墨西哥 Polanco Plaza 商业项目

2021/08/31 08:00:00
墨西哥 Polanco Plaza 商业项目-0
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Humanity has detached itself from its essence, has cut off its natural roots, choosing to put aside footprints on the road and the swaying of its steps. The most natural exercise of the human being is walking, a symbol of humanity, this function unfortunately overshadowed by the use of the car, which has become the protagonist that guides contemporary constructions where in the search for efficiency and comfort they have lost their soul and identity , becoming merely functional and unitary spaces.
Polanco Plaza is a commercial project equipped with north-facing double-height premises, located in Colonia México, in the city of Mérida. In addition to being a container for different businesses, this project seeks a compromise, a balance between the two positions, giving vehicles their place without them invading or obstructing the pedestrian path, generating spaces for the human being and the pre-existing vegetation on the property.
In space there is rhythm, a harmony between the sun, wind and time. The fluid balance of the tree contrasts with the slow and patient movement of the building. A dance between a wise tree, which paints its shadows on the skin of the building that pretends to be something more than a canvas, a middle point that breaks the rigidity of the building with the organic reflection of the shadows.
A flamboyant tree welcomes its visitors; breaststroke vertical circulations, becoming the center of attention. It frames the main views, where the vegetation filters through the space, filling the facade with lights and shadows.
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