为公共空间和公园之夜的场所运作,这是展馆引人注目的公开演讲和活动计划。结合展馆设计的考古重点,《公园之夜》将在10月以蛇形美术馆记忆马拉松达到高潮,这是Hans Ulrich Obrist构思的年度蛇形马拉松系列的最新版本,目前已是第七年。马拉松系列从2006年开始,在24小时的蛇形美术馆采访马拉松;接着是2007年的马拉松实验;2008年的马拉松宣言;2009年的诗歌马拉松,2010年的地图马拉松和2011年的花园马拉松。2012年展馆由Usha和Lakshmi n . Mittal购买,2012年10月对公众关闭后将进入私人收藏。
The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion will operate as a public space and as a venue for Park Nights, the Gallery’s high-profile programme of public talks and events. Connecting to the archaeological focus of the Pavilion design, Park Nights will culminate in October with the Serpentine Gallery Memory Marathon, the latest edition of the annual Serpentine Marathon series conceived by Hans Ulrich Obrist, now in its seventh year. The Marathon series began in 2006 with the 24-hour Serpentine Gallery Interview Marathon; followed by the Experiment Marathon in 2007; the Manifesto Marathon in 2008; the Poetry Marathon in 2009, the Map Marathon in 2010 and the Garden Marathon in 2011. The 2012 Pavilion has been purchased by Usha and Lakshmi N. Mittal and will enter their private collection after it closes to the public in October 2012.
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Location: London,UK Time: 1 June – 14 October 2012 Design: Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei Photography: John Offenbach
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