

LA's Blum & Poe is currently displaying 75 new works from ceramicist Shio Kusaka; from her iconic white porcelain vessels, to traditional Japanese stoneware, and every colour and form in between. Pictured: installation view
多年来,小坂无意中在船上雕刻和绘画,模仿草莓的形状和感觉,模仿阿格尼丝·马丁(Agnes Martin)绘画的网格,或模仿她孩子们的书中的恐龙,这在2014年惠特尼双年展上引起了轰动。“我在做我的表格,草莓,当我认为希腊锅可以是草莓…它真的打开了,”她说。
Over the years, Kusaka has carved and painted her vessels to mimic the shape and feel of strawberries, the grids of Agnes Martin paintings and dinosaurs from the pages of her children's books, which made a splash at the 2014 Whitney Biennial
Kusaka's 'summer section' features two large Greek strawberry vessels, a watermelon, two beach balls and a pair of bikini clad women — taken from 'tacky Venice Beach postcards' from the 1980s. Photography: Brian Forrest
In the adjoining gallery she gets whimsical with a procession of tiny porcelain animal figurines – cheetahs, tigers, dinosaurs, penguins, unicorns, and a few stoneware baboons – which she's been making for years with her children
Along a plywood runway topped with pink Formica, Kusaka investigates her geometric abstractions on super-sized vessels that curve around a corner toward the delicate pairing of a stovepiped stoneware pot and a white gourd-like Cypriot form
The pink road terminates in a forest of pots that mimic the grains of plywood from her studio and paintings by her partner Jonas Wood
keywords:Ceramics, New York exhibitions