

© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)
Text description provided by the architects. Is there a project that is more demanding than designing your own office? Having a group of architects and interior designers pulling in different directions for design supremacy was always going to be a challenge.
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)
To avoid such a situation, the Melbourne studio embarked on a consultative workplace strategy to gather feedback from all staff who would be using the space. The feedback indicated an overarching desire to work collaboratively but also to enable social gatherings. While this set the planning principles for the fit-out, what was still missing was a conceptual vision for the project.
Mezzanine Floor Plan
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)
1st Level Floor Plan
正是在这一点上,设计团队考虑了费伦·阿德里亚(Ferran Adria)的简单而鼓舞人心的食谱,即家庭餐。这本书受到了传说中的El Bulli餐厅员工每天所吃的菜肴的启发,这本书聚焦于一天中最重要的时刻-厨师们聚在一起,交流想法和合作。
It was at this point the design team considered the simple and inspirational cookbook by Ferran Adria, The Family Meal. Inspired by the dishes eaten everyday by the staff at the legendary El Bulli restaurant, the book focuses on the most important time of the day - when the chefs come together to socialise, share ideas and collaborate.
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)
Woods Bagot Principal and design leader Bruno Mendes said the project deployed a sense of domesticity and familiarity. “The simple notion of coming together to share an experience drove our design concept to develop a central heart for the studio. We wanted to celebrate and foster the studio’s collective, collegiate spirit.”
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)
Based on the notion of gathering, the various formal and informal spaces within the studio were formed around a large central space at the core of the floorplate. Stitching together a variety of informal and formal workspaces, it also forms the main assembly space functioning as an open auditorium by connecting the two levels of the studio while providing a platform for invited speakers, movie nights and dancing on Friday nights. Its connection to the main staff lunch area and through to workspaces was critical to reinforce the social and collaborative agenda.
© Peter Bennetts
(Peter Bennetts)
Monumental in gesture and application, timber was the material of choice. Defining each of the key spaces within the studio, the timber weaves itself into natural steel plates which are used as transitional elements to define the various level changes. The physical result is a studio which is more akin to the nuances of ‘living’ as opposed to ‘working’.
Architects Woods Bagot
Location 498 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Category Offices Interiors
Area 2000.0 m2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Peter Bennetts
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