

The Macdonald Warehouse - A.K.A Entrepôt Macdonald - an over 600m-long Parisian trade logistics structure, has just been renovated by some of the leading names in contemporary French and international architecture. Pictured here, the develpment's central square and south facade. Photography: Cyrille Weiner
由Alkemade和比利时建筑师Xaveer de Geyter领导的协调小组建立了一套设计准则,帮助平衡了与创造性自由的一致性。面向北面的有秩序的林荫大道包含了马塞尔森林设计的混凝土格子,而南面,俯瞰新的火车站和未来的公共花园,意味着更为自然。
麦克唐纳仓库是一座真正的城市,它正在分阶段建成。人们已经搬进了许多住宅区。kengo kuma的学校和健身房,以及由Fran ois leclerc和marc mimram设计的通风良好的办公大楼,以及l‘auc-Djamel kLouche在这座超窄建筑中的学生住宅,已经全面运作,而底层商店和餐厅将在4月份入住。仅这些公寓楼就将为3000名居民提供住所,多达1万名用户和游客计划在工作时间内保持“Macdo”的生存。
Gigon/Guyer have been part of the project, creating the complex's building N3; seen here is the structure's internal facade. Photography: Philippe Ruault
The same building's exterior facade, pictured here. Photography: Philippe Ruault
A garden sits at the heart of the Entrepôt, seen here together with the building S2 by Brenac &Gonzalez. Photography: Stefan Tuchila
French architecture practice Stéphane Maupin & Partners has contributed to the project with the building S3. Photography: Stéphane Maupin
This sculptural facade belongs to the building N4 by Julien De Smedt Architects. Photography: Julien Lanoo
The building S7 by Hondelatte Laporte Architectes features an internal courtyard. Photography: Ronan Lacroix
keywords:Residential architecture, French architecture, Office architecture and design, Kengo Kuma
关键词:住宅建筑,法国建筑,办公建筑和设计,Kengo Kuma