

The New York gallery Luxembourg & Dayan is curently hosting ‘In the Making: Artists, Assistants, and Influence’ – a show tracing the link between artists and their (eventually famous) assistants. Pictured: Andy Warhol's Howdy Doody, 1981 (left) and George Condo's Television Silkscreen (Howdy Doody/Mr. Howell), 1998 (right)
与阿玛莉亚·达扬(Amalia Dayan)共同策划这部剧的塔玛·马加利特(Tamar Margalit)说,“我们想让一些在一位受人尊敬的艺术家的阴影下工作的助手借照片等更多东西,最终成为自己的主人。”
同样,乌尔斯·菲舍尔(Urs Fischer)的“超现实的身体部件”(Untitle,2006)展示了从耳朵到用聚氨酯和石膏制成的鼻子等各种东西,在画廊的上方盘旋。这件作品是与他的助手达伦·巴德(Dren Bader)拍摄的人体部分漂浮在太空的视频“对话”。
The formidable lineup includes Robert Gober, Richard Prince and Cindy Sherman, among the 20 artists represented. Pictured from left to right: Robert Gober's Plywood, 1987, Urs Fischer's Body Parts Untitled, 2006 and Banks Violette's Not Yet Titled (three chairs), 2010
‘We wanted to throw into relief how a number of assistants, who work under the shadow of a revered artist, borrow images and more while eventually becoming a master in their own right,’ says Tamar Margalit who curated this show with Amalia Dayan. Pictured: Alex Hubbard's Renoleftovers, 2016 (left) and Dan Crews' dance of the near distance, 2015 (right)
'This is just the tip of the iceberg,’ says Margalit. Pictured: Cindy Sherman (left) and Margaret Lee's Ceramic Pumpkin (two ways), 2016 (right)
A piece by Christopher Wool (left) sits alongside two works by Joel Shapiro, Untitled, 1983, (centre) and Untitled, 2015 (far right)
Ryan Sullivan's Untitled, 2016 (left) faces off with Ross Bleckner's Burn Painting, 2015 (right)
keywords:Luxembourg & Dayan, Andy Warhol, New York exhibitions