

Phillip Lim has opened his first concept boutique in the Arts District of Los Angeles
洛杉矶艺术区的菲利普·林(Phillip Lim)说,这对我来说是一切开始的地方,年轻、性感、自由的简单乐趣就在这里。
3.1 Phillip Lim概念店坐落在一个5000平方英尺的工业空间内,它是与建筑装饰和零售设计师凯特·麦卡洛(Kate McCullough)合作设计的,均位于纽约。在建筑物的木材拱形天花板下,表面被削平,用粉刷过的砖墙、抛光的混凝土和奶油色的地毯保持中性。透明的塑料窗帘是用来分隔空间的,而栏杆是由铜管道制成的,而粗糙的石头块则被用作显示基座。
为了与邻里的对话、社区和合作精神保持一致,这家新店将展示一系列志同道合的创意人员的艺术品和产品。与工作室最新的系列一起展出,购物者将从M Crow的普通商店帕特里克帕里什画廊的设计工作室设备、家具和物品中找到照明。
The new store will showcase artworks and product by a series of like-minded creatives
Lim worked with New York-based retail designer Kate McCullough and the architecture firm MR Architecture + Decor for the project
The space includes furniture and objects from New York-based Patrick Parrish Gallery among others
The 5,000 sq ft industrial space features neutral finishes, including polished concrete, cream-coloured carpet and plastic curtains
keywords:Retail Directory, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Apparatus
关键词:零售目录,3.1 Phillip Lim,器具