

A new show at Paris’ Galerie Perrotin looks at the genesis, remarkably long-life and continuing influence of Korea’s Origin art school. Pictured left: Nucleus 78–28, by Lee Seung-Jio, 1978. Right: Nucleus, by Lee Seung-Jio, 1978
他们都出生于20世纪40年代初,就读于首尔的红木大学(Hongik University),经历了日本占领(大约)、朝鲜战争和1960年四月革命的结束。成立于1962年,起源学校对这场动荡的反应是坚持冷静、控制和基于系统的抽象。在韩国人对抽象表现主义的热情洋溢之后,崔顺实、苏和李,顾名思义,决意回归本真,发展自己的创作约束。
All were born in the early 1940s, studied at Hongik University in Seoul and lived through the end of the Japanese occupation (just about), the Korean War and the April Revolution of 1960. Pictured: exhibition view, showing works by Lee Seung-Jio
Instead of using a brush, Choi Myoung-Young paints with his fingers, making thousands of repeated fingerprints. Pictured: exhibition view, showing works by Choi Myong-Young
Pictured left: Sign of Equality 75–52, by Choi Myong-Young, 1975. Right: Sign of Equality 75–51, by Choi Myong-Young, 1975
After the hot and high emotion of the Korean take on abstract expressionism, Choi, Suh and Lee were determined, as the name suggests, on going back to basics and developing their own creative constraints. Pictured: exhibition view, showing works by Suh Seung-Won
Suh Seung-Won sends coloured triangles, squares and diamond shapes spinning across and off the canvas. Pictured: exhibition view, showing works by Suh Seung-Won
Pictured left: Simultaneity 88–910, by Suh Seung-Won, 1988. Right: Simultaneity 89–68, by Suh Seung-Won, 1989
Lee Seung-Jio plays, to hypnotic effect, with repeating perfectly rendered cylinders, or buzzing neon tubes. Pictured: exhibition view, showing works by Lee Seung-Jio
Pictured left: Nucleus 78–23, by Lee Seung-Jio, 1978. Right: Nucleus 85–1, by Lee Seung-Jio, 1985
keywords:Galerie Perrotin, Korea, Origin, New York, Choi Myoung-Young, Suh Seung-Won, Lee Seung-Jio
关键词:Galerie Perrotin,韩国,原产地,纽约,崔明扬,Suh Seung-won,Lee Seung-Jio