

To achieve this, the design converges two circulation routes at the building’s new point of entry, further complimented by usable art displays and foliage, including green walls. The circular form of the roof defines the event square, with ramps serving as outdoor seating and shelter from inclement weather.
© Urban Agency
© Urban Agency
With a particular focus on landscaping, the central multi-purpose outdoor square allows for a flexibility of uses, such as a skating rink, an exhibition space, or simply a resting area for visitors.
Issues of circulation and public flow are addressed by the varying ceiling heights, working in conjunction with the open floor plate. From the easily accessible entrance, visitors are directed through security and to their intended destination, such as the concert hall or central exhibition area.
© Urban Agency
Ideology Diagram. Image © Urban Agency
On the ground floor, programs include a leisure zone, waiting area, ticket offices, and washrooms, while the first floor features an externally accessible restaurant; a vantage point for views of the event square and exhibition hall.
In addition to the new building, a public promenade is intended to connect the building to the Museum of Time at the northern side of the MCH, which is yet to be realized.
Exhibition Square Diagram. Image © Urban Agency
Ice Skating Diagram. Image © Urban Agency
It is a backbone of the whole complex, which with its membrane roof and green landscape elements, creates a friendly public area where tired guests can purchase a snack, rest for a bit and then continue their visit, explained Urban Agency + Aarhus Arkitekterne.
Named the “River of Time”, the space will function as the primary axis of the complex, linking the exhibition halls together.
建筑师城市机构,奥胡斯阿基特涅设计团队,城市署,奥胡斯阿基切克特,马克斯博格,诺奎克特客户,MCH,Herning Kommune,RealDania地区5400.0平方米项目年,2017年城市局照片
Architects URBAN AGENCY, Aarhus Arkitekterne Design Team Urban Agency, Aarhus Arkitektern, Max Bögl, Norconsukt Clients MCH, Herning Kommune, Real Dania Area 5400.0 m2 Project Year 2017 Photographs Urban Agency
News via: Urban Agency.
Urban Agency and OUALALOU+CHOI Collaborate to Create an Adult Educational Desert Oasis