科隆奇观花园——Kvadrat 呈现的室内设计盛宴

2016/01/22 17:29:00
Kvadrat has created a fort of colour – coined the 'Garden of Wonders' – for its stand at this year's IMM Cologne
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我们对KvaDRAT的可转换品质知道了一两件事,去年他们使用了他们迷人的五彩缤纷的收藏来装饰我们自己的壁纸*商场的入口。《奇幻花园》以更好玩的方式展示了它们的范围:悬挂在天花板上,沿着墙壁分层,最特别的是,被德国设计师Werner Aisslinger所设计的定制软垫舱。
里面和外面涂上了一片片的原色,小屋里有家具、纺织品百叶窗、圆形窗户和外面的自行车,呈现出一个舒适的、可居住的空间。“这是一小块建筑,在各种各样的织物上都是拼贴的。”艾斯斯林格解释说。(去年,这位设计师还为Sonedel Mobile的“神奇花园”做出了很大贡献。)
花园的其余部分都是新的系列,包括克里斯提安·祖祖纳加(Cristian Zuzunaga)的加泰罗尼亚风格的有机色调窗帘纺织品,以及阿姆斯特丹二人学院的几何图案。
The brand's textile ranges are presented hanging from the space's ceiling and layered along the walls among a smattering of foliage
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German designer Werner Aisslinger has created a bespoke upholstered cabin for the garden which includes furniture, textile shutters, a circular window and a bike outside
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Patchwork primary colours coat the inside and outside of the shelter. Aisslinger describes it as 'dressed as a collage in a wide range of fabrics'
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The rest of the garden is clad in new collections including Cristian Zuzunaga’s Catalan-inspired curtain textiles in organic hues; and geometrical vibrant prints from Amsterdam duo Scholten & Baijings, made in collaboration with Maharam
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Detail of the cabin's fabric shutters
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New products from Kvadrat's sister brands Danskina and Kinnasand were also celebrated in the space
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keywords:Kvadrat, Danish design and architecture, Scholten & Baijings, Global Fair Guide 2016
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