



The sculpture “Slaveship coming into the Land-with-Evils” was created after the trial of the "Mensalão", beginning the change in the helm of Brazilian civilization. It exhibited at the Supreme Court of justice (STJ) in the mythical June 2013, as a foresee of the historical process that now crystallizes in Brazil and the sculpture is a landmark that symbolizes the zeitgeist. In 2018 the sculpture was installed permanently on the ground of the STJ. (see Files)
“The internal construction of the building resembles a bay, open to the entrance of the ship. Brazil emerged on ships from Europe and Africa. The nave of the building as a ship and also as the central nave of Justice / Now the ship of justice, piloted by a black man (Joaquim Barbosa, 2013), among the black robes of justice / Justice as mast, pruning the forces of bad construction. The STJ Ship designed by Niemeyer - icon of modernity, integrity and construction of the new Brazil, in the heart of Justice, in the capital of the country. The origins of the Brazilian people arises from Africa and the Guarani dream in search of the Land-Without-Evils“. (see Guarani Cosmogony, Morphoses Manifesto).